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王尚文授课题目(章、节)花花草草 | Unit 2 Price and Payment | |
教学内容及重点难点: 1. 掌握价格和付款方面的相关术语。 2. 掌握关于价格和付款的口译常用句型。 3. 熟悉并掌握即席演讲的技巧。 | ||
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Section 2 Paragraph Interpretation Words & Expressions Preview 金融崩溃 financial collap 通缩 deflation Chine-English Interpretation (1) 定单油价正逼近每桶150美元的水平。就在全球正担心金融崩溃以及随之而来的通缩风险之际,世界上最重要的大宗商品价格在过去一年翻了一番。以实际价值计算,目前的油价水平比1981年高出25%——那一年是第二次石油危机的高峰时期。 The price of oil is clo to $150 a barrel. While the world is worrying about the risks of financial collap and ensuing deflation, the price of the world's most important commodity has doubled over the past year In real terms, the price of oil is now 25 per cent higher than that in 1979, which was at the peak of the cond oil shock. Chine-English Interpretation (2) 如果预期实际油价的上涨幅度将超过替代资产的回报率,生产者就不会开采石油。因此决定当前价格的,是预期的未来价格。最重要的推动因素是新兴国家(尤其是中国)需求的预期增长情况,以及对替代能源供应的担忧。中国经济的迅速增长及其资源高度密集型的增长方式,是最重要的因素。 Producers will leave oil in the ground if the ri in real oil prices is expected to be faster than the return on the alternative asts. What determines the current price then is the expected future price. The most important drivers have been the prospective growth in the demand of emerging countries, particularly China, and gloom about alternative sources of supply. China's rapid and highly resource-intensive growth is the most important factor. Words & Expressions Preview Nominal domestic demand 名义国内需求 Accelerate 加速 Combined increa 增长总和 English-Chine Interpretation (1) The increa last year in Bric countries' (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nominal domestic demand was larger than the combined increa in the old economies. This year, although old-economy domestic demand growth may slow, if we include likely Bric demand growth in the equation, global demand will accelerate. 金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国)去年的名义国内需求增长超过了老牌经济体的增长总和。今年,尽管老牌经济体的国内需求也许会放缓,但如果我们在等式中加入金砖四国可能的需求增长,全球需求的增长将会加速。 English-Chine Interpretation (2) In dollar terms. Chine final domestic demand grew 8 percent more than US demand last year and is likely to ri 20 percent more in the current year. Simply put, Chine demand growth is much more important to the global supply-demand balance than US demand growth. However, some Chine economists are concerned that the rapid increa of Chine RMB's value may, to some extent, threaten its economic development. 按美元计算,去年中国最终的国内需求比美国多增长了8%,而今年可能还会再多增长20%。简言之,对全球供需平衡而言,中国的需求增长比美国重要得多。但是,中国的一些经济学家担心,人民币的快速升值可能会在一定程度上影响中国经济的发展。 Section 3 Passage Interpretation English-Chine Interpretation World Trade Grows, But Slows 不完美的人生世界贸易增长放缓 The World Trade Organization's (WTO) annual report finds world-trade growth slowed t0 5.5 percent in 2007 from 8.5 percent the year before. WTO predicts global trade growth will continue to slow this year. 世界贸易组织发表的一份年度报告称,世界贸易增长从2006年的8.5%减慢到2007年的5.5%。世贸组织预计,2008年的全球贸易增长将继续放慢。 The World Trade Organization says the global financial crisis is having a negative impact on world trade. But, it says the results are uneven, with the wealthier countries generally doing wor than the poorer countries. 世贸组织说,全球的金融危机正在对世界贸易产生负面影响。不过,世贸组织说,影响结果并不平衡,总体来说富有国家比贫穷国家情况更糟。 