Adopted on4November1993
(Agenda item11)
RECALLING Article15(i)of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization concerning the functions of the Asmbly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety,
NOTING that regulation III/19.8.1of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974,as amended,requires that every inflatable liferaft shall be rviced at intervals not exceeding12months but that,where it appears proper and reasonable,the Administration may extend this period to17months and that inflatable liferafts shall be rviced at an approved rvicing station which is competent to rvice them,maintains proper rvicing facilities and us only properly trained personnel,
NOTING ALSO resolution A.693(17)on the conditions for the approval of rvicing stations for inflatable liferafts,
HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-cond ssion,
1.ADOPTS the Recommendation on Conditions for the Approval of Servicing Stations for Inflatable Liferafts,t out in the annex to the prent resolution;
2.INVITES Governments to inspect rvicing stations for inflatable liferafts within their authority in accordance with that Recommendation;
3.AUTHORIZES the Maritime Safety Committee to keep the Recommendation under review and to adopt,when appropriate,amendments thereto;
4.REVOKES resolution A.693(17).
1Administrations should ensure that the periodic survey of inflatable liferafts is performed at rvicing stations that have demonstrated competence to rvice and repack rafts,maintain an adequate facility and u only properly trained personnel.In order to be approved,rvicing stations should have demonstrated this capability for inflatable liferafts of each manufacturer who liferafts they are competent to rvice and should comply with the following: .1rvicing of inflatable liferafts should be carried out in fully enclod spaces only.
There should be ample room for the number of inflatable liferafts expected to be
rviced at any one time;the ceiling should be sufficiently high to allow the largest liferafts to be rviced to be turned over when inflated,or an equally efficient means
to facilitate inspection of bottom ams should be provided;
.2the floor should be provided with a clean surface sufficiently smooth to ensure that no damage will occur to the liferaft fabric;
.3the rvicing space should be well lit,provided that direct rays of sunlight do not enter the space;
.4the temperature and,when necessary,the relative humidity in the rvicing space should be sufficiently controlled to ensure that rvicing and repairs can be effectively
carried out;
.5the rvicing space should be efficiently ventilated,but be free from draughts:
.6parate areas or rooms should be provided for:
.6.1liferafts awaiting rvicing,repair or delivery;
.6.2the repair of glass fibre containers and the painting of compresd gas cylinders;
.6.3materials or spare parts;
.6.4administrative purpos;
书包里的故事作文600字.7means should be provided in the liferaft storage space to ensure that liferafts in containers or valis are neither stored on top of each other in more than two tiers
unless supported by shelving nor subjected to excessive loads;
.8spare and obsolete pyrotechnics should be stored in a parate,safe and cure magazine well away from the rvicing and storage spaces;
.9sufficient tools should be available for the rvicing of liferafts and relea gear in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer,including:
.9.1suitable and accurate manometers or pressure gauges,thermometers and barometers which can be easily read;
.9.2one or more air pumps for inflating and deflating liferafts,together with a means of cleaning and drying the air and including the necessary high-pressure hos and
.9.3a scale for weighing inflation gas cylinders with sufficient accuracy;
.9.4sufficient gas for blowing through the inlet system of the liferafts;
包装设计展开图.10procedures should be established to ensure that each gas cylinder is properly filled and gastight before fitting to a liferaft;
.11sufficient materials and accessories should be available for repairing liferafts,together with replacements of the emergency equipment to the satisfaction of the manufacturer;炸螃蟹
.12when rvicing davit-launched liferafts,adequate means should be provided for overload testing of such liferafts;
.13rvicing and repair work should only be carried out by qualified persons who have been adequately trained and certificated by the liferaft manufacturer.The training
procedure should ensure that rvicing personnel are made aware of changes and new
.14arrangements should be made for the manufacturer to make available to the rvice station:
.14.1changes to rvicing manuals,rvicing bulletins and instructions:
.14.2proper materials and replacement parts;
.14.3bulletins or instructions from the Administration;
14.4training for rvicing technicians;
.15smoking should not be allowed in the rvicing and packing areas.
