Explain the terms with examples(2*5=10%)清明节的诗
Archaisms jargon 鸾飘凤泊slang denizen alien (1)
Hybrid (2)
Morpheme roof affix stem ba(3)
Affixation compounding conversion blend initialism acronym(4)
Conceptual meaning associative meaning connotative meaning stylistic meaning (5)联想a789
Synonymy antonymy homonymy hyponymy( 6 )
Uphemism elevation of meaning degradation of meaning (7)
Filling in the blanks (70%) chapter 4 5 6 7 9
1.prefixation (54prefixes) affixation(51suffixes) 1*10=10%
2.root 108 roots (1*10)
涯词语7.discrimination of synonymy
9.borrowing (triplets)(hybrid)
answering questions
1.what are the characteristics of the basic word stock?(1)
2.Give a brief account of the four phas of Latin borrowing with two or three examples for each period.(2)
3.What is the difference between grammatical and lexical morphemes, and inflectional and derivational morphemes? Give examples to illustrate their relationship?(3)
4.What are the criteria by which to differentiate compounds from free phras? What do you think of the criteria?(4)
5.What is motivation? What are the four types of motivation? Explain them with ex
amples. Do this theory contradict the theory of “ arbitrariness” and “ conventionality” concerning the relationship between linguistic symbols and their ns?(5)
6.What is mantic field? Is field theory in the way helpful in language learning?(6)
7.What are the caus of meaning change? Illustrate you point.(7)
8.What is the mechanism underlying the mantic change in lexemes?(7)脸上长癣怎么办 bernard and delbridge (1980)—associate field
9.What is context? Can you differentiate verbal context from extra-linguistic context?(8)
10.有所期诺What are the major characteristics of idioms? Give examples to illustrate your point. (9)