Study Questions for English Public Speaking
Chapter 2 Speaking Confidently and Ethically
True-Fal Questions
1. T F Fortunately, stage fright only affects inexperienced speakers.
2. T F Experts believe that being fully prepared for a speech can reduce stage fright
by up to 75 percent.
3. T F Using the power of visualization to control stage fright means that you
should approach your speech as a performance in which the audience is
looking for perfection.
4. T F Most successful speakers are nervous before taking the floor.
5. T F Listeners usually realize how ten a speaker is.
6. T F Some nervousness before you speak is usually beneficial.
7. T F For most beginning speakers the biggest part of stage fright is fear of the
8. T F As your textbook explains, most of the nervousness public speakers feel
internally is not visible to their listeners.
9. The aim of a speaker is to accomplish his or her goals by any means necessary.
10. T F Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and
wrong in human affairs.
11. T F Ethical issues can ari at every stage of the speechmaking process.
12. T F The ethical obligation of a speaker to be fully prepared increas as the
size of the audience increas.
13. T F A public speaker need only be concerned about ethics in the conclusion
苗仲华of a speech.
14. T F The first responsibility of a speaker is to make sure her or his goal is
ethically sound.
15. T F A speaker’s ethical obligations decrea as the size of the audience
16. One of the best ways to avoid falling into the trap of plagiarism is to start work on
your speeches well before they are due.
17. Becau the aim of speechmaking is to cure a desired respon from listeners,
speakers need to give their strategic objectives priority over their ethical
18. T F Unlike writers, public speakers can prent other people’s ideas as their
own without being guilty of plagiarism.
19. T F Global plagiarism occurs when a speaker takes material from veral
different sources and prents it as his or her own.
20. T F Taking someone’s entire speech and passing it off as your own is a form
of unethical behavior called global plagiarism.
21. T F It is necessary for a public speaker to identify his or her source whether
the speaker is paraphrasing or quoting verbatim.
22. T F It is only necessary to identify your source in a speech when you are
quoting directly, rather than paraphrasing.
23. T F Whenever you quote someone directly in a speech, you must attribute the
words to that person.
24. T F Incremental plagiarism occurs when a speaker us quotations or
paraphras without citing the sources of the statements.
25. T F Just as you need to give credit to the authors of print books and articles
that you quote or paraphra in your speech, so you need to give credit to
the authors of Internet documents.
26. T F When citing an Internet document in a speech, it is usually sufficient to
introduce it by saying, “As I found on the Web.”
27. T F Just as public speakers have ethical responsibilities, so too do the people
who listen to a speech.
Multiple Choice Questions(Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.)
41. When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is
a. a way to manipulate people.
* b. a way to make a difference in something we care about.
c. a way to make everyone e things through our frame of reference.
d. a way to demonstrate how clever we ar卡通简笔画图片大全
e. a way to support ethnocentrism.
Many of the skills ud in public speaking are the same as tho ud in everyday conversation. The skills include
a. organizing your thoughts logically.
b. tailoring your message to your audience.
c. adapting to listener feedback.
* d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
44. When you experience stage fright, your body is producing extra
, a hormone that is relead into the bloodstream in respon to physical or mental stress.
* a. adrenaline
b. rotonin
c. potassium
d. glauconite
e. cortisone
45. According to your textbook, rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage
fright, you should aim at transforming it into
a. general anxiety.
b. visualized adrenaline.
c. professional stage fright.
* d. positive nervousness.
e. confident apprehension.
46. Which of the following strategies is least likely to help you deal with nervousness
in your speeches?
a. thinking positively
* b. concentrating on your stage fright
c. working especially hard on your introduction
d. making eye contact with members of your audience
e. using visual aids
47. Heather was in the midst of an excellent speech on campus history when she
made a minor mistake by giving the wrong date for the opening of a campus
building. She suddenly stopped speaking and said, “Oh, I mesd up.” She then
finished her speech, but all she could think about afterward was her mistake.
What is the major piece of advice from your textbook that Heather needs to be
reminded about?
* a. There is no such thing as a perfect speech.
b. You should work especially hard on your introduction.
c. Audiences usually can’t tell how nervous a speaker is.
d. You should take slow, deep breaths before you speak.
e. It is natural for public speakers to be nervous.
48. Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with
nervousness in your speeches?
a. Concentrate on thinking about your stage fright.男的干女的
b. Work especially hard on your conclusion.
c. Avoid making eye contact with your audience.
d. Try to generate extra adrenaline as you speak.
* e. Think of your speech as an act of communication.
49. Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way of dealing with
nervousness in your speeches?
a. Remember that your nervousness is not usually visible to your audience.
b. Concentrate on communicating with the audience rather than on your nerves.
c. As you rehear, visualize yourlf giving a successful speech.
* d. all of the above
e. b and c only
50. Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to deal with
nervousness in your speeches?
a. Tell your audience how nervous you are.
b. Avoid making eye contact with the audience.
c. Focus on achieving perfection in your speech.
* d. Visualize yourlf giving a successful speech.
e. Memorize your conclusion word for word.
51. According to your textbook, when you employ the power of visualization as a
method of controlling stage fright, you should
a. decrea the time necessary for preparing your speech.
b. keep your mental pictures from becoming too vivid.
* c. focus on the positive aspects of your speech.
d. all of the abov
e. a and b only.
35. Speechmaking is a form of power and therefore carries with it heavy
a. logical
* b. ethical
c. psychological
d. emotional
e. sociological
36. Becau speechmaking is a form of power, we must always be sure to speak
a. concily.
b. persuasively.
* c. ethically.
d. forcefully.
e. consistently.
37. According to your textbook, the branch of philosophy that deals with human
issues of right and wrong is termed
a. morality.
b. rationalism.
* c. ethics.
d. legality.
e. existentialism.
38. As a public speaker, you face ethical issues when人生的路
a. lecting the topic for your speech.
b. rearching your speech.
c. organizing your speech.