academic Journal

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乐器皇后academic Journal
学术期刊是同行评审的期刊中,学术与特定学科出版。 Academic journals rve as forums for the introduction and prentation for scrutiny of new rearch, and the critique of existing rearch.学术期刊作为引进和展示的新的研究审议,并在论坛批判现有研究。 Content typically takes the form of articles prenting original rearch , review articles , and book reviews .内容
The term academic journal applies to scholarly publications in all fields; this article discuss the aspects common to all academic field journals. Scientific journals and journals of the quantitative social sciences vary in form and function from journals of the humanities and qualitative social sciences; their specific aspects are parately discusd.这个词适用于学术期刊在各个领域的学术刊物,这方面的文章讨论了共同所有学术领域期刊。科
学术文章 (Scholarly articles)济南有什么好玩的地方景点推荐
In academia , professional scholars typically make unsolicited submissions of their articles to academic journals.在学术界,专家学者通常使他们的文章不请自来的意见书学术期刊。 Upon receipt of a submitted article manuscript , the journal editor (or editors) determines whether to reject the submission outright or begin the process of peer review.一旦收到提交的文章手稿,杂志主编(或编辑)决定是否拒绝提交或开始彻底的评审程序。 In the latter ca, the submission becomes subject to anonymous peer-review by outside scholars of the editor's choosing.在后一种情况下,提交成为受匿名同行审查通过编辑器的选择之外的学者。 The number of the peer reviewers (or "referees") varies according to each journal's editorial practice — typically, no fewer than two, and usually at least three outside peers review the article.这些审稿人(或“裁判员”)根据不同的每个期刊的编辑实践 - 通常,没有少于两个,通常至少有三个外部同行审查的文章。 The editor(s) us the reviewers' opinions in determining whether to publish the article, return it to the author(s) for revision , or to reject it.编辑器(S)用于决定是否发布文章的评论的意见,将其送回作者(S)的修订,或者拒绝它。 (This process is discusd in the peer review article). (这个过程中所讨论的同行评议的文章)。 Even accepted articles are subjected to further (sometimes considerable) editing by journal editorial staff before they appear in print.即使接受物品遭受杂志编辑人员进一步(有时相当)编辑,
才出现在印刷品。 Typically, becau the process is lengthy, an accepted article will not be published until months
after its initial submission, and publication after a period of veral years is not unknown.通常情况下,因为这个过程是漫长的,公认的文章将不会被发表,直到个月后首次提交,并经过数年的出版物并不罕见。
The peer-review process is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of rearch and knowledge.同行评审过程被认为是至关重要的建立一个可靠的研究和知识体。 Scholars can be expert only in a limited area of their fields; they rely upon peer-reviewed journals to provide reliable, credible rearch upon which they can build subquent, related rearch.专家学者们可以只在各自领域的面积有限,他们在同行评议的期刊来提供可靠的,可信的研究后,他们可以建立以后,有关的研究。豆豉的做法大全
文章  Review articles
Review articles, also called "reviews of progress," are checks on the rearch published in journals.评论文章,也被称为“进步评论”杂志上发表的研究中检查。 Some journals are devoted entirely to review articles, others contain a few in each issue, but most do not publish review articles.有些期刊
是完全致力于评论文章,包含在每个人的问题不多,但大多不发表评论文章。Such reviews often cover the rearch from the preceding year, some for longer or shorter terms; some are devoted to specific topics, some to general surveys.这种评论往往涵盖从上一年的研究,较长或较短的一些术语,有些是专门用于特定的主题,一些一般的调查。 Some journals are enumerative , listing all significant articles in a given subject, others are lective, including only what they think worthwhile.有些期刊是枚举,列出在一个给定问题的所有重要条款,其他都是选择性的,只包括他们认为值得的。 Yet others are evaluative, judging the state of progress in the subject field.还有一些人是评价,判断在该主题领域的进展状况。 Some journals are published in ries, each covering a complete subject field year, or covering specific fields through veral years.一些期刊出版系列,每个学科领域,涵盖了完整的一年,经过几年或涉及具体领域。
Unlike original rearch articles, review articles tend to be solicited submissions, sometimes planned years in advance.与原来的研究文章,评论文章往往是征求意见,有时计划提前两年。 They are typically relied upon by students beginning a study in a given field, or for current awareness of tho already in the field.它们通常依赖的开始,在某一领域研究的学生时,或当前的认识已经在外地的。
书评 Book reviews
reviews of scholarly books are checks upon the rearch books published by棘心
scholars; unlike articles, book reviews tend to be solicited. 书评的学术著作是经学者发表的研究书籍检查;不像文章,书评往往是征求。 Journals typically have a parate book review editor determining which new books to review and by whom.期刊通常有一个独立的书评编辑决定哪些新的书籍,由谁来审查和。 If an outside scholar accepts the book review editor's request for a book review, he or she generally receives a free copy of the book from the journal in exchange for a timely review.如果外部学者接受书评编辑的一本书审查请求,他或她通常接收来自换取及时复习日记一书的免费拷贝。 Publishers nd books to book review editors in the hope that their books will be reviewed.出版商送书的书评编辑在他们的书籍进行审查的希望。 The length and depth of rearch book reviews varies much from journal to journal, as does the extent of textbook and trade book review.的长度和深度的研究书评太大的变化对期刊杂志,一样的课本和贸易书评程度。
