k开头的英文Cochlear implants: indications in groups of patients with borderline indications. A review.
期刊名称: Acta Oto-Laryngologica
作者: Quaranta, Nicola,Bartoli, Roberto,Quaranta, Antonio
正比例函数图像与性质年份: 2004年
阴道炎的症状有哪些期号: 第s552期
关键词: cochlear implant;elderly people
摘要:Cochlear implants (CI) reprent the current treatment for patients affected by profound nsorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Initially only deaf adult patients were considered to be candidates for a CI; however, the development of technology and matured experience have expanded the indications for cochlear implantation. Today, CIs are implanted in adults and children and broader indications are followed. There are, however, a number of patients who do not completely fulfill the current indications and who are potential candidates for CI. The duration of deafness and residual hear
说唱歌手>儿童在线小游戏ing reprent prognostic indicators for
班级管理制度小学CI performance; however, the candidacy of children with residual hearing and prelingually deafened adults are still under debate. Anatomical variants such as cochlear ossification, cochlear malformation and