The Best Teamwork
The best teamwork comes from people who are working independently toward one goal in unison. In my point of view, I don’t really agree with it. It is true that the best teamwork comes from people who are working toward one goal in unison. For example, as a member of the skidding team, 管理的目的I share the same goal with other team members. We all trained on the square everyday and no one would be late for the training. Our captain gave us his best advice and guidance to let us behave better. 鼓励图片We listened to him carefully becau the standard of wining for our team was to be synchronal. If there is a member who couldn属蛇最佳婚配属相’顿音记号t catch up the pace of training, we all couldn’t move on and the training must be put off. S详的成语o, only we all try our best toward our common goal and do our best to achieve it, can we win in the competition.
But in the statement, it says that the best teamwork comes from people who are working independently. A生二胎ctually, I don’社会实践报告格式t agree with this part. For example, we are the members of the chorus and sing the same song which we will sing in the competition, we should follow t
柏林大学he step of the teacher. It is true that we have different voice and different characters, but we all should sacrifice where we can to sing the song perfectly. If we sing independently and no one listen to the teacher, chorus would be changed into solo of many students which ems to be a kind of noi to others.
All in all, the best teamwork needs us working cooperatively toward the same goal of our unison rather than working independently.