Get in shot, guys. 过来拍照啦
The adventure begins. 冒险之旅启程了
I misd my first train. 我错过了上一辆火车
I'm hoping there's gonna be another one, 希望还有下一辆
otherwi, I live here. 不然 我就在这住下
I cannot wait to have a bath. 我太想洗个澡了
She's skied before, 她滑过雪
I have never skied. 我从没滑过
My God. 天呐
My God! 我的小心脏啊
Here We go. Next adventure. 下一段冒险开始了
Fingers crosd. 为我祈祷吧
I'm, I'm Heather Watson, 我叫海瑟·沃特森
I'm here for the test. 我来做匹配检测
I've been here for 20 minutes. 我已经等了二十分钟了
You wanna come with me? 跟我来吧
Does it hurt? 疼吗
学校社团活动总结So, I just got the test results back. 匹配结果出来了浑身解数造句
Not in the system. 我的灵魂伴侣还未做检测
I guess I should feel disappointed, but I don't. 按理说 我该很失望 但并没有
I'm excited, I think. 我反而很激动五大连池市
冲奶粉水To have the surpri ahead of me. 惊喜在未来等着我
No rush. 真爱急不来
He can come find me when he's good and ready. 等他准备好 再来寻觅我也不迟
Her name was Heather, 她叫海瑟
she died in a car accident. 她在车祸中去世了
I never met her, 我们还没来得及见一面
I don't think about her anymore. 我已经放下她了
I mean, I ud to, a lot. 我以前满脑子都是她
I found out everything I could about her. 我疯狂寻找她留下的痕迹
I even called some of her family up in Washington. 我甚至联系了她在华盛顿的家人
They were nice folk. 他们很友好
I ud to, 我曾经
形容亲密的成语Daydream about her. 幻想过她的模样
You know, who she 好奇她的为人
how l could maybe fit into her life. 纠结如何融入她的生活
I ud to think about how l could move out there, 我曾想离开这里
and, you know, maybe go on one of her adventures. 追寻她的脚步 去冒险
She always looked so happy. 她生前总是笑口常开
You know, so full 活力四射
Yeah. 一切都晚了
I don't think about her anymore. 我已经放下她了
That's good, Kurt. 这就对了 科特
I know it can be hard sometimes to e God's path for us, 上帝为我们指了一条死路 确实令人绝望
but take heart that he's given you a cond chance. 但你要记住 祂还给了你重来的机会
His mercy saved you from burning in the eternal hellfire. 上帝慈悲 令你免受永世的煎熬
Think about that. 好好想想吧
Killing yourlf is not cool, Kurt. 自杀并不是解决之法 科特
Amen. 阿门
Amen. 阿门
Let us pray for our soulmates who have pasd. 为我们逝去的灵魂伴侣祈祷吧
Let us pray for our soulmates who have pasd. 灵魂伴侣 第一季第五集
Jesus! 不是吧
You know, both of you don't have to come pick me up every time. 你们真没必要每次都来接我
We don't mind, hon. 我们愿意 亲爱的
Did it go okay, today, hon? 今天还算顺利吗 亲爱的
Yeah. 嗯
Yeah, it went good. 很顺利
Yeah, it went good. 第一浸礼会
Did you manage to talk this time? 你这次发言了吗
I did. 嗯
And you feel better for it? 说出来感觉好点了吗
Sharing your regret with the Lord? 向上帝倾诉你的遗憾
Just let the boy be. 别烦孩子了
I'm just asking. 我关心一下啊
You know, couple years, I'm gonna start winding down. 再过几年 我就干不动了
Maybe retire for good. 可能就彻底撒手了
Yeah. 嗯
When that day comes, I want you to take over. 到那时 我想把这里交给你来打理
But I need to know, you're done with all this test nonn. For good. 但你必须彻底放下逝去的灵魂伴侣
I am. 我放下了
Can you look me square in the eye and say it? 看着我的眼睛 再说一遍北辰中学
I'm done, Dad. 我放下了 爸
I promi. 我保证
Well, all right. 乖儿子
Well, all right. 科特·谢波德
Well, all right. 海瑟·沃特森
So, I just got the test results back. 匹配结果出来了
Not in the system. 我的灵魂伴侣还未做检测
I'm excited, I think. 我反而很激动
To have the surpri ahead of me. 惊喜在未来等着我
No rush. 真爱急不得
He can come find me when he's good and ready. 等他准备好 再来寻觅我也不迟
He can come find me when he's good and ready. 耶稣爱你
His name was Tyrone Johnson. 他叫泰隆·约翰逊
He was an engineer. 他生前是个工程师
I think about him a lot. 我常想起他
All the time. 无时无刻不在想他
Sometimes, I... I actually make dinner for him. 我有时还会为他准备晚饭
Sit opposite and talk to him. 想像我就坐在他的对面 跟他聊天
I guess that sounds crazy. 听起来很不正常吧
No. 没有
Not to me. 我觉得还好
He designed bridges. 他设计过桥梁
You know that one over Coyote Ridge 狼岭那边有座桥
with the weird old man lls watermelons? 桥上有个卖西瓜的怪老头
Yeah. Watermelon Man? 我知道 卖瓜人那座桥
Yeah, him. 对 是他的作品
And, he also loved to dance. 他生前还喜欢跳舞
He did ballroom. Real classical stuff. 他还在舞厅跳过舞 复古文艺
- Wow. - Yeah. -真有才 -是啊
Well, Heather liked to travel. 海瑟生前热爱旅行
I mean she'd been to all the places I'd never heard of. 她去过的地方 我根本没听说过
Y'know, whenever she'd get the chance, 她一有机会
she'd just escape somewhere new. 就到处探索新世界
That's cool. 真潇洒
Yeah. Yeah. 是啊
Why'd you take the test? 你为什么去做检测
You're so young, didn't you wanna go and live some life first? 你还这么年轻 难道不想先恣意一把
I mean, sure I did, 想是想 但是
You know, what could be better than spending the rest of your life 人生最美好的事
with someone who's meant for you and, you know, only you? 莫过于和灵魂伴侣白头偕老了