champigny-sur-marne, urban collage
委托人:Paris Habitat
项目地点:法国 巴黎
建筑面积:9 000m2
摄影:Paul Raftery、Florent Guillaume
At Champigny-sur-Marne, respect of the context and the refusal to interpret it led us to take a unique position. The site is a grand enmble that was built in the 1970's: a large zone of housing filled with towers and multi-story housing blocks near the old town center. The program asked for an urban renewal plan bad on a new town center with shops and housing.
Assuming that the city is a complex body, we superimpod elements found on site: townhous at the ba, a housing block from the 1950's in the middle, and on the roof, single family homes. We organized them as archetypes to be read from bottom to top. The complexity of this project lies in the vertical superposition of the structural elements, shifting the three typologies independently.
爱德华·弗朗索瓦毕业于巴黎国立艺术学校和国立路桥学校,自1986年以来一直从事建筑师和城市规划师的工作。他于1998年成立了集建筑设计和城市规划于一体的工作室。他在职业生涯中完成了各种类型的项目,其中包括蒙彼利埃的“生长中的建筑”(2000年)和巴黎的“花塔”(2004年)。爱德华·弗朗索瓦曾在世界很多高校任教,包括伦敦AA建筑学院、巴黎建筑学校和埃因霍温设计学院。他的一些作品被蓬皮杜中心和法国当代艺术基金会中心永久收藏,并且经常在国际性的一些艺术机构展出。此外,他的作品还曾在德国、比利时、黎巴嫩、印度、巴西和中国展览。2011年,爱德华·弗朗索瓦获得“年度创新奖”,同时由于其为国际建筑界做出的卓越贡献当选为英国皇家建筑学院的荣誉成员(RIBA 研究员)。2012年,他被法国文化部长授予“文学艺术先锋”的荣誉称号。爱德华·弗朗索瓦的建筑作品反映了当代社会的发展趋势。可持续发展、利用当地材料、服务、保护和巩固既有建筑等理念都是其作品中反复出现的主题。这些理念不仅通过强劲而耳目一新的提议得以表达,更根植于作品本身之中。2012年,他为工作室注入了新鲜的血液,并将其改名为 “爱德华·弗朗索瓦之家”。Alumnus of the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Edouard François has been an architect and urban planner since 1986. He established his own architectural, urban planning, and design studio in 1998. His career was launched with various projects, including “The Building that Grows” in Montpellier (2000) and the “Flower Tower” in Paris (2004). Edouard François has taught in schools around the world, including the Architectural Association in London, the EcoleSpécialed’ Architecture in Paris and the Design Academy in Eindho
ven. His work can be found in the permanent collections of the Pompidou Centre and the FRAC Centre, and has been regularly exhibited internationally. His work has also been exhibited in Germany, Belgium, Lebanon, India, Brazil, and China. In 2011, Edouard François was elected Creator of the Year and the Royal Institute of British Architects also named him an honorary member for his contribution to international architecture (Int. Fellow RIBA). In 2012, he was named Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Minister of Culture. The architecture of Edouard François reflects the tendencies of contemporary society. Sustainable development, the utilization of local materials and rvices, and the prervation and enhancement of existing buildings are all recurrent themes in his work. They are expresd through strong and unexpected proposals that still remain rooted in their context. In 2012, Edouard François has given fresh impetus to his studio, now named Maison Edouard François en italic.
François 爱德华·弗朗索瓦