日期: 合同号码:
Date: Contract No.:
禁毒教育买 方: (The Buyers) 卖方: (The Sellers)
This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to ll the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:
(1) 商品名称:
Name of Commodity:
(2) 数 量:
(3) 单 价:
Unit price:
(4) 总 值:
Total Value:
(5) 包 装:
(6) 生产国别:
Country of Origin :
(7) 支付条款:
Terms of Payment:
(8) 保 险:
(9) 装运期限:
Time of Shipment:
(10) 起 运 港:
Port of Lading
(11) 目 的 港:
Port of Destination:
Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, should the quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract, except thos
e claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vesl are liable, the Buyers shall have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim against the Sellers for compensation of changing the goods or indemnity.
Force majeure:
The llers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the cour of loading or transit. The llers shall advi the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above by cable or telex. Within fourteen days thereafter the Sellers shall nd by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.
All disputes in connection with the
execution of this Contract shall be ttled friendly through negotiation. In ca no ttlement can be reached, the ca then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The decision of the arbitration committee shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.
买方: Buyers: 卖方: Sellers:
-------------------- ----------------------
(授权签字) (授权签字)
(Authorized signature ) (Authorized signature )
Dear Sirs,
We are glad to note from your letter of March 9 that, as exporters of Chine cotton piece goods,you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coincide with our desire.
无动于衷什么意思At prent, we are interested in printed shirting and shall be plead to receive from you by airmail catalogues, samples and all necessary information regarding the goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile, plea quote us your lowest price, CIF Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission; stating the earliest date of shipment.
Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you.
We trust you will give us an early reply.
Yours faithfully,
XXX 谨上
With reference to your letter of September 15, we have pleasure in making an offer to you covering our brand-new photo copier, Model 200, particulars as follows:
1,000 photo copiers, Model 200,particulars as per our brochure No. 131 forwarded to you in our last letter
US$150 each CIF Singapore
US$150,000 CIF Singapore
Shipment will be available in December, 19____. As to terms of payment,we shall be glad if you will open an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in our favor covering the above amount on your acceptance of our offer.
Kindly note that our offer is open till November 15,19____and your confirmation should reach us before that date; oth
erwi our offer is automatically cancelled .
We shall be glad to receive your early news.
Yours faithfully,
日母亲XXX 谨上
October 22, 2010
Dear Sirs,
We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 15 and thank you for your offer of 1,000 ph
oto copiers, Model 200, particulars as per your brochure No.131 received from you.
US $ 150 each CIF Singapore
US $ 150, 000 CIF Singapore
We confirm our acceptance of your offer and are arranging to open an Irrevocable Letter of Credit for US $ 150,000 in your favor by airmail through our bankers, the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore. We expect that shipment will be made in December, 20____ accordingly. Packing is to be arranged in 10 photo copiers per strong wooden ca, with direct shipment to Singapore in one lot. You can mark the cas as follows:
Ca No. 1 Onwards
Plea nd us your Sales Confirmation and acknowledge receipt of the Letter of Credit in due cour.
Yours sincerely,
单价:到新加坡CIF 150美元/台
总值:到新加坡CIF 150,000美元
Ca No. 1 Onwards
(注:O E S系买方公司名称的首字母缩写,全称为Office Equipment Suppliers, 即办公设备供应公司;Singapore 系目的港名称;Ca No.系箱包编号)
XXX 谨上
August 10, 2010
Dear Sirs,
We have for acknowledgement your letter of August 2, 20____offering us 2,000 dozen/ts of Art.No.208 ladies' pyjamas at £26.00 per dozen/ts. We regret to inform you that the client in Oden has found your price much too high. Information indicates that similar articles have been sold there at approximately£20.00 per dozen/ts.
We do not deny that your pyjamas are slightly better in tailoring, but the price difference should in no ca be as big as £6 per dozen/ ts.
To step up the trade, we, on behalf of our client, counteroffer the following, subject to your reply here on or before August 18, 20____:
2,000 dozen/ts of Art.No.208 ladies' pyjamas at £23.00 per dozen/ts CIFC 2%Oden by steamer with transshipment at Copenhagen, other terms as per your letter dated August 2, 20____.
As the market is declining, we recommend your acceptance.
Yours sincerely,
2,000打/套第208号商品女式睡衣裤到欧登塞CIF加2%佣金价(CIFC 2%)每打/套23.00英镑,货轮装运,哥本哈根转船,其他条件以贵方8月2日函为准。
XXX 谨上