The report says the financial market turbulence has considerably reduced economic growth projections for some major developed markets and has clouded the prospects for world trade next year. It says the U.S. subprime mortgage and banking cris are likely to further depress global trade growth. 报告指出,金融市场的动荡在很大程度上减少了一些主要发达市场的经济增长预测,给明年的世界贸易前景蒙上阴影。报告说,美国的次贷危机和银行业危机可能会使全球贸易增长陷入进一步的衰退。 It expects economic growth in the United States will be flat this year and will have repercussions elwhere, especially in Europe tater in the year. 世贸组织预计,今年美国的经济增长乏力,并将影响其他地方,尤其是今年晚些时候将波及欧洲。 WTO nior economist. Michael Finger. says the strength of the oil and commodity prices is another worrying factor. 世贸组织资深经济学家迈克尔·芬格对记者说,另外一个令人担忧的因素是石油和商品价格的坚挺。 "The oil importing countries will have to adjust ro the much higher cost of energy and this erodes the purchasing power of consumers and increas the cost for business and this will have a further adver effect," he said. 他说:“石油进口国必须做出调整,适应更高的能源成本,因为这侵吞了消费者的购买力,增加了商业成本,并将产生进一步的反作用。” The WTO reports world trade will continue to slow markedly next year, but not all regions will suffer. It notes Mexio and Canada, which are clost to the United States. will feel the brunt of the slowdown. But repercussions will be smaller among European countries that trade with each other. 世贸组织的报告说,明年的世界贸易将显著放缓,但并非所有地区都受到影响。报告说,离美国最近的墨西哥和加拿大将首当其冲受到美国经济放缓的影响,但对相互进行贸易的欧洲国家的影响将较小。 WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy acknowledges the global economy is going through an uncertain and difficult period. But, he warns protectionist policies surfacing in some countries are no solution to the problems. He says a reinforced trading system is an esntial anchor for economic stability and development. 世贸组织干事长帕斯卡尔·掩米承认,全球经济正经历着不确定性和困难的时期。不过他警告说,一些国家正在出现的保护主义政策解决不了目前的问题。他说,强化的贸易体系是经济稳定和发展的必不可少的基石。 Chine-English Interpretation 食品安全要靠自由贸易 Only Free Trade Can Guarantee Real Food Security 由于最近全球市场供应明显短缺引起价格上涨,英国政府对食品安全深表担忧。不过,虽然相应提高农业产出是明智的,但并不能从安全角度得到证明。 lor歌词The British government is concerned about food curity becau of the recent escalation of prices caud by the apparent shortage of supply in the global market. But while it makes n to increa agricultural outputs responsibly, this cannot be justified on the grounds of curity 目前,英国的粮食自给率约为60%,其余40%主要由因气候因素无法在英国种植的作物组成。由于限制进口的保护主义壁垒,在1846年以前,英国实际上是自给自足的。但罗伯特皮尔爵士领导的政府打破了这种局面,废除《谷物法》,允许廉价粮食进入英国,以养活快速增饫的城市人口。自给率稳步下降,至1939年时,仅为不足40%。二战后,英国农业产出稳步上升,到上世纪70年代,英国农民所占市场份额从40%提升至70%的最高水平。这种结果是在保护主义壁垒下实现的。加入欧洲经济共同体时,英国农民在鼓励下生产了大量余粮,然后不得不在世界市场进行倾销。欧盟后来实施了产量限制,一些土地不再进行作物生产。结果,英国的自给率降至目前的60%一一依然处于较高的历史水平。 oday Britain is about 60 per cent lf-sufficient in food production. Much of the remaining 40 per cent is made up of crops that could not be grown here for climatic reasons. Until 1846 Britain was virtually lf-sufficient, thanks to protectionist barriers that restricted imports. But the were slashed by the government of- Sir Robert Peel when he repealed the Corn Laws, thereby allowing cheap food into the country to feed the rapidly expanding urban population. Self-sufficiency declined steadily and was less than 40 per cent by 1939. After the war agricultural output ro steadily, and British farmers incread their market share from 40 per cent to a peak of 70 per cent in the 1970s. This was achieved behind protectionist barriers. When Britain joined the European Economic Community its farmers were encouraged to produce large surplus, which had to be dumped on the world's markets. The European Union then impod production restraints, taking land out of crop production. Conquently British lf-sufficiency declined to 60 per cent today - still a high figure in historic terms. 