Dominic Essay Sample
1.Curriculum Essay(同不同意,中立并结尾提出合适的解决措施)___________________________________________1
2.Technology and education essay(优缺点,中立)_____________________________________________________2
3.Parents essay(同不同意,factor类,部分同意=issue另一面+还有其他factor)________________________________3
4.Compulsory education(同不同意,部分同意)_________________________________________________________5
5.People living alone essay(原因+好坏处,坏处)_________________________________________________________6
6.Technology and relationships essay(分析+好坏处,好处)______________________________________________7
形容春天的诗句7.Healthcare for children essay(两边论,更倾向于一方)________________________________________________8
8.Recycling essay(两边论,两者结合)________________________________________________________________10
9.Salary essay(同不同意,most vital factor类,观点还有其他factor)_______________________________________11
10.Advertising essay(分析+策略,大P=>小P=>E+E.)___________________________________________________12
11.International sporting events essay(两边论,同意一边,立论+让步)______________________________________13
12.Exams and continuous asssment essay(同不同意,双方结合折中)___________________________________15
13.Computer technology essay(预测+好坏处,坏处)__________________________________________________16
14.The youth crime essay(原因+措施)_________________________________________________________________18
15.Globalization essay(好坏处,非常同意好处)_________________________________________________________19
16.Traffic essay(原因+措施)_________________________________________________________________________21
17.Factory farms essay(两边论,同意一方)_________________________________________________________22
18.Refugees essay(同不同意,solution类;问题复杂很难说=>部分同意)________________________________24
19.Newspaper and books essay(原因+同不同意,不同意=>objects分开说)__________________________________25
20.Fuel and the environment essay(同不同意,best逻辑错误)___________________________________________26
21.Salaries essay(原因+好坏处)______________________________________________________________________28
22.Unemployment essay(好坏处,Solution类;坏处)____________________________________________________29
23.Muums essay(同不同意,中立,视情况而定)______________________________________________________30
24.Space exploration(同不同意,有无更好方案,不同意,有更好方案)____________________________________32
25.Television essay(好坏处,好处,并结尾让步)____________________________________________________32
26.Hous and apartments essay(好坏处,有好有坏)__________________________________________________34
27.Arts and sciences essay___________________________________________________________________________35
妈妈不要离开我28.Overpopulation essay(措施,政府)______________________________________________________________36
29.Historic buildings essay(原因+措施)________________________________________________________________37
鼠标左键失灵30.Food transportation essay(好坏处,坏处)_________________________________________________________39
31.Films essay(原因+措施同不同意)_______________________________________________________________40
32.parents essay(同不同意,factor类;部分同意=中立)_________________________________________________42
33.Junk food essay(同不同意solution,部分同意,不是最完美solution)__________________________________43
34.Nuclear technology essay(好处坏处,中立)_________________________________________________________45父亲猜女儿
35.The teenagers and unpaid work essay(同不同意,不同意=>讨论正反=>同意反方)_________________________46
36.Global warming essay(影响+措施,因果关系连接词)______________________________________________48
1.Curriculum Essay(同不同意,中立并结尾提出合适的解决措施)
Subjects such as Art,Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for subjects such as Information Technology.Many people children suffer as a result of the changes.To what extent would you support or reject the idea of moving the subjects from school curriculum?
In recent times there has been much debate about which subjects should be included on the school curriculum.(一句话背景介绍)One particular issue is whether the introduction of more modern subjects such as IT for more traditional subjects such as art and music disadvantages the pupils.(引出issue)I believe that this is a difficult question and different solutions need to be found for primary and condary(大事物分类法)schools.(背景介绍+引出issue+my
怎么用烤箱烤红薯opinion=>difficult question&different solution)
There is one major argument in favor of replacing art,music and sport on the curriculum with subjects like IT.[point]This is that the purpo of school is to prepare children for their working life after school,so the subjects on the curriculum should be relevant to their potential careers.From THIS point of view(连贯性),IT is much relevant to schoolchildren as they need to be computer literate if they want to survive in the workplace.[explain]For example,it is easy to e that word processing and programming skills will impress employers more than(做对比加强论证)the ability to run fast or draw well.[Example]
There are also,however,strong arguments for retaining the more traditional subjects as part of the curriculum.[point]One significant counter-argument is that the purpo of education is not just to prepare children for later careers,but also to develop their all round“culture”.It is important that children leave school with some knowledge of art,music and sport as all the are all help develop aspects of young people’s personalities.[explain]
My own personal point of view is that there is merit in both sides of the debate and that all children should study some IT,art music and sport at least at primary school.At condary school,[首尾呼应]however,children should be offered a choice between the subjects so that they can continue to study them if they wish.[my view,将intro的personal view展开]
In recent years/times there has been much
One particular issue is
[Point]There is one major argument in
[Explain]This is that(reason).From THIS point [进一步说明reason产生的结果,也就是前面提到的现象]
童心飞扬[Point]There are also,however,strong
[Explain]One significant counter-argument [援引他人说法进行解释]
My own personal point of view is that there is merit in both sides of the debate 【说明中立】并回顾Intro段,从中borrow language,并按顺序一一对应。(满足强迫症哈哈哈)2.Technology and education essay(优缺点,中立)
In the past lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students.Nowadays new technology is increasingly being ud to teach students.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach?
As we move into the twenty-first century,technology is affecting many different areas of life and education is no exception.(一句话背景介绍)Indeed,in some institutions traditional forms of education have been revolutionized by new technology to the extent that the lecture is no longer the main method of delivery.(引出issue)While there are a variety of benefits to this new approach,there are also significant drawbacks.(背景介绍+引出issue+opinion=>pros&cons)[point]
Perhaps the greatest bonus of the introduction of technology is the flexibility it offers. [Explain]This is evident in two different ways.[Sub explain1]Firstly,it is now no longer esntial for students to be prent in the lecture theater for their cours.[Example]This means
that part-time cours for adults who are in employment and distance learning cours for people in other countries are now much more practical.[Sub explain2]Another area of flexibility is of cour that the lecturer and tutor are able to u Moodles,interactive whiteboards and other tools to deliver their cours in a more stimulating way to large numbers of students.
[Point]Not everything,however,about the introduction of this new technology into education is positive.[Explain1]One major problem is that not all students are comfortable with using technology,even if they are part of the digital native generation.This[coherence]is a rious issue as they may suffer from their lack of technological skills.[Explain2]Another related issue is that education is a human activity and it works best with as much human interaction as possible. Impersonal technology cannot replace the human contact found in traditional face-to-face tutorials and minars.
As we have en,there are major benefits to the introduction of technology into education,not least b
ecau it enables modern forms of education such as distance learning cours.This is balanced,however,by the fact that it can be too impersonal for some and disadvantages others for their lack of technological skills.
As we move into the [背景介绍]
While there are a variety of ,there are also significant drawbacks.有好处也有坏处Body1
[point]Perhaps the greatest is......
[Explain]This is evident in two different ways.
[Sup explain1]Firstly,......
[Sup explain2]Another is......
[Point]Not everything,(题目中的issue) positive.
[Explain]One major problem
[Example]This is a rious issue as(因果)
[Explain]Another related issue
As we have en,there are major (the issue)...,not least (上文提到的一个关于benefit的point)....This is balanced,however,by the (上文提到的一个关于drawback 的point)....
3.Parents essay(同不同意,factor类,部分同意=issue另一面+还有其他factor)