学术期刊的威信是建立了时间,而且可以反映许多因素的影响,部分但不是所有这些都是表达的定量分析。 In each academic discipline there are dominant journals that receive the largest number of submissions, and therefore can be lective in choosing their content.在每一个学科有接收的意见数量最多,因此可以选择的内容选择性的主导期刊。 Yet, not only the largest journals are of excellent quality.然而,不仅是最大的期刊的优秀品质。 For example, among United States academic historian
s, the two dominant journals are the American Historical Review and the Journal of American History , [ citation needed ] but there are dozens of other American peer-reviewed history journals specializing in specific historical periods, themes, or regions, and the may be considered of equally high quality in their specialties.例如,在美国的学术史,两个主要的杂志是美国历史评论和美国历史杂志,[ 需要的引证 ]但也有其他美国数十家同行评审期刊的历史在特定的历史时期,主题专业,或地区,而这些可能被视为同样高品质的特色菜。 This also may be the ca with interdisciplinary journals, who focus is on the interction of two or more disciplines or specialties.这也可能是与跨学科的期刊,其重点放在两个或多个学科或专业的交集是如此。
艾火In the natural sciences and in the "hard" social sciences, impact factor is a convenient proxy, measuring the number of later articles citing articles already published in the journal.在自然科学和“硬”的社会科学,影响因子是一种方便的代理,测量援引已经在杂志上发表的文章后面的文章。 There are other, possible quantitative factors, such as the overall number of citations, how quickly articles are cited, and the average "half-life" of articles, ie when
they are no longer cited.还有其他可能的定量因素,如引用总数,文章被引用的速度有多快,平均“半
衰期”的文章,即当它们不再被引用。 There also is the question of whether or not any quantitative factor can reflect true prestige; natural science journals are categorized and ranked in the Science Citation Index , and social science journals in the Social Science Citation Index .此外,还有就是不论是否有定量的因素能反映真实的信誉问题;自然科学期刊的分类和排名科学引文索引,并在社会科学期刊社会科学引文索引。
In the Anglo-American humanities , there is no tradition (as there is in the sciences) of giving impact-factors that could be ud in establishing a journal's prestige.在英美文学,也没有给予可在建立杂志的威信使用影响因子的传统(因为在科学的)。 Recent moves have been made by the European Science Foundation to rectify the situation, resulting in the publication of preliminary lists for the ranking of academic journals in the Humanities.最近的举动已经由欧洲科学基金会,以纠正有关情况,在初步列出了刊物导致排名在人文学术期刊。
The categorization of journal prestige in some subjects has been attempted, typically using letters to rank their academic world importance.该杂志的威望在某些学科分类一直企图,通常用字母排名的学术世界的重要性。
We can distinguish two categories of techniques to asss journal quality and develop journal rankin
gs ( Lowry et al. 2007 ):我们可以区分两类技术期刊质量评估和开发杂志排名(洛瑞等人2007年):
Publishing [ 编辑 ] 出版
Many academic journals are subsidized by universities or professional organizations, and do not exist to make a profit, however, they often accept advertising, page and image charges from authors to pay for production costs.许多学术期刊资助由大学或专业机构,不存在赚取利润,但是,他们往往接受作者的广告,网页和图片收费,以支付生产成本。 On the other hand, some journals are produced by commercial publishers who do make a profit by charging subscriptions to individuals and libraries.另一方面,一些期刊是由商业出版商谁做使通过收取订阅个人和图书馆利润。 They may also ll all of their journals in discipline-specific collections or a variety of other packages. [ 1 ]他们也可能出售特定学科的集合或其他各种包的所有期刊。 [1]
Journal editors tend to have other professional responsibilities, most often as teaching professors.期刊编辑往往有其他专业的职责,最经常被视为教学的教授。 In the ca of the very largest journals, there are paid staff assisting in the editing.在期刊的非常大的情况下,有支付员工在编辑协助。 The
production of the journals is almost always done by publisher-paid staff.该期刊的生产几乎总是通过出版商支付的工作人员。 Humanities and social science academic journals are usually subsidized by
universities or professional organization.人文及社会科学学术期刊通常由大学或资助的专业机构。
The Internet has revolutionized the production of, and access to, academic journals ( Hendler 2007 ), with their contents available online via rvices subscribed to by academic libraries.在互联网已经彻底改变了生产,获取,学术期刊(亨德勒2007 )与它们的内容,可以通过订阅的学术图书馆的服务网络。Individual articles are subject-indexed in databas such as Google Scholar .个别文章主题索引数据库,如谷歌学者。 Some of the smallest, most specialized journals are prepared in-hou, by an academic department, and published only online — such form of publication has sometimes been in the blog format.最小,最专业期刊的一些准备在内部,由学术部门,只出版在线 - 出版等形式,有时在博客格式被。
Currently, there is a movement in higher education encouraging open access , either via lf archiving , whereby the author deposits his paper in a repository where it can be arched for and read, or via publishing it in a free open access journal , which does not charge for subscriptions , being either subsidized or financed with author page charges .目前,有一个更高的鼓励教育运动的开放,可以通过自我存档,据此,笔者存款他在一份文件库,在那里可以搜索和阅读,或通过它发布在
一个自由开放获取期刊,其中不充电订阅,即无论是资金补贴或与作者版面费。 However, to date, open access has affected science journals more than humanities journals.然而,迄今为止,开放获取期刊的影响超过人文科学期刊。 Commercial publishers are now experimenting with open access models, but are trying to protect their subscription revenues.商业出版商正在尝试与开放获取模式,但正在努力保护他们的订阅收入。

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