Technology and society
Pessimism v progress
Contemporary worries about the impact of technology are part of a historical pattern
pessimism /'pɛsɪmɪzəm/ n. 悲观、悲观情绪、悲观主义
comtemporary /kən'tɛmpərɛri/ adj. 当代的
Faster, cheaper, better—technology is one field many people rely upon to offer a vision of a brighter future. But as the 2020s dawn, optimism is in short supply. The new technologies that dominated the past decade em to be making things wor. Social media were suppod to bring people together. In the Arab spring of 2011 they were hailed as a liberating force. Today they are better known for invading privacy, spreading propaganda and undermining democracy. E-commerce, ride-hailing and the gig economy may be convenient, but they are charged with underpaying workers, exacerbating inequality and clogging the streets with vehicles. Parents worry that smartphones have turned their children into screen-addicted zombies.
· dawn 我们熟知的意思是“黎明、破晓”,这⾥的意思是动词,表⽰“开始”
· Arab spring“阿拉伯之春”是媒体创造出来⼀个短语,⽤以描述⾃2011年初开始发⽣在阿拉伯世界的⼀系列平民暴动。· ride-hailing 叫车
· gig economy零⼯经济,指⼯作量不多的⾃由职业者构成的经济领域,他们利⽤互联⽹和移动技术快速匹配供需⽅,⽐如滴滴司机等。
· exacerbate [ɪɡˈzæsərbeɪt] v. 使恶化、使加剧
· clog [klɑːɡ] v.堵塞,使阻塞
· zombies [ˈzɑmbiz] n. ⿇⽊迟钝的⼈,毫⽆⽣⽓的⼈。⼤家熟知的这个词的意思是“僵⼫”
The technologies expected to dominate the new decade also em to cast a dark shadow. Artificial intelligence (ai) may well entrench bias and prejudice, threaten your job and shore up authoritarian r怂了是什么意思
ulers. 5g is at the heart of the Sino-American trade war. Autonomous cars still do not work, but manage to kill people all the same. Polls show that internet firms are now less trusted than the banking industry. At the very moment banks are striving to rebrand themlves as tech firms, internet giants have become the new banks, morphing from talent magnets to pariahs. Even their employees are in revolt.
· entrench v. 牢固地确⽴
· shore up ⽀持,⽀撑大秦风
A啥意思· all the same 仍然
· rebrand v. 重塑,给…⼀个新的名称
· morphing ['mɔ:fiŋ] n. 变形
· pariah /pə'raɪə/ n. 被社会遗弃者
· revolt /rɪ'volt/ n. v. 造反,起义
The New York Times sums up the encroaching gloom. “A mood of pessimism”, it writes, has displaced “the idea of inevitable progress born in the scientific and industrial revolutions.” Except tho words are from an article published in 1979. Back then the paper fretted that the anxiety was “fed by growing doubts about society’s ability to rein in the emingly runaway forces of technology”.
· sum up 总结,概括
· encroach v. 逐渐遍布;侵占;侵袭
· gloom n. 忧郁,沮丧,失望
· fret v. 使焦急,使烦恼
· rein v.控制,驾驭
· runaway force 失控的⼒量
Today’s gloomy mood is centred on smartphones and social media, which took off a decade ago. Yet concerns that
Today’s gloomy mood is centred on smartphones and social media, which took off a decade ago. Yet concerns that humanity has taken a technological wrong turn, or that particular technologies might be doing more harm than good, have arin before. In the 1970s the despondency was prompted by concerns about overpopulation, environmental damage and the prospect of nuclear immolation. The 1920s witnesd a backlash against cars, which had earlier been en as a miraculous answer to the affliction of hor-drawn vehicles—which filled the streets with noi and dung, and caud congestion and accidents. And the blight of industrialisation was decried in the 19th century by Luddites, Romantics and socialists, who worried (with good reason) about the displacement of skilled artisans, the despoiling of the countryside and the suffering of factory hands toiling in smoke-belching mills.
· despondency /dɪˈspɑndənsi/ n. 沮丧,消沉
· prospect 我们熟知的意思是“前景,展望”,这⾥的意思是“设想”
· immolation /ɪməˈleʃən/ n. 祭物,祭品
· witness v. 见证
· backlash n. 强烈反应,对抗性反应
· affliction /əˈflɪkʃən/ n. 苦恼、折磨
· dung n. 动物粪便
· blight n. 荒芜,枯萎
· decry v. 公开谴责,强烈批评
· Luddites [ˈlʌˌdaɪts] n. 卢德派,卢德分⼦,反对新技术(新⼯作⽅法)的⼈
· displacement 我们熟知的意思是“取代、代替”,这⾥的意思是“迫使迁徙,迫使背井离乡”
artisan [ˈɑːrtəzn] n. ⼯匠、⼿艺⼈
白茶怎么煮· despoil v. 破坏,蹂躏,抢夺
· toil v. 长时间苦⼲,⾟勤劳作
· belch v.⼤量喷出,突出