Material Safety Data Sheet
1.Identification of the substance and of the company
Product Name Apple Extract
Latin Name Malus pumila
Manufacturer Tianjin Jianfeng Natural Product R&D Co.,ltd
content Tianjin Jianfeng Natural Product R&D Co.,ltd, 0086-22-66237098
Plant ud part Dreg of apple
Carrier None
classification: Inhibitors
CAS No. Not available
Company address Huanghai Road W.,12 Avenue S.,TEDA,Tianjin,China
no. +86.22-66237092
no. +86.22-66237093
US FDA registration number: 19007952818
2. Information On Substance
Principal hazardous component(s) None
Ingredients Contains such active constituents as polyphenol and other naturally
occurring organic substances prent in the plant
Appearance Reddish brown fine powder
Content polyphenol(UV)≥80%;
Phloridzin (HPLC) 5.0~8.0% ;
Chlorogenic Acid (HPLC) 15.0~18.0%;
Proanthocyanidins B2(HPLC) ≥4.0%;
Loss on dry ≤5.0%
burn ≤2.0%
3. Hazards Information On Substance
Health hazards No data available yet经期怎么减肥
Fire and explosion hazards Not combustible, flammable or explosive.
Environmental hazards No environmental hazards as far as to our knowledge.
4. First-Aid
Inhalation Remove to well-ventilated area. Seek medical attention.
Skin contact Washed by soap water or clear water if it comes into contact with skin.
Eye contact Washed by clear water if contacting with eyes. Sent to hospital if having
excessive intake by mistake.
Ingestion Not likely to be hazardous if ingested, Wash out mouth with water if
conscious. Seek medical attention.
.PROTECT MEASURES Wearing protective clothes and safety gloves when operating.
5. Fire-Fighting
Flammability of the Product Maybe combustible at high temperature.
Extinguisher media Water Spray, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical Powder, sand, foam or other
appropriate form.
Special fire fighting procedures Wear lf-containing breathing apparatus pressure-demand
(MSHA/NIOSH approved or equivalent), and full protective gear to prevent
contact with skin and eyes.
6. Special Protection Information
Ventilation requirements U only in systems procesd and procedures in which effective
ventilation has been provided.
Respiratory Appropriate eyes protection, such as NIOSH/MSHA approved masks,
should be worn to prevent inhalation.
Eyes Appropriate respiratory protection, such as chemical-type goggles, should
吹牛近义词be worn to prevent eye contact.
Gloves Wear appropriate gloves to avoid contact with skin.
Special clothing and equipment Wear adequate clothing to avoid contact with skin.
7. Accidental relea measures
Steps to be taken in ca material is spilled or relead Maintain good houkeeping practices to minimize accumulation of ttled
dust. Sweep up the spilled material and dispo of in accordance with
the :waste disposal method: given below.
Cleaning methods Wash premis, equipment and working surfaces with water.
Waste disposals methods No special method is suggested, it is the ur’s responsibility to comply
with all local, state and federal laws, rules, regulations and standards.
8. Handling
会餐Handling Avoid Breathing (dust, vapor, mist, gas)
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing
Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure.
Do not reu this container
U with adequate ventilation
Wash thoroughly after handling.
Storage Keep far away from kindled material, excessive heat source and direct
light. Keep the container airtight. Should be parately stored form oxidant
and edible chemical compound, store at correct temperature.
9. Chemical
Formula C30H26O12
Molecular Weight Not available
Melating point Not available
Specific Gravity Not available
10. Stablity&Reactivity
Stablity&Reactivity The compound is stable at room temperature in clod containers.
Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials, light, dust generation, moisture, excess heat,
strong oxidants.
Materials to avoid Oxidizing agents
Hazardous decomposition products Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.
11. Toxicological Information Data not yet available
12. Ecological Information
Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cau pollution
13. Disposal
Dispo in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
14. Transport
No. Not classified as
dangerous goods
restricted ADR
restricted DGR
restricted IMDG
15. Regulatory
Federal and State Regulations: No products were found.
Other Regulations: EINECS: Not available.
Other Classifications:
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under WHMIS (Canada)
This product is not classified according to the EU regulations.
Not available.
Health Hazard: 1
Fire Hazard: 1
红薯干热量Reactivity: 0
Personal Protection: E
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A)魏国大将
Flammability: 1
Specific hazard:
Protective Equipment
Gloves. Lab coat, Vapor respirator, Be sure to u an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Splash goggles.
16. Other
Apple polyphenol has been proved no offensive smell, no infective danger or any other danger when transported.
健身前吃什么The data given here is bad on current knowledge and experience. The purpo of this safety data sheet is to describe the product in terms of their safety requirements. The data does not signify and warranty with regards to the product’s properties.