Morning Sickness
Patient: I'm suffering from naua and vomiting. I can't take any food or even water, especially in the morning.
Doctor: How long has this bothered you?
P:Naua started about 3 weeks ago, but was not so vere. I have been suffering from terrible naua and vomiting this week. I feel very weak.
D: When was your last menstruation?
P: My last period came about 70 days ago.
D: Are you trying to eat?
您试着 吃点东西吗?
P: I try to eat, but I immediately throw up.
D: If you want to be relieved, try to eat something that can be easily digested, in small amounts, and intermittently. It's better for you to keep something in your stomach.
P: You may be right. But I feel like vomiting even when I smell food.
你 可能对。但我一闻到食物的味道就想吐。
D: In that ca, the food should be cold, not greasy. It's always wor in the morning, therefore, you should have some snacks ready so you can take a bit if you wake up at night.
在这方 面,冷食及少油的食物好些。孕吐常是早晨重些,所以应该准备些吃的东西,夜里睡醒时可以吃点。
P: How long will this continue? If possible, I'd like to stay in the hospital.
还要吐多久?如果可能,我 希望住院。
D: You are now at the end of your third month of pregnancy, so this malai will soon be over.
P: Isn't there any medicine for me?
D: Yes, I'll give you a gluco infusion at once, but you should try to take some food yourlf. Anyway we can康复培训 give injections of vitamins, gluco, or some antiemetic drug, if neccessary. Morning sickness is one of the discomforts you must face when becoming a mother. About 50% of the pregnant women have different degrees of morning sickness. If you can't bear it, we may give you a shot or admit you to the hospital.
好,我立刻给你由静脉输些葡萄糖,但是您自己还要吃东西。我们给您注射些 维生素、葡萄糖,必要时给些止吐药。作母亲得总是会有些孕吐的。大约有50%的孕妇有程度不同的孕吐。如果您觉得耐受不了,我们可以给您打针或让您住院。
Patient: My next period is due to start in a few days, but I have cramps already. I have been suffering from cramps every month for the last 8 years. I always feel awful just before my period.
现在进行时的定义我得月经还有几天才开始,但现在就痛起来了。从8年前起每个月都痛,每次月经前我都害 怕了。
Doctor: Are you a student?
P: Yes, I'm a medical student. I have vere premenstrual pain, so that I can hardly concentrate on my studies.
D: How many days does the pain last?
P: It lasts for 4 to 5 days and disappears on the 2nd day of periods.
D: Do you have vere headaches?
P: Yes, I have headaches, but not too bad.
D: Do you have pains in your back or stomach?
你 有腰疼或胃疼吗?
P: I have backaches and my legs feel heavy, I even feel that my skirts and my shoes are too tight.
D: Then probably your legs are also a bit swollen.
P: Then, is it rious?
D: Then probably your legs are also a bit swollen.
P: Is there any medicine for it?
有什么药物能 治吗?
经典笑话段子D: Let's try some hormone extracts or some medicine for muscle relaxation, diuresis and analgesics.
P: Is there any herbal medicine for it?
D: Oh, there are veral kinds of Chine traditional medicines, and acupuncture works also.
P: I prefer getting acupuncture.
我愿意用针 刺。
D: That's all right. I will give you acupuncture treatments.
承德县教育信息网那 好。我给你做针刺治疗。
P: I feel much better after acupuncture. Thank you.
鲁滨逊定律做完 针刺后我感觉好多了。谢谢你。