超级炼丹记The failure characteristics of reinforced concrete beams with steel bars are mainly divided into three types: tension failure, shear failure and flexural failure.
八字祝福语1. Tension Failure: When concrete is subjected to tensile stress, it first yields and then fails. Usually after failure, the concrete is partially broken, and the tensile stress of the steel bars reaches the elastic limit, but does not fail.
2. Shear Failure: When concrete is subjected to shear stress, it first yields and then fails. The failure form of concrete is longitudinal layered fracture along the steel bars. The shear stress of the steel bars reaches the elastic limit, but does not fail.
小学科学课本3. Bending Moment Failure: When concrete is subjected to bending moment, its compressive strength decreas first and then fails. The failure form of concrete is longitudinal layered fracture along the axis of bending moment, in which the bending moment of steel bars reaches the elastic limit, but does not fail.