生活大爆炸 第四季第二集
在干嘛呢\Whatcha doin' there?
研究抓哔哔鸟的新方法吗\Working on a new plan to catch the roadrunner?
你这个幽默暗指我是大笨狼怀尔吗\The humorous implication being that I am Wile E. Coyote?
而板上画的捕鸟设备\And this is a schematic for a bird-trapping device
最终只会适得其反 让我受伤吗\that will ultimately backfire and cau me physical injury?
我正在做的\What I'm doing here
是想计算出我的死亡时间\is trying to determine when I'm going to die.
很多人都在做这方面的研究\A lot of people are working on that rearch.
那这些是什么\So what is all this?
我家人的寿命长短\My family history factoring in longevity
疾病倾向等信息\propensity for dia, et cetera.
卡尔叔叔的死因是KBB\Cau of death for Uncle Carl was KBB.
KBB是什么\What's "KBB"?
被獾所杀\"Killed by badger."
怎么回事\How's that?
那是感恩节\It was Thanksgiving.
卡尔叔叔说"我觉得有只獾住在咱家烟囱里"\Uncle Carl said, "I think there's a badger living in our chimney. "
"把手电筒给我"\"Hand me that flashlight."
那是他对我们说的最后几句话\Tho were the last words he ever spoke to us.
我觉得\I don't think you need
你没必要担心被獾所杀会遗传\to worry about death by badgers being hereditary.
不对\Not true.
战斗或逃跑的本能受基因控制\The fight or flight instinct is coded genetically.
他没选择逃跑 反而赤手空拳\Instead of fleeing, he cho to fight barehanded
跟鼬类动物中强壮的一员战斗\against a brawny member of the weal family.
谁能肯定我没遗传这种有缺陷的基因\Who's to say that I don't share that flawed DNA?
你反正可以找只獾来验证的\You can always get a badger and find out.
说实在的\But riously
即使我忽略卡尔叔叔这个因素\even if I disregard the Uncle Carl factor
我最多也只剩60年寿命\at best I have 60 years left.
还有那么长啊\That long, huh?
60年我只能活到这里\60 only takes me to here.
我要活到这里\I need to get to here.
那里有什么\What's there?
据预计奇点最早出现的时间\The earliest estimate of the singularity
人们能将自己的意识\when man will be able to transfer his consciousness
转移进机器而获得永生\into machines and achieve immortality.
这么说 你不高兴自己会错失\So, you're upt about missing out
变成某种怪异的有自我意识的机器人的机会\on becoming some sort of freakish lf-aware robot?
就差这么一点啊\By this much.
真可惜 你要吃鸡蛋吗\Tough break. You want eggs?
你不明白 莱纳德\You don't get it, Leonard.
我会错过很多东西\I'm going to miss so much.
统一场论 冷聚变 还有章狗\the unified field theory, cold fusion, the dogapus.
章狗是什么\What's a dogapus?
狗和章鱼的杂交动物\The hybrid dog and octopus.
人类在水下的忠实朋友\Man's underwater best friend.
有人研究这个吗\Is somebody working on that?
我打算过研究的\I was going to.
我想把它作为我三百岁的生日礼物\I planned on giving it to mylf on my 300th birthday.
等等 你讨厌狗\Wait a minute. You hate dogs.蒸芋头的做法
章狗玩接球时能接八个球\A dogapus can play fetch with eight balls.
没有人能讨厌这个\No one can hate that.
我们欠你多少钱\What do we owe you?
一共是28.17美元\It came to $28.17.
每人就六美元吧\Let's say six bucks apiece.
给你\Here you go.
谢谢\Thank you.
算了 我请了\Never mind. I got it.
你要我给钱啊\Oh, you wanted me to pay.
-不用了 -不不不 你是对的\- It's no big deal. - No, no, no, no. You're right.
我们已经分手了 我应该自己付钱\We're not going out anymore; I should pay for mylf.
他说"如果他有女人身子"\He said, "If he had woman parts
"他后半辈子就不愁吃了"\"he'd eat for free the rest of his life"
是啊 可你也没办法跟自己说话了\Yeah, but you wouldn't be able to talk to yourlf.
我现金有点紧张啊\I'm a little low on cash.
-你有多少 -没有\- How much you got? - Nothing.
你不带钱怎么出门啊\How can you walk around with no money?
我漂亮 别人请客\I'm cute. I get by.
没事 欠着吧\It's okay, you can owe me.
-谢谢 -谢尔顿 六美元\- Thank you. - Sheldon, six bucks.
不了 谢谢 我今晚不吃披萨\No, thank you. I'm not eating pizza tonight.
可今天是星期四\But it's Thursday.
星期四是披萨之夜\Thursday's pizza night.
险种类型对我来说不是\Not for me.
现在改成十字花科蔬菜之夜了\Thursday is now Cruciferous Vegetable Night.
今晚的特选 小包菜\Tonight's lection: Brusls sprouts.
你要改谢尔顿日程表\You're changing the Sheldonian calendar?
-这只是个小小的代价 -为啥\- It's a small price to pay. - For what?
-不 别问啊 -对不起\- No, no, don't ask. - Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
毛全球为了把我的寿命延长到能把意识\In order to live long enough to fu my consciousness
转移到人造大脑上 我要改变饮食\with cybernetics, I need to change my diet.
等等 人造大脑是机器人之类的吧\Wait. Cybernetics is robot stuff, right?
这么说你想把自己变成某种机器人\So you want to turn yourlf into some sort of robot?
本质上是这样\Esntially, yes.小寒诗词
我想问个问题\Okay, here's my question.
你不是已经变成机器人了吗\Didn't you already do that?
虽然我受宠若惊 可惜还没有\Flattering, but sadly, no.
我还打算开始一种运动养生法\I'm also planning to begin an exerci regimen
加强我的心血管系统\designed to strengthen my cardiovascular system.
也就是慢跑\AKA jogging.
等等 亲爱的 你以前跑过步吗\Wait. Honey, have you ever run before?