2012年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题 A
科目代码: 620 科目名称: 基础英语 满分: 150 分
I. Vocabulary (20 points)
A.Choo the word or phra marked A, B, C, and D to best correspond to the word above. Be
sure to write down your choice on the answer sheet. (10 points)
a) brawny b) sturdy
属羊的年份c) stationary d) rickety
2. intermezzo
a) intermediate b) intermediary
c) entr'acte d) entrant
小学校长3. gibberish
a) unnecessarily pretentious language b) unnecessarily discourteous language
c) exciting talk d) depressive talk
4. tacky
a) adhesive; tawdry; distasteful b) subordinate
c) inferior d) improper
5. tunic
a) A short pleated and belted dress worn by men for some sports b) A long pleated and belted dress worn by men for some sports
c) A short pleated and belted dress worn by women for some sports d) A long pleated and belted dress worn by women for some sports
6. disnt
a) to agree; to concur b) conform
c) comply d) to disagree; to differ in opinion
7. meticulous
a) harum-scarum b) temerarious
c) lacking a n of responsibility;
d) excessively concerned with details
8. doldrums
旅行让生活更美好作文a) period of being stimulated b) period of stagnation or slump
c) state of excessive exhilaration d) state of exaltation
a) conceal through misreprentation or b) assume the character fraudulently女性社区>啫喱水是干嘛用的>百科
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