report line报告线 vts area boundry交管区域界限
paticipating vesll should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF CH16
within the VTS area.
竞选班干部发言稿abnormal weather conditions 异常天气情况 in the vicinity of 在┉附近
大红袍功效engage in intational voyages or domestic costal routes
responsible person 责任人 ready-u condition随时可用状态
safety and lifesaving equipment 安全救生设备
FFA & LSA防火和救生设备
捍卫的意思SOLAS(safety of life at a)海上人命安全公约
the hydrostatic relea units 静水压力释放装置
lifebuoy lights immersion suit
line throwing apparatus
radio equipment including EPIRB and SART
reporting line报告线 vts area bound 交管区域界限
participating vesls should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF CHS
08 and 16 within the vts area
in the vicinity of 在……附近
engage in internation voyages or domestic coastal routes
afares/crewmembers 海员 dockers码头工人
acceptable minimum wages 可接受的最低工资
in recent years 近几年 negotiate 谈判
flags of conveninence (FOC) 方便旗
afares who are hired to work on FOC ship
sign contract 签合同 reach a agreement 达成协议
more details on the rever of the map 地图背面有更多详情
get in touch with/contact with the ITF directly
bulletin 公告,期刊 repatriate 把…遣返回国(repatriation)
The International Transport workers' federation(ITF) 国际运输工人联盟
South East Asia 东南亚 thailand 泰国 singapore 新加坡 philipines菲律宾
tolerate 忍受,容忍 感冒喝白酒
It's a big step forward 向前迈了一大步
All personnel are familiar with the location and operation of all the vesl's
safety equipment and procedures.
helmsman 舵手 forecastle首楼 engin control room 机控室
steering gear room舵机房 laundry 洗衣房 galley厨房 helicopter直升机
overall in command 总指挥 look out 瞭望 lookouts瞭望人员 casualty 伤员
片搜sound man overboard alarm(3 long blasts on ship's whistle)
establish radio contact with bridge
don lifejacket穿救生衣 at anchor ,in harbour blanket毛毯
grabline扶手绳 tie tapes救生衣打结的绳子 retro-reflective tape 救生衣上反光胶带
all personnel practice donning their immersion suits and practice working in the suit
lifeboat davit 救生艇艇架 place the boat bottom plug盖好艇底塞
sit down and cure safety at belt坐下并系好安全带 portside along side 左舷靠码头
ARQ 申请物料 donning lifejacket 穿着救生衣 cover your no and mouth with one hand用手捂住口鼻 replace更换 tie tape of lifejacket
Retro-reflective tape 反光胶带 chain hoist 5T 葫芦 sounding tape 量水尺
Fire ho nozzle 皮龙喷嘴 bridge night order master pilot information exchange
Pilot card turning circle旋回圈 stopping distance 停车冲程
vesl deficiencies 船舶缺陷 freshwater draft manoeuvring speed
errors of the gyrocompass painting or chipping not allowed
place ratguards 放置老鼠挡 keep the gangway lit during all night hours
in order to launch the liferaft manully, relea the sliphook and throw the liferaft overboard. The liferaft is now attached to the vesl by the painter line vie the Red Weak Link connector . pul the painter line and inflate the liferaft so the survivors can board.
Label with a marking for year and month funnel sparks 烟囱火星 illuminate照亮 capsize(船)倾覆 lf-righting liferafts 自动扶正救生筏
First aid kit anti-asickness tables torch&battery
spare battery&bulb 灯泡 daylight signaling mirror 日光反射镜
jack-knife 水手刀 tin opener 启罐器 rescue quoits&line 救生拉环和绳
buoyant heaving line 可浮撇缆绳 bilge pump 污水泵 whistle
fishing line & hooks rescue signal card boarding ladder fire extinguisher
food ration 口粮配给 water ration淡水配给 rain water stowage water dippers
thermal protective aids engine fuel tools for engine archlight
radar reflector survival manual 救生手册 immersion suits 浸水服装
oars 桨 boat hooks bailer bucket桶 rudder tiller舵柄 grabline
hatchet 短柄小斧 matches火柴 compass illumination a anchor
painter 首尾缆绳 painter relea device首尾缆释放装置 wave oil 镇浪油
para red rockets red hand flares orange smoke float
冰箱风冷和直冷有什么区别it is fitted exactly in accordance with the manufactures instruction
Search and rescue radar transponder(SART)
Emergency Position indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
BUTTON按键,按钮 charge充电 scan扫描 low battery alert indicate 低电报警指示