The Inter ems to have bee an indispensable part in modern lire. This is becau the Inter has a lor of advantages. To begin with, the Inter provides people with enormous amounts of information in a fraction of a cond. With this easy aess to the Inter, arching for information has bee easier than ever before. Besides, the Inter changes the way people municate with each other. E mail allows us to write to our friends and receive letters from our friends cheaply and instantly. Furthermore, the Inter has revolutionized business. E-merce enables people to do business and go shopping at home easily and conveniently. Finally, the Inter plays an important role in mass education.
However, the Inter also has some unfavorable aspects. Cyber crime caus a great loss in people's property. Computer virus bring us lots of trouble. Trash mail is
教师成长always a nuisance to everyone. Worst of all, pornography may corrupt people, especially young people.
玉兰花树In a word, the Inter has both merits and demerits. But on the whole, it brings people more benefits than harm. It is suggested that a clever u be made of this modern technique for the benefit of all people.