1、Adam’s apple直女癌 亚当的苹果 男人的喉结
the protruding part in a man’s throat
According to the Bible, when deceived by the rpent, Eve and Adam ate the apple and the latter was choked by the forbidden fruit. Since then, there has been a protruding part in men’s throat, which is one of the primary physical differences between males and females.
据《圣经·旧约·创世纪》(Bible, Old Testament, Genesis)第2章记载,上帝按自己的模样造了亚当(Adam),见亚当孤单,就趁亚当熟睡从他身上取下一根肋骨,造成成一一个女人——夏娃(Eve),亚当和夏娃从此无忧无虑地生活在伊甸园里(Garden of Eden),后来夏娃禁不住化身为蛇(rpent)的魔鬼撒旦(Satan, the Devil)的诱惑,偷吃了知善恶树上的果子,她也让亚当吃了,亚当从来没吃过这样的果子,来不及细嚼慢咽,结果果核卡在喉咙里,吐不出咽不下,从此果核就留在亚当的喉咙里,这就是男人的喉结,从此,亚当的子子孙孙无一幸免,只有女儿家没有。所以,在英语里,人们用“亚当的苹果”(Adam’s apple)表示“男人的喉结”。
2、Adam’s profession 亚当的职业;园艺业;农业。杜鹃花的寓意agriculture, gardening
据《圣经·旧约·创世纪》(Bible, Old Testament, Genesis)第2章记载,上帝在东方的伊甸设立了一个园子,称为伊甸园(Garden of Eden),把他造的人(亚当)安置在里面,让他照料看守这园子(And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.)。从此,亚当就在伊甸园除草松土,修剪树枝,采摘果子,从事人类最早的园艺和农事活动,所以,“亚当的职业”(Adam’s profession)就指的是“园艺业;农业”。如:
He has always been thinking of engaging in Adam’s profession when he retires.
My neighbor has green fingers. He keeps a very beautiful small garden of ros. He has been in Adam’s profession for many years.
3、alpha and omega 阿尔法和奥米伽 全部;始终。wholeness or the most important part
Revelation1:8 “I am Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
e.g. Rice is the alpha and omega of their diet.
Alpha和Omega是希腊语和闪语(Seitic)字母表中第一和最后一个字母的名称。在更古的时候,希腊语的最后一个字母是Tan(T),所以在中世纪英语中常说Alpha to Tan, Alpha to Tan比Alpha and Omega更常见。
《圣经·新约》(Bible, New Testament)里的《启示录》(Revelation)据说是为遭到迫
害的基督徒写的,目的是在他们受苦受难时给予鼓励和希望,上面说,上帝通过主耶稣(Jesus Christ)终将打败包括魔鬼撒旦(Satan, the Devil)在内的一切敌人,给虔诚的人降福,使他们得到一个新的天堂,一个新的人间。在《启示录》第1章8节中,上帝说:“我是阿尔法和奥米伽,是昔在、今在、以后永在的全能者。”(“I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.” Says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”)
演讲开头所以在英语里,alpha and omega表示 “全部;始终”。如:
A good knowledge of veral languages is the alpha and omega if you are working in international business.
He knows the alpha and omega of his job.
Wheat is the alpha and omega of their diet.
此外,在现代英语里,人们用英语字母表中的首尾两个字母组成一个习语:from A to Z,意思是“由始至终;彻头彻尾;全部”。
4、apple of Sodom 所得玛的苹果 华而不实的东西;徒有其表的东西。
superficially clever or good but without practical u
Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities destroyed by God for people there were sinful. After the big fire that had destroyed everything, there appeared many trees on this land, which yielded pretty fruits. But if you taste the apples, they became ashes immediately.
e.g. The bed he bought yesterday turned out to be an apple of Sodom.
据《圣经·旧约·创世纪》(Bible, Old Testament, Genesis)第19章记载:所得玛(Sodom)和蛾摩拉(Gomorrah)是古代死海(Dead Sea)岸边的两座臭名昭著的城市,那里的居民骄奢淫欲、罪孽滔天。上帝耶和华(Jehovah)降硫磺和火把一切都化为
灰烬。此后,在死海这一带出产一种苹果,外表鲜艳可爱,食之则满口灰味儿,可观不可食,人们把这种苹果称为“所得玛的苹果”(apple of Sodom),又称为“死海之果”(Dead Sea Apple),现转喻为:华而不实的东西,虚有其表、金玉其外、败絮其中的事物,请看例句:
The girl is pretty in appearance but hideous in mind. People who know about her regard her as nothing but an apple of Sodom.
Nobody likes it; it’s nothing but an apple of Sodom.
北京旅游必去景点排名--Do you know him well enough?
--But why is it said some people can fall in love at first sight?
--At first sight? What in him attracts you?
--He’s so handsome, so cool.
--But let me tell you what. He is only the Apple of Sodom..
——我告诉你吧, 他只不过徒有其表而已。)
5、at one’s wit’s end 在某人智慧的末端;智穷计尽;无计可施。
防守足球without effective ways to solve problem
The Psalms 107:27They reel back and forth, and stagger like a drunken man, And are at their wits' end.
据《圣经·旧约·诗篇》(Bible, Old Testament,Psalms)第107章第27节记载:
上帝的威力无穷,航海者在海上体验到了上帝所行的各种奇事。上帝一吩咐,狂风就起来,海中的波浪也扬起。航海的人摇摇晃晃,东倒西歪,好像醉酒的智慧无法施展(They reel to and fro, and stagger like drunken men, and are at their wit’s end.)。
据此,英语里用at one’s wit’s end表示“智穷计尽;无计可施”。如:
Being at his wit’s end, he is asking anyone he can think of for help.
With all three children at home all day, the mother was at her wit’s end trying to keep the hou clean.
6、at the eleventh hour 在第十一个小时;还来得及at the last crucial moment
据《圣经·新约·马太福音》(Bible, New Testament, Matthew)第20章第1至16节记载:耶稣·基督(Jesus Christ)给众人讲了一个天国的比喻,他说:“天国好比下面的故事,有一个葡萄园主清早出去,雇工人到他的葡萄园工作,每天给他们一块银币。然后在上午9点、中午12点、下午3点、下午5点,他又分别雇用了几个人,收工时,园主都给了他们一块银币。那些从清早就干活的人抱怨,为什么在第十一个小时才进来的人,只一个小时却得到同样的报酬,园主回答说:‘朋友,我并没有占你便宜,你不是同意每天一块银币的工资吗?拿你的钱回家去吧!我要给那最后进来的跟你的一样,难道我无权使用自己的钱吗?为了我待人慷慨,你就嫉妒吗?’”耶稣用这个比喻来喻指能够进入天国的,即使在最后时刻也来得及,凡进入天国的人,上帝都对他们一视同仁,不分先后。