代理机构 得房率怎么计算 Agency | 教学内容分析代理证复印件粘贴处 To stick the copy of Agent Licen here | |
姓 名 Name | ||
代理证号 Agent Licen No。 | ||
联系电话 Contact Tel。 | ||
姓名 Name | 身份证复印件粘贴处 | |
部门 Department | ||
电话 Tel。 | ||
序号 No。 | 文件、证件名称 Required documents and Certificates |
1 | 拟任法定代表人签署的申请书 Application signed by the legal reprentative to be appointed. |
2 | 审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1),募集方式设立的股份有限公司还应提交国务院证券管理部门的批准文件 The approval Documents(written reply and duplicate 1of approval certificate)of examination & approval authority; the joint stock limited company which is incorporated in form of fund—raising is required to submit the approval documents issued by the Securities Management Department of the State Council. |
3 | 有关项目建议书或可行性研究报告的批准文件 The approval documents of the concerned Project Proposal or Feasibility Study Report |
4 | 合同、章程 Contract, articles of association |
5 | 名称预先核准通知书 Application of Pre-approval of Name |
6 | 投资者的合法开业证明和资信证明 Legal Business Opening Certificate (copy) and Credit Certificate of investors |
7 | 法定代表人、董事、监事任职文件原件及身份证明复印件 Original Letter of Appointment of Legal Reprentative, Directors and Supervisors, as well as the copies of their ID Cards。 |
怎么卸载手机自带软件 8* | 国有资产产权登记备案表 Filing Form of Property Registration of State—owned Asts。 |
9 | 住所使用证明 Domicile Using Certificate |
10* | 创立大会的会议记录 Minutes of founding Meeting |
11* | 发起人协议 Promoters Agreement |
12* | 筹办公司财务审计报告 audit Report of Financial Statement of the company under preparation |
13* | 具有法定资格的验资机构出具的验资证明 Investment verification Certificates issued by a legally authorized investment verification authority |
14* | 前置审批文件或证件 Earlier tup examination & approval documents or certificates |
15 | 其它有关文件、证件 Other related document and certificates |
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