中医执业范围You must do homework by yourlf and hand it in before due date. If you fail to do so, you will have to pay a two-yuan fine.
最赚钱的行业>重新起航To maintain a good learning environment, you are responsible for cleaning up the classroom when you are on duty. If you fail to fulfil your obligation, you will have to pay one-yuan fine. Don't toss trash around, or you will be fined two yuan.
五月天好好>原来如此什么意思宋江招安As a member of the class, you must show respect to yourlf, other students and the teachers. No jeans and sandals allowed in school. You need to make sure that you have your Student ID on you while in school. Inappropriate behaviours in class will result in a two-yuan fine.
All fines will be collected as a reward for good behaviours.