More on Parental Living Liver Donation for Children with Fulminant Hepatic Failure: Addressing Concerns About Competing Interests, Coercion,
Connt and Balancing Acts
可爱头像女生萌萌哒期刊名称: American Journal of Transplantation幽默新年祝福语
中华大帝国作者: Aaron Spital
失措年份: 2010年
期号: 第11期
关键词: Coercion;connt;living liver donors
考研院校怎么选择摘要:Parental living liver donation for children with fulminant hepatic failure rais complex ethical issues. According to a recent editorial in this journal, the include contradictory interests, the possibility of coercion and compromid connt and the need to balance the risks to the donor agains
颜色英文缩写t the potential benefits for the recipient. Here I argue that in this tting, interests are often aligned rather than conflicted, that coercion of parental donors is rare, that connt may sometimes be valid even when it is not fully informed and that the correct balance to consider is the relative weights of risks and benefits for the donor. I conclude that living liver donation by parents of children with fulminant hepatic failure is consistent with societal norms of parental behavior, ethically acceptable
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