主 题:对Unit 3会议记录(Minutes)知识点的补充
内 容:
1. Important & Difficult Points
1) The format of minutes of a meeting
2) Uful expressions for minutes of a meeting
2. Learning Contents(本课重点)
1) The u and requirements of minutes of a meeting
The minutes of a meeting are the official record of all business matters that happens at a meeting and writes down basic contents of a meeting so that we can further rearch work
and summarize the important experience for the future. So the minutes are required to:
a. Keep accurate: Write down others’ speech accurately. No matter whether it is the detailed record or outline record, the original meaning must be faithful and we can’t add our personal view or opinion.
b. Keep main points: Whether it should be detailed or simple depends on the importance of decision. Generally speaking, we should take down the views of important resolving and proposing concretely. For some general explanations, it is enough to catch the simple meaning. In a word, it is necessary for us to keep main points whether the decision is important or not.
c. 2尺5是多少厘米Remain the same from the beginning to the end: This means that the minutes recorders must write down the main points responsibly and riously from the beginning to the end.
a. 准确:要如实地记录别人的发言,不论是详细记录,还是概要记录,都必须忠实原意,不得添加记录者的观点、主张。
b. 要点不漏:记录得详细与简略,要根据情况而定。一般地说,决议、建议、问题和发言人的观点、论据材料等要求记得具体、详细。一般情况的说明,可抓住要点,略记即可。
c. 始终如一:这是指记录人从会议开始到会议结束都要认真负责,贯穿始终。
2) The format of minutes of a meeting
The format of minutes of a meeting is uncomplicated and usually includes four parts: the heading of the meeting, the basic situation of the meeting, the body of minutes and the ending.
a. The heading of the meeting usually includes: the name of the meeting; the time, date; the place of the meeting and the chairperson.
b. The basic situation of the meeting includes: attendees, abntees, agenda and minutes recorder.
c. The body of minutes is the main part of minutes, including reports by officers, old and new business, solutions, the date and agenda of next meeting, the names of tho who make motions and tho who make cond motions, the results of all votes, adjournment time, etc.
d. The usual ending consists of the complimentary clo respectfully submitted, the handwritten and typewritten signature of the minutes recorder.
Of cour, you can omit some parts of them according to the character of different meetings.
After the minutes have been transcribed in rough draft form, the chairperson, who will make changes, as considered necessary before they are distributed to members, should review them.
a. 会议标题通常包括会议名称,开会日期与时间,开会地点以及开会主持人。
黄金莲 b. 会议基本情况包括会议出席人,缺席人,议事日程以及会议记录人。
c. 会议记录正文是会议记录的主要部分,包括各位领导的报告、新旧业务、决议、下次会议的召开日期和议事议程、提议人、附议人姓名、表决结果以及休会时间等。
d. 通常结尾部分为结尾礼词Respectfully submitted,记录人的手写和打字签名。
Sample 1
Minutes of the Third Meeting of Senate
Friday, November 12, 2004
ITEC Lecture Theater, Robertson Library, 3:00 pm
(the presiding officer: R. Gordon)
Attendees: L. Bate, D. Buck, E. Cody, K. Crotches, P. Curley,
D. Dan, M. Doyle, R. Gordon, L. Hale, S. Jones
R. Kraal, S. Lee, S. Locus, Prof. Moran, R. Gordon
R. MacDonald, M. Euchre, K. Smyth, Liz Spangler, Bill Andrew
Ryan, D. Ryan, K. Schultz, D. Sealer, J. Sentences, S. Simpson,
E. Spangler, K. Tether, J. Velaidum, B. Wagner, Vienna Timmons
Abntees: G. Bradshaw, G. Irvine, K. Papal, C. Keen
Agenda: 1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approving minutes for meeting
4. Business arising
5. Some reports
6. Date for next meeting
7. Adjournment
Minutes recorder: V. Timmons
The Chair added an item under Business Arising that will be a Report from the Chancellor’s Electoral Board.
It was noted that on page 3 of the minutes, in the cond paragraph, line 2 of the Second Report of the Academic Review and Planning Committee, the word “proscribed” should read, “prescribed”.
茶的英语1) Membership of the University Review Committee (URC)
The Chair asked Prof. Moran to speak to this since the Secretary of Senate was not prent. 青年雷锋Prof. Moran spoke that he and K. Smyth met and created a list of potential candidates, as there are some criteria that need to be met1. L. Hale asked if they were getting clo to a full slate for membership2. Prof. Moran indicated that the process required a list of faculty who were eligible. This took longer than expected to receive the list. The Chair asked James if there would be a call put out the first of the week to invite further interest. He will meet with K. Smyth on Monday to move this forward.