Right patient, right time, right pharmacist: the time for clinical prioritisation tools?人才梯队培养
期刊名称: European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
岳坟作者: Lewis,Penny
年份: 2017年
期号: 第6期
关键词: clinical pharmacy;pharmacy management (organisation,喷水车
financial);information technology;efficiency;organisation of health子午面
rvices;quality in health care;medical errors;time management
树叶折纸摘要:Objective To establish the thoughts of pharmacists using the pharmaceutical asssment screening tool (PAST) when assigning a patient acuity level (PAL) and establish other decision factors. A PAL is a pharmaceutical asssment of a patient (lowest=1 to highest=3), higher PALs highlight the r
equirement for a more intensive pharmaceutical input to reduce potential harm. Method