NB: This version of the NSW syllabus is for implementation from 2009 in WA and includes numbered references which correspond to the notes on the Syllabus Notes Page. The notes explain the WA and WACE syllabus and asssment requirements. Plea read the two documents together.
NSW Syllabus WA version
Chine Background
Stage 6
(WA - Stage 2 and Stage 3)
With special thanks to NSW Board of Studies for permission for Curriculum Council u.
Original published version updated:
Board Bulletin/Official Notices Vol 9 No 6 (BOS 40/00)
虐身虐心小说>辅食添加顺序时间表July 2008 Official Notice BOS 30/08, Vol 17 No 3
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Material on p 5 from Securing Their Future © NSW Government 1997.
© Board of Studies NSW 2008车库对联
Published by
Board of Studies NSW
GPO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001
Tel: (02) 9367 8111
Internet: www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au
ISBN 0 7313 4408 1
1 The Higher School Certificate Program of Study 5
2 Introduction for Chine in the Stage 6 Curriculum 6
2.1 The Language 6
2.2 Description of Target Group 6
2.3 Rationale 6
3 Continuum of Learning for Chine Stage 6 Students 8
4 Aims 10
5 Objectives 10
6 Cour Structure 11
7 Objectives and Outcomes 12
7.1 Listing of Objectives and Outcomes 12
7.2 Key Competencies 14
8 Content 15
8.1 Themes 15席书
8.2 Grammar 18托福口语模板
8.3 Tasks 24
8.4 Dictionaries 24
9 Cour Requirements 25
10 Post-school Opportunities 26
11 Asssment and Reporting 27
11.1 Requirements and Advice 27
11.2 Internal Asssment 28
11.3 External Examination 28
11.4 Board Requirements for the Internal Asssment Mark In Board
Developed Cours 29
11.5 Asssment Components, Weightings and Tasks 30
11.6 HSC External Examination Specifications 34
11.7 Summary of Internal and External Asssment 37
11.8 Summary of Examination Specifications 38
11.9 Reporting Student Performance Against Standards 39
1 The Higher School Certificate Program of Study
For copyright reasons this text cannot be reproduced in the online version of this documen
2 Introduction for Chine in the Stage 6 Curriculum
2.1 The Language
The language to be studied and assd is the modern standard/official version of
For the purpo of this syllabus, modern standard Chine is taken to be gratefulnessPutonghua in the spoken form. In the written form, texts, questions and tasks for the external examination will be provided in simplified characters and full-form (complex) characters, and respons can be prented in either simplified characters or fullform (complex) characters. The romanid form of the character text is Hanyu Pinyin.
2.2 Description of Target Group
The Chine Background Speakers Syllabus is designed for students with a cultural and linguistic background in Chine.
Eligibility criteria exist for cours in Chine. See the Asssment, Certification and Examination (ACE) manual for details.
2.3 Rationale
The study of Chine contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, literacy, cognitive development and general knowledge.
The study develops an understanding of how attitudes and values are shaped within both Chine-speaking and Australian communities.
Chine is a significant world language, one of the official languages of the United Nations and is spoken by about a quarter of the world’s population. There are many spoken varieties of Chine, and modern standard Chine is pre-eminent among the. It is the major language of communication in China, Taiwan and Singapore and is widely ud by Chine communities throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia.