On the Cyclic Homology of an Algebra Associated with a Cyclic Quiver and a Monic Polynomial 期刊名称: Communications in Algebra
作者: Tomohiro,Itagaki
作者机构: Department
年份: 2015年貂蝉技能
期号: 第8期
孩子我想对你说关键词: Cyclic homology;Hochschild homology;Spectral quences;Primary:
19D55;Secondary: 16E40海淀卫校
莲藕的功效与作用摘要:In this article, we compute the Hochschild homology group of A=KΓ/(f(X s )), where KΓ is the path algebra of the cyclic quiver Γ with s vertices and s arrows over a commutative ring K, f(x) is a monic polynomial over K, and X is the sum of all arrows in KΓ. Moreover, we compute the cyclic homology group of A in the ca
人类的记忆f(x)=(xa) m , where a∈K, so that we can determine the cyclic homology of A in general when K is an algebraically clod field.