如果英国单方面决定将自给率提升至70%一75%,它就只能重新引入国家保护主义壁垒,限制廉价进口。而此时,世界其他国家和地区都在寻求削减农业补贴。如果实施这项政策,英国就只能退出欧盟,从而带来影响深远的经济后果。 If Britain, unilaterally, decided to increa this to 70-75 per cent it would have to reintroduce national protectionist barriers to restrict cheap imports. This would come as the rest of the world is eking to reduce subsidies. If this policy were pursued Britain would have to withdraw from the EU, with profound economic conquences. 然而,在欧洲市场一体化的背景下,英国的自给率实际更高:它能够以零关税从南欧购买因气候原因无法在本国种植的水果和蔬菜。欧盟是粮食净出口国。 In the context of the European single market, however, Britain is much more lf-sufficient, being able to purcha tariff-free fruit and vegetables from southern Europe which would not grow here becau of the climate. The EU is a net exporter of food. 一旦的近义词不过,尽管食品安全不是英国或欧洲的问题,却是许多发展中国家和地区的问题。由于价格飙升,埃及和菲律宾等粮食净进口大国均面临经济和政治危机。要解决供给不足的问题,欧盟在实施多年的限制后增加产出是明智的。 However, while food curity is not a British or European issue, it is in many parts of the developing world. Countries such as Egypt and the Philippines, large net importers of food, face economic and political cris as a result of soaring prices. It makes n for the EU to increa output after years of restraint to address the shortfall. 可以立即采取的措施有三个:应当废除所有对产量的限制措施;应当紧急重审将土地用途从粮食转为生物燃料的计划;应当扭转粮食研究支出的下滑趋势。 Three initiatives could be launched immediately. All restraints on production should be abandoned. Plans to switch Iand from food to biofuels should be urgently reviewed. FinaIly, the downward trend in expenditure on food rearch should be reverd. 较富裕的国家可以以各种方式做出反应。它们可以向较贫穷的邻国提供资金,使其能够充分利用现有技术;建设至关重要的基础设施,用于贮水和成功贮藏收获的作物;投资转基因食品等新技术的研究,以生产能抵御极端天气的作物。 Richer countries can respond in various ways. They can provide funds to their poorer neighbors to enable them to exploit existing technology, create vital infrastructure for the conrvation of water and successful storage of harvested crops and invest in rearch into new technologies, such as genetically modified foods, to produce crops that can cope with weather extremes. 优先考虑的重点,不应当是重新采取食品安全拥护者提出的保护主义措施,而是减少食品贸易壁垒,让那些必须进口的国家(包括英国和许多发展中国家)能从别处迅速购买自己的必需品,而不会遭到惩罚。 Rather than return to protectionism, which is what tho championing food curity are suggesting, the priority should be to reduce barriers to trade in food, to enable tho countries that have to import (including Britain and many in the developing world) to purcha their needs from elwhere, expeditiously and without penalty. Interpretation Skill 即席演讲 Impromptu Speech 口译是以口头形式将信息从一种语言形式转换成另一种语言形式并表达出来的交际活动。译员服务的对象是发言人和听众,自己既是听众又是讲话者,所以从发卢、英汉语言篇章、灵活应变的角度熟悉并应 用公共演讲的技能,应该在口译培训的初级阶段就得以强化。首先让学生观摩典型的汉语和英语演讲,了解口译工作的现场,然后让学生围绕题目分别做汉语和英语即席演讲,让其他学生传译,练习时应注意: 1.发言时吐字清晰,声音洪亮悦耳,音量适中,可参照腹部呼吸法发声训练。 2无需慷慨陈词,但是听起来一定要态度亲切、自然坦诚,保持与听众的目光交流。 3.口译时一般用第一人称,但是在同时担任会谈双方的译员时需每次指明发言者身份。 4.确保听众能听懂自己的讲话,速度在每分钟90-160词之间,听众鼓掌或哄笑时适当停顿,说到专有名词和头衔时应稍稍放慢速度,力求准确;察言观色,根据听众反映判断译语是否正确。 5.作口译时少用或不用手势;即兴发言时难免有口误甚至被人纠正错误,这时应表现出良好素养,不做鬼脸,不皱眉头,虚心接受批评,立即改正。 退职待遇Homework 1. Preview the words and Expressions in the Next Unit. 2. 就“Honesty Is the Best Policy for the Success of a Business”和 “怎样成为优秀的管理者”为题分别做英语和汉语的即席演讲。 | ||
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