Checklist to Set Up and Launch a Meeting The are ticklers and choices,not a prescription.
Plan Meeting Logistics
Q Room:available for t-up at_____;
Q Food:healthy,snacks,lunch,who is providing,place order,pick-up or delivered Q AV and PowerPoint equipment and extension cords
Q Eals:how many;whoʼs bringing?
Q Paper:8½by11white,blue,green,yellow,pink,flip chart tablets
Q Wall space:how much,pictures to be moved,
Q Masking tape or pins:OK on walls?
Q Markers:ba colors and highlights
Q Room temperature and ventilation:can we control?
Q Lighting and glare:can we control?
Q Tables:how many;arrangement?
小孩咳嗽厉害怎么快速止咳Q Chairs:how many;how uncomfortable are they?
Before the meeting
Q Tune the room!
Establish focal points in the room
Q Consider sunlight and acoustics
Hang Magic Wall(s)
Arrange chairs and tables
Q Allow space between chairs and between aisles
Q Put a curve in rows朋友的话
Q Set up refreshments.幼儿故事ppt
Q Hang directional signs
The following template provides a menu of possible warm-up comments and ticklers.The in-tentions and unique qualities of each meeting and group will guide your lection of appropri-ate warm-up elements.
Contract for Roles
Q My role is to help your work to be easier and more productive:often that means focusing your attention and conversation.I may need to interrupt you to do that.
Q Iʼll signal if I feel the need to change out of a neutral role.
Q Ask Do I have your permission to function in this role today?
Q As I understand it,your roles are____________________________
word删除空格Q Ask Are you willing and able to function in your roles today? Review the Letʼs Leave With List
Q Itʼs the focus of the meeting.
Q Everyone is encouraged to point out if we begin to wander from it.
Q Ask If we focus on this list,will it be a good u of our time? Preview the Agenda
Q If we can get ahead of schedule,we will.
Q If we get behind,Iʼll ask how you wish to revi the agenda or our adjournment time. Q Ask Is everyone willing to help us stay on track and on time?
Ask for Agreement on Things that will HELP our Work
Q Speak loudly so we can all hear and understand one another.
Q One person at a time.
Q Be open to open-ended thinking-if you are impatient for narrowing and decision-making,then breathe and relax until we get there.
Q Check for Understanding and Agreement-plea give me a sign.
Q Ask Do the work for everyone?
Ask for Agreement on Things that will HINDER our Work
Q Speeches-catch yourlf,or we will,or I will.
Q Cell phones and pagers ringing and causing people to leave the room.
Q Keeping your thoughts quiet until after the meeting.
Q Irrelevant,gooney facilitator games.
Q Ask Do the work for everyone?
简单有趣的绕口令Choo Decision-making Tools
Q If connsus,agree on a definition,such as:
Iʼll work to implement the idea even though I donʼt agree with it completely,or itʼs
not my first choice.If I have rious misgivings,I will speak up.
Q Vote.
Q Make a recommendation,and/or defer to a decision-maker.
Q Defer to a small group for further development.
Explain Tools Weʼll U
时间同步出错Q Magic Wall,with each of you writing your ideas on sheets of paper,then posting them for the group.
One idea/comment per sheet
U landscape format
Write with a marker in big,clear letters so we can read it from our chairs
I will hand out veral colors of paper to make it easier to keep track of topics.
Weʼll have short periods of silence for thinking and writing.
Q Popcorn format,or Round robin.
Q Parking Lot-to be ud for future meeting agendas.
Arrange for Comfort
Q Bathrooms are….
Q Refreshments-rve yourlf anytime.
Q Take care of your needs-stand,sit and move around.
Q HVAC control.
Q Lighting control.
Q Weather contingencies?
茶饼怎么喝Request Brief Introductions(sample questions)
Q Name,affiliation,town,etc.
What is one word that comes to mind as we get started today?
What question is on your mind as we begin?
Name a relevant skill,or a perspective,that you bring to this gathering.
What is something surprising we probably don't know about you?
When was the last time you did something for the first time?What was it?
What is your role–short term or long term–relative to the issue we are
addressing today?