Opening up curricula to redistribute epistemic agency: A framework for supporting science
期刊名称: Science Education
作者: Mon㎜in Monica Ko,Christina Krist
年份: 2019年草莓的种子
定语从句知识点总结期号: 第4期
哦用力>谦虚好学关键词: curriculum adaptation;epistemic agency;professional
development;science education;teacher education
摘要:This study propos a strategic framework to guide teachers' curriculum adaptation, planning, and enactment as a lever for redistributing epistemic agency. This framework intends to position teachers as strategic decision‐makers around when and how to open up aspects of their curriculum. W
e argue that eing the aspects of Next Generation Science Standards‐aligned curricula—the methods of investigation, the anchoring phenomena, and the explanatory models students construct—as entry points for redistributing epistemic agency may help teachers make inroads to shifting their classroom practice towards more responsive instruction. Importantly, our tool acknowledges that there are different "levels" at which teachers might strategically decide to open up space for student decision‐making. The decisions may have