一般现在时例句 纵观中国电子商务十二年发展史,按照或从国外引入或本土原创开始起步、遭遇互联网泡沫寒冬、“非典”后的回暖,以及随之而来的快速发展,到金融危机下的调整与转型,大致可分为以下五个发展阶段。
一介匹夫 数据:据中国B2B研究中心调查显示:在目前已经成立的电子商务网站当中,有5.2%创办于20世纪90年代。该阶段无疑是我国电子商务的萌芽与起步时期。
Years of Chine history of the development stage of e-commerce division and character
(A) the stage of the development of electronic commerce division and pha characteristics
Throughout the years the history of Chine e-commerce, in accordance with, or introduced from abroad or local original started, hit the Internet bubble in the winter, "atypical pneumonia" after the pick up, and the subquent rapid development of the adjustment of the financial crisis and the transformation can be divided into the following five stages of development.
(A) of the germination and initial stage (1997-1999):
Characteristics: industry-recognized argument is that the first batch of the founder of e-commerce site began in 1997 during the initial three years. The introduction of new Internet concept was inspired by the first batch of the new economy entrepreneurs, they think will be the traditional u of the Internet for trade information exchange and dismination of business opportunities. Thus, from 1997 to 1999, Meishang Wang, China Chemical Network, 8848, Alibaba, eBay, and other well-known e-commerce website Dangdang has emerged.
Data: According to the China B2B Rearch Center survey shows: in the current e-comm
erce website has been established among them, founded in the 20th century, 5.2% 90. This pha of e-commerce in China is undoubtedly the emergence and early days.
(B) frozen and adjustment period (2000-2002):
Features :2000-2002, the Internet bubble burst in the background, the development of e-commerce has also been verely affected the confidence of entrepreneurs experienced rious challenges, especially in some rely heavily on foreign investment in "blood", and have yet to find its own profit model with "blood" feature of business, experienced a vere test of Ice and Fire. Thus, including the 8848, Meishang Wang, Alibaba e-commerce sites, including well-known stage into the cruel winter, and rely on "Member + advertising" model of industry site cluster, the most achieved a collective profit to survive the most Internet difficult "cold" period.
Data: According to the China B2B Rearch Center survey shows: In this three-year e-commerce site created less than 12.1% of the total number of existing sites. No doubt, the stage is frozen and adjustment of the period of e-commerce.
(C) recovery and warmer period (2003-2005):
华为手机如何连接电脑传照片Features: e-commerce experience trough in 2003, a sudden "SARS", there has been rapid recovery to pick up some e-commerce sites also experienced a bubble burst, more cautious, pragmatic and low-cost operating profit model to treat .
Data: According to the China B2B Rearch Center survey shows: the total number of e-commerce sites are currently available the total number of 30.1% cent of the existing site, the application of e-commerce companies are significantly increasing the number of members in 2003, especially as a lot of B2B e-commerce site site " balance of revenue ", the stage of e-commerce in China is undoubtedly the frozen and adjustment.