Do you have the so-called bad qualities? If yes, congratulations! You're better than you think.
It is hard to know what is good or bad the days when it comes to what qualities you posss. What strong quality applies to you may be what will drag you to become successful.
And whatever the world has to think or say about tho qualities shouldn't bother you. Actually, the qualities are what bring out the shine in you.__ 36
招聘58同城>赤楠盆景You love taking risks.
You like adventures. And you won't just be ttled in the safe zone. People will ask you why you are always after the thrill and going above the limits. But how will you discover new things when you are always playing it safe? 37送女朋友的花
You are proud.
Pride is different from arrogance(傲慢).You have your inner lf and try to keep your lf-respect under control. You don't give in easily.__ 38 And you understand what your worth is.
Many may consider you to be nosy, pushy or a busy body. But in many cas, being curious doesn't always kill the cat, but makes you smarter. You can't really become a better person when you are sticking to what you are. Focus on what you can be and ask the right questions.
You are pessimistic.
40 The world wants to listen to a story of persons who are positive. But what if you are jumping into everything with optimism and not giving yourlf the benefit of doubt?You may lo so much when you are not counting the risks and saying enough "No."
A. You will only swell for the right reasons.
B. People will not view shyness as a strength.
C. You want to have an answer for everything.
D. You don't e everything from a positive light.
E. You have to know a lot and reach for knowledge.
F. Here are no called bad qualities that could offer you advantages in life.
G Discovering yourlf and the world requires some attempts at new things.
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A. B.C和D)中,选出可以填入空
“Hi, Mrs. Grady," said Mark, "Would you like us to shovel(铲除)your driveway?”
Mrs. Grady touched her hand to her heart. "That would be 41.boys. I think the job is too much for me。”
鲁班“It will cost 10 _42.”said Jamie.
“If that's OK," Mark 43.
Shoveling was Jamie's idea, a way to earn enough money for video games
“Oh, dear:' Mrs. Grady sounded 44.“I haven't been able to get to the bank. I can 45 homemade cookies, but I realize that's not what you had in 46。”
Mark was going to say Mrs. Grady could 47 them another time, but Jamie 48. "We'll come back later."
As they walked through the snow off the 49 ,Mark glanced over his shoulder. Mrs Grady stood at her window, 50 them.
She didn't look like the person who'd come to his 51 last summer when Mr. Dunn's dog, Goldie, escaped from his backyard. Goldie had 52 wanted to play, but Mark didn't feel 53 around big dogs. Mark tried to call for his dad, but his 54 emed locked behind his teeth.
Mrs. Grady's front door flew open. She ran across the street and slipped 55 Mark and the dog. She wasn't much 56 than Mark, but she stood 57 as a rock in front of him. "Goldie, go home!" Then she swept a broom to 58 the dog along. "Get!" Goldie obeyed.
When Mark's father appeared, he said to Mrs. Grady. "That was very 59 ! Thank you."
Mrs. Grady laughed. "It's nothing. Good neighbors watch for each other, don't they?"
Now she needed Mark as much. He smiled and 60 _ at her, then pushed his shovel deep into the snow.
41. A. vital B. wonderful C. practical D. expensive
42, A. hours B. dollars C. days D .cookies
43. A. added . advid C. bargained D. concluded
44. A. satisfied B. uninterested C. considerate D. disappointed
45. A. ll B .accept C. offer D. swap
46. A. need B. store C. mind D. common
47: A. pay B. reward C. visit D. save
48. A. turned up B. calmed down C. pasd out D. broke in
49. A. bank B. door C. driveway D. window
50, A. admiring B. watching C. inspecting D. blessing
51. A. rescue B. acquaintance C. company D. notice
52. A. just B. ldom C. still D. never
53. A. confident B. comfortable C. energetic D. enthusiastic
54. A. mouth B. no C. throat D. tongue
55. A. under B. into C. between D. against
56. A .quicker B. taller C .cleverer D. better
57. A. straight B. attentively C. firm D. naturally
58. A. clean B. pull C. kick D. hurry
59. A. brave B. generous C. unforgettable D. exciting