Board Meeting
15/08/2018 10:00 - 14:00
Attendees Bob Smith, Connie Nielson, Dawn Smith, Edward Arroyo, Fatima Campbell, Kara Martinez, Liam Pettit, Ulrik Merrild, Will Baker
Location Boardroom
10:00-10:50 1.CALL TO ORDER
The Chair announces the official start of the meeting and
makes welcoming announcements
The Acting Chair welcomed the Board members to the meeting.
Declaration of conflicts / recusals
There were no declarations of conflicts or recusals in relation to the meeting agenda.
Gifts and hospitality
There were no declarations of gifts or hospitality offered or accepted in relation to Board members
The Chair reviews the list of attendees and guests
Dawn Smith, Finance Controller
Will Baker, Chief Financial Officer
Minutes from the last meeting are read aloud. Any objections made
or changes requested by the group are noted as potential changes.
Approval of past meeting minutes
Participants:Yes: 7 (100%)No: 0 (0%)
Bob Smith
Connie Nielson
Fatima Campbell
Kara Martinez
Liam Pettit
Ulrik Merrild
Will Baker
The Board approved the April 2018 Board minutes.
The Board also reviewed the recent Executive Committee (XCo) minutes from 9 and 18 April, the Ca and Policy Committee (CPC) minutes from 14 March and 18 April, and the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) minutes from 27 March 2018. 3.
Each member gives a small report of what had happened in
there department/ committee since that last time a board
meeting was held.
The Chief Executive updated the Board on major news items and provided an overview of existing work.
Dawn Smith
Update on the Ministerial letter of 8th February which concluded the review of the ETF and then invited trustees to share queries and obrvations. The Board discusd the benefits of multi-year funding and the content and tone of the Minister’s letter.
Fatima Campbell
Future Apprenticeships programme ending and questioned whether this could be en as AAF not adhering to what it was t up to do.
Dawn Smith
I expresd a very clear view that the cessation of funding for this area was unwi and very disappointing. I confirmed that we will continue to provide support for the ITPs and others delivering apprenticeships and had as a very high priority pursuing further support in this area. It was emphasid by trustees that it needed to continue to focus on support for the whole of the training ctor, which the Training Needs Analysis will assist with.
The Board thanked the CEO for this prentation.
Kara Martinez
The Board received the draft 2018-19 budget, introduced by the Chair of the Finance & Resources (F&R) Committee. The F&R Committee had reviewed the budget in detail and recommended it to the Board. The Director of F&R confirmed that 2018-19 would be a year of transformation and change. The Board noted that top line income was down 37% at £16.5m, reflecting the grants were not being continued after March 2018.
Connie Nielson
The budget showed a £179k deficit for 2018-19 becau, in line with agreed budgeting guidelines, until additional bid income is won it will not recover all its fixed overhead. We had invested rerves in various programmes in 2017-18 and the budget reflected that it might be necessary to invest in 18-19 to cure commercial growth. The Board discusd whether it would be better to t Business Development an income target, albeit offt by a contingency line elwhere.
The Board questioned the modest level of spending classified as ‘communications’. The Director of F&R reassured members that communications activity in the broadest n was financed through a number of lines, including the value AAD receives from being rooted in the ctor.
The Board suggested how it might put a value on that support. The Government restrictions on communication spend from grant were noted. The Board questioned what support AAD would provide for apprenticeships. The Executive assured the Board that AAD would continue workforce support around apprenticeships. He recommended against deploying the rerves on one-off short-term extension to any programme. The Board has previously established guidelines that rerves sh
ould only be ud for investment and not to support the delivery of specific programmes.
Board approval of draft budget for 2018-19
Participants:Yes: 5 (71%)No: 2 (29%)
Bob Smith
Connie Nielson
Edward Arroyo
Fatima Campbell
Kara Martinez
Liam Pettit
Ulrik Merrild
The Board approved the draft budget for 2018-19
Bob Smith
Reminder to all Directors that they have a duty to avoid a situation in which they have, or may have, a conflict of interest with tho of the company. This requirement is very broad and such a situation could ari where a director is a major shareholder in the company; where a director owes duties to different entities within a group; or has cross directorships with a supplier or customer of the company
There was nothing to report
Usually open to the floor for items that were not in the agenda
but came up during the meeting
The CEO provided an overview its current position, and gave updates of other business. The Board noted that it had cured a new annual grant of £13.6m from the government. The CEO noted that the equivalent starting point last year had been £0.9m higher. He explained that various elements of the grant were higher or lower this year, but that the net reduction was accounted for by the ending of the £1.5m programme.
Appointment of the external auditor
The Chair of the Audit and Performance Committee outlined the external audit tender process. The Board noted that the tender specification was published and nine respons were received. The shortlisted four audit companies were interviewed on Fri 16 Feb. The Chair of the A&P Committee confirmed that following full deliberation, considering the tender submission, interview performance
The Board agreed to recommend the appointment of external auditor for 2018- 19 to the Founding Members.
The Board agreed to keep its decision confidential until it had been communicated to the incumbent audit company.
Time of next meeting is also announced
a什么意思Tasks Summary
Task Due Date Owner Project Completion Priority
31/08/2018Will Baker0%
Formali the approved draft
好的春联budget and distribute to