IEC Standard 60335-1
Reference: IEC60335-1
申请Prepared By: Emily Tang Date: Mar 7, 03 Approved By: E&E Technical Manager
Approved Date: Nov 28, 2008
Training Objectives
今日球赛时间表To understand safety
concept for houhold幽灵世界
To understand test stated on二氧化钒
safety standard
Bureau Veritas Prentation _ Date
1 Scope of IEC 60335-1
2 Knowledge of safety test
3 Construction requirement in IEC60335-1
Chapter title1 Scope of IEC 60335-1
1Scope of IEC 60335-1
IEC60335-1 scope
•The safety of electrical appliances for houhold and similar purpos,their rated voltage being not more than 250V for single-pha appliances and 480V for other appliances.
•Appliance not intended for normal houhold u but which nevertheless may be danger to the public,such as appliance intended to be ud by laymen in shops,in light industry and on farms,are within the scope of this standard.
Bureau Veritas Prentation _ Date