一. 句子汉译英 (共50句)
1. 对提高我们的住房率,你们有什么好主意?
2. 既然如此,我宁愿选这张唱片而不要那盒音带。幼儿园社会教案
3. 迟到早退是不守纪律的行为。
4. 这本书全面而简要地介绍了中国古老文化。
5. 上海博物馆展示了一副中华民族发展史的全景图。
6. 他对饭店的规章制度一无所知。
7. 他从不拒绝帮助。卷阿
8. 我想他们的公司有可能为他们负担所有的费用。
9, 请不要干涉我的事。
9. 我该预付多少?
10. 如果当天取消预订房,必须付100%苎麻叶租金损失费。
11. 公关主任照管饭店里客人的需要。
12. 小门神该合同须经批准方可生效。
13. 球兰花架如果您能组织一年内至少50个团体,我们可以打八折。
14. 这些纪念品要价太高了。
15. 即使遇到最困难的事,她也从不失望。
16. 我以饭店全体员工的名义向您赠送这些礼物。
17. 贵重物品请交接待处保管。
18. 我们有个多功能大厅,可以用来开会。
19. 夜里,这个房间被装饰得亮如白昼。
20. 这件事要交警方处理。
21. 钓鱼和养花可陶冶性情,增加健康。
22. 我们必须为饭店经营的成败负责。
23. 我想他们的公司有可能为他们负担所有的费用。
24. 我有可能今晚留在这里吗?
25. 您愿意和我一起打保龄球吗?愿意。
26. 如果当天取消预订房,必须付100%租金损失费。
27. 运货电梯上下时发出很大的噪音。
28. 虽然他已年老,但他对流行歌曲很有兴趣。
29. 必要时送他去日本进修宾馆业务。
30. 旺季房价比淡季高,但我们对团体订房还是优惠的。
31. 我希望我们不久以后会再见面。
32. 这些行李多么重啊!
33. 他把护照查得多么仔细啊!
34. 驶往北京的特快开了吗?没有,它将在十点离站。
35. 代客寄信是不收费的。
36. 让我帮你提这只皮箱,好不好?
37. 每位在华外国游客都应当遵守中国的法律。
38. 从机场到这家宾馆驱车约要十分钟。
39. 适应时差是不是很困难?
40. 孩子们太小了,还不能喝酒。
41. 帮旅客照顾孩子是很累人的。
小城乱事42. 一个服务员应当知道做什么和怎样做。
过得硬的连队43. 为了使客人满意,我愿意竭尽全力。
44. 这间小房间就是他生前工作过的书房。
45. 没有员工们的努力工作,饭店的经营就不会成功。
46. 我们期待着与这家公司的经理作一次会谈。
47. 我们供应很多种点心,请自便。
48. 想必您知道不少中国菜的特点。
49. 房间被收拾一番后,显得很整齐。
50. 到明年五月份的时候,这个宾馆就已装修一新了。
二. 短文英译汉
Table Manner
(1.) From the time when our caveman ancestors chewed on their wild pig bones in front of their fire to our own day when we sit around a table spread with snowy tablecloth and shining silver, we have the history of the change in eating habits from the simple satisfaction of hunger to the meal as a delightful, if rather complex, social institution. When you are invited to dinner today, it is assumed that you will be more interested in the persons and conversation at the table than in the meal itlf. Therefore, leisurely eating habits should be cultivated, allowing for conversation and pleasures at the same time. The actual eating ought to be done with as little noi and movement as possible.
Hotel Management and Administration
(2.) The manager of a hotel is responsible for establishing the policies and procedures of operation for the hotel and for eing that they are carried out. The way to attain the position of a manager is through education and experience. In earlier times, however, many universities and special schools gave cours in hotel management and administration. Many of the subjects a prospective hotelman studied were in the field of b
usiness administration. A hotel manager is a business executive and this means that he must have a knowledge of accounting, tax and business law, sales and promotion, and community relations, as well as a command of the traditional rvices and functions of the hotel itlf.
Do It Right
(3.) The life of the hotel staff will be made much simpler and more efficient if they have a fund of common n to call upon. It will help them to decide what is the right word to say and what is the right thing to do when various situations ari, and how to say and do it.
A wrong word or misinterpreted action can cau untold harm and complaints, no matter how much one explains or apologizes afterwards. It must be remembered that a word once spoken can never be retracted. It is not unusual for our guests to make complaints about our products, rvices or even the hotel itlf. What we ought to do is to encourage and ttle the guest’s complaints in order to soothe an unhappy guest and improve our o
wn work. This is a very important quality that everyone working in the hotel must have and be ready to u at all times.
Cooperation in Hotel’s Business
(4.) The convention business is very profitable for the hotel industry. A convention guarantees a good occupancy rate for the hotel over a period of at least veral days. In addition, the special exhibit and meeting areas are rented by the sponsoring organization for a fee, and the people attending the convention also generate more business in the hotel’s restaurants, bars and shops. For most people, in fact, a convention is a combination of business and pleasure.
The Catering Department assists the Sales Department in lling conventions and in all functions connected with conventions. With the assistance of the banquet headwaiter, the convention coordinator, and various members of the catering staff, including captains, waiters, and busboys, the catering manager es that convention functions are given proper attention. Such functions include greeting the guests and catering to their needs, o
rganizing meetings, assisting in the “t up” and “tear-down” of exhibits and planning and rvicing receptions, meals, dances, and any other event connected with a convention or independently sponsored banquet or function.
An Open Air Café
(5.) A few lazy clouds were passing slowly over a sunlit blue sky. Scattered over the smooth green grass were about twenty tables with green and white plastic tablecloths fastened on them, and bright-colored sunshades above. Plastic and metal chairs stood round them and in the center of the law, water from a fountain splashed into a pool in which goldfish were swimming
The waitress, pretty girls in light summer frocks, were bringing ice-cream, cool drinks and cream cakes from the kitchen of the hou at one side. Half the tables were occupied; veral women were sitting, talking and a few men were enjoying the sunshine.
On two sides ros bloomed against an old wall with beds of June flowers in front. On t
he other sides, tall trees sheltered lawns white with daisies. Bees were buzzing and birds were singing. Work, cold, perhaps no longer existed.