2After initial approval,Administrations should arrange for the frequent inspection of rvicing stations to ensure that manufacturer support is up to date and effective and that the requirements of this Recommendation are complied with.
3Administrations should ensure that information regarding rvicing facilities for inflatable liferafts is made available to mariners.
Servicing of inflatable liferafts
4The following tests and procedures should be carried out,except where noted otherwi,at every rvicing of an inflatable liferaft fitted as life-saving equipment.
5Inflatable liferaft rvicing should be carried out in accordance with the appropriate manufacturer's rvicing manual.Necessary procedures should include,but not be limited to, the following:
.1inspection of the container for damage;
.2inspection of the folded liferaft and the interior of the container for signs of dampness;
.3a gas inflation(GI)test should be carried out at5-year intervals,and when undertaking a gas inflation test,special attention should be paid to the effectiveness of
the relief valves.The folded liferaft should be removed from its container before
activating the fitted gas inflation system.After gas inflation has been initiated,
sufficient time should be allowed to enable the pressure in the buoyancy tubes to
to evaporate.After this period the become stabilized and the solid particles of CO
buoyancy tubes should,if necessary,be topped up with air,and the liferaft subjected
to a pressure holding test over a period of not less than one hour during which the
pressure drop will not exceed5%of the working pressure;
4each liferaft should be subjected to the necessary additional pressure(NAP)test as described in appendix1,at yearly intervals after the tenth year of the liferaft's life李逵绰号
unless earlier rvicing is deemed necessary as a result of visual inspection.After allowing sufficient time for the liferaft to regain fabric tension at working pressure,the liferaft should be subjected to a pressure holding test over a period of not less than one hour during which the pressure drop should not exceed5%of the working pressure;
.5when a NAP or GI test is not required,a working pressure(WP)test should be carried out(e appendix2),by inflation of the liferaft with dry compresd air,after
removing it from the container shell or vali and from its retaining straps if fitted,to
at least the working pressure,or to the pressure required by the manufacturer's
rvicing manual if higher.The liferaft should be subjected to a pressure holding test
over a period of not less than one hour during which the pressure drop will not exceed
5%of the working pressure;
.6while inflated,the liferaft should be subjected to a thorough inspection inside and out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
.7the floor should be inflated,checked for broken reeds and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
.8the ams between floor and buoyancy tube should be checked for slippage or edge lifting;
.9with the buoyancy tubes supported by a system which leaves the floor ams unsupported,at a suitable height above the rvice floor as shown in appendix3,a
person weighing not less than75§¸should walk/crawl around the perimeter of the floor for the entire circumference and the floor ams should be checked again.
Manufacturers may substitute this test with another test which will determine the
integrity of the floor am until the next inspection is due.This test should be carried
out at yearly intervals after the tenth year of the liferaft's life;老舍字什么
.10after deflation,arch roots should be checked in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
.11all items of equipment should be checked to ensure that they are in good condition and that dated items are replaced at the time of rvicing if there is less than6months
remaining before the expiry date approved by the Administration;
.12davit-launched liferafts should be subject to a10%overload suspension test at every cond rvicing;
.13a check should be made to ensure that the liferaft and the atmosphere are dry when the liferaft is being repacked;
.14the required markings should be updated and checked;
.15a record of rvicing should be maintained for at least5years after the date of rvice;
.16statistical records should be prepared on all liferafts rviced,indicating,in particular, defects found,repairs carried out and units condemned and withdrawn from rvice.
Such statistics should be available to the Administration.
Responsibilities of manufacturers,Administrations and shipowners
6In order to ensure that the rvicing of inflatable liferafts is effectively conducted to provide reliable survival craft in an emergency,manufacturers,Administrations and shipowners have parallel and overlapping responsibilities;the include,but are not limited to the following: .1Manufacturers are responsible for:
.1.1ensuring that their liferafts can be adequately rviced in accordance with this