1. 气候 Climate
2. 北极气候 arctic climate
3. 赤道气候 equatorial climate
4. 大旱 rious drought
5. 大气辐射 atmospheric radiation
6. 大气候 macroclimate
7. 大气环流 atmospheric circulation/ general circulation of atmosphere
8. 大气湿度 atmospheric moisture
9. 大气污染 atmospheric pollution
10. 大气压 atmospheric pressure
11. 多雨气候 rainy climate
12. 多云 cloudy
13. 风季 wind ason
14. 副热带冬季干旱气候 sub-tropical dry climate
15. 副热带湿润气候 sub-tropical humid climate
16. 干旱 drought
17. 干燥气候 arid climate/ dry climate
18. 高地气候 highland climate
19. 高山高原气候 plateau climate
20. 古气候 paleoclimate
21. 海滨气候 littoral climate
22. 海啸 tsunami
23. 海洋性气候 marine climate/ maritime climate/ ocean climate
24. 寒潮 cold wave
25. 寒带 frigid zone
26. 寒流 cold current
27. 旱季 dry ason
28. 旱周期 period of drought
29. 梅雨 mould rains/ plum rains
30. 积温 accumulated temperature/ cumulative temperature
31. 极地冰原气候 polar ice field climate
32. 极地高山气候 polar mountainous climate
33. 极地气候 polar climate
34. 极地苔原气候 polar moss climate
35. 季风气候 monsoon climate
36. 酷暑 scorching
37. 冷气团 cold air mass
38. 梅雨季节 plum rain ason
39. 闷热 sultry/ stuffy
40. 沙漠气候 dert climate
41. 泥石流 mud-rock flow
42. 暖流 warm current
43. 气候图 climate map
44. 气候学家 climatologist
45. 晴天 clear
46. 秋老虎 old wives’ summer/autumnal summer heat
47. 热带草原气候 tropical grassy climate
48. 成全歌词热带多雨气候 tropical rainy climate
49. 热带风暴 tropical storm
50. 热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate
51. 热带季风气候 tropical monsoon climate
52. 热带气候 tropical climate
53. 热带气旋 tropical cyclone storm/ tropical revolving storm
54. 热带沙漠气候 tropical dert climate
55. 热带雨林气候 tropical rainforest climate
56. 热对流 thermal convection
57. 热辐射 emission of heat/ heat radiation/ thermal radiation
58. 热浪 heat wave/ hot wave
59. 人工气候室 psychrometric room/ phytotron
60. 人造气候 artificial climate
61. 三伏天 dog days
62. 森林气候 forest climate
63. 山地气候 mountain climate
64. 闪电 lightning/ bolt
65. 生物气候 bioclimate主人英文
66. 湿季 wet ason
67. 湿热天气 sticky weather
68. 湿润气候 humid/ moist climate
69. 室内小气候 cryptoclimate
70. 苔原气候 damp climate
71. 太阳辐射 solar radiation
72. 温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate
73. 温带大陆性气候 temperate continental climate
74. 温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate
75. 温带海洋性气候 temperate marine climate
76. 温带季风气候 temperate monsoon climate
77. 温带阔叶林气候 temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest climate
78. 温带气候 temperate climate
79. 温带沙漠气候 temperate rainforest climate
80. 西伯利亚寒流 Siberian cold current
81. 相同气候 homoclimate
82. 小气候 mocroclimate
83. 汛期 flood ason/ high water ason
84. 亚寒带气候 sub-glacial zone climate
85. 亚热带草原气候 sub-tropical grassy climate
86. 亚热带地中海气候 sub-tropical Mediterranean
87. 亚热带季风气候 sub-tropical monsoon climate or Etesian climate
88. 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate
89. 亚热带沙漠气候 sub-tropical dert climate
90. 严寒 bitter cold/ vere cold/ frostiness
91. 沿海气候 coastal climate
92. 阴天 overcast/ cloudy day
曼娜回忆录原文93. 永冻气候 eternal frost climate/ climate of eternal frost
94. 雨林气候 rainforest climate
台风 Typhoon
95. 尘暴 dust storm
96. 尘卷 dust devil
97. 尘旋 dust whirl
98. 大风警报 gale warning
99. 大风沙 sand storm
100. 大风信号 gale cones/ gale signal
101. 风 wind
102. 穿堂风 draught
103. 顶头风 head wind
104. 反信号 rever trade wind
105. 风向 wind direction
106. 风眼 eye of a storm
107. 和风 breeze
108. 恒风 constant wind
109. 疾风 gusty wind
110. 季风 monsoon
111. 飓风 hurricane
112. 厉风 vere gale
113. 龙卷风 tornado
114. 陆风 land wind
115. 摩梭陆龙卷风 landspout/ tornado
116. 逆风 contrary wind/ adver wind
117. 强台风 violent typhoon
118. 热风 hot wind
119. 飒飒风声 sough
120. 沙暴 sandstorm/ saltation
121. 沙卷风 dert devil/ sand whirl
122. 山风 mountain wind
123. 顺风 fair wind/ tail wind/ favorable wind
124. 顺转风 veering wind
125. 台风 typhoon
126. 微风 breeze
127. 向岸风 on-shore wind
128. 信风 trade wind
129. 旋风 whirlwind/ cyclone
130. 贼风 draught/ draft
131. 阵风 gust of wind
132. 风暴 wind storm
133. 风害 wind burn
134. 风级 wind force scale
135. 风力 strength of wind/ wind force
136. 风力等级 beaufort/ Beaufort Wind Scale
137. 0级无风 clam
138. 1级软风 light air
139. 2级轻风 light breeze
140. 3级微风 gentle breeze
141. 4级和风 moderate breeze
142. 5级清劲风 fresh breeze
143. 6级强风 strong breeze
144. 7级疾风 near gale/ moderate gale
145. 8级大风 fresh gale
146. 9级烈风 strong gale
147. 10级狂风 storm/ whole gale
148. 11级暴风 violent storm
149. 12级飓风 hurricane
150. 风速 wind speed/ wind velocity
151. 台风警报 typhoon warning
云 Cloud
152. 波状云 wave cloud/billow cloud
153. 层积云 stratocumulus (Sc)
154. 任务栏颜色怎么改层云 stratus (St)
155. 成层云 stratiformis
156. 淡云 humilis
157. 多云 cloudy
158. 复云 duplicatus
159. 高层云 altostratus (As)
160. 高积云 altocumulus (Ac)
161. 高云 high cloud/ high-level cloud
162. 虹 rainbow
163. 积层云 cumulostratus
164. 积雨云 cumulonimbus (Cb)
165. 积云 cumulus (Cu)
166. 卷层云 cirrostratus (Cs)
167. 卷叠积云 cumulocirrus
168. 卷积云 cirrocumulus (Cc)
169. 卷毛云 fleecy cloud
170. 卷云 cirrus (Ci)
171. 雷电云 thunder cloud
172. 密厚云 spissatus
173. 蘑菇云 mushroom cloud
174. 浓云 congestus
175. 暖云 warm cloud
176. 少云 partly cloudy
177. 碎云 fractus
178. 无云 cloudless
179. 雨层云 nimbostratus
180. 雨云 nimbus/ rain cloud
181. 云层 cloud layer
182. 云端 high in the clouds
183. 云朵 cloud formation/ small cloud
184. 云高 height of cloud
185. 云海 a a of clouds
186. 云块 cloud mass
187. 云类 cloud variety打卤面的各种卤的做法
188. 云量 amount of clouds/ cloud amount/ cloud cover