李弘老师 英语词汇学教程 复习笔记 1
出版社:华中师范大学出版社;第2版(2004年2月1日)丛书名:外语语言文学系列教材平装:257页开本:16开ISBN:7562216851条形码:9787562216858产品尺寸及重量:22.7 x16.9 x1.1 cm;300 gASIN:B00114K8LK Revision Outline of English Lexicology Search Fields:Morphology,Semitics,Etymology,Stylistics,Lexicography.
Chapter 1The Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary 1.1 The Definition of aWord Aword is aminimal free form of alanguage that has agiven sound,meaning and syntactic function.
1.2 Vocabulary All the words in alanguage make up its vocabulary.
1.3 Sound and Meaning arbitrary,no logical relationship 1.4 Sound and Form 1English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,and it does not have aparate letter to reprent each sound in the language;
2 The pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years;
冼东妹3 Several letters were written with short vertical strokes and looked all like;
4 Words are borrowed from other languages,Latin,Greek,French,etc.
1.5 Classification of Words 1Basic Word Stock and Nonbasic Vocabulary Characteristics of Common Core of the Language:All national character,Stability,Productivity,Polymy,Collocability;
Other Words include:Terminology术语,Jargon行话,Slang俚语,Argot黑话,Dialectal Words方言,Archaisms古语词,Neologisms新词语.
2 Content Words and Functional Words Content words,also notional words,which is the main body of the English vocabulary,denote clear notions,including nouns,verbs,adjectives,and numerals;while Functional words,also empty words or form words,do not have notions of their own,including prepositions,conjunctions,auxiliaries and articles.
3 Native Words and Borrowed Words Native words are brought to Britain in the fifth century by the German tribes:the Angles,the Saxons,and the Jutes,thus known as Anglo-Saxon words.Features:Neutral in Style,Frequent in U.
According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing,borrowed words,loan words or just borrowings,can be divided into four class:Denizens,Aliens,Translation Loans,and Semantic Loans★.Examples in P12-13 Chapter 2The Development of the English Vocabulary 2.1 The Indo-European Language Family(Chine belongs to Sino-Tibetan Language Family)
2.2 Three Phras of the Historical Development The first people known to inhabit the island were Celts.
1 Old English(450-1150)
2 Middle English(1150-1500)
3 Modern English(1500-)
2.3 General Characteristics 1Receptivity,Adaptability,and Heterogeneity 2Si mplicity of Inflection 3Relatively Fixed Word-order 2.4 Foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary Latin,Greek,French,Scandinavian(Norwegian,Swedish,Danish,and Icelandic),Other Foreign Elements 2.5 Growth of Contemporary English Vocabulary Rapid growth of science and technology Social,economic and political changes The influence of other cultures and languages 2.6 Models of Vocabulary Development Three Channels:①Creation,②Semantic change and③Borrowing.
Chapter 3Morphological Structure of English Words 3.1 Morphemes词素(形位)
The smallest functioning unit in the composition of words,minimal form of grammatical analysis 3.2 Morphs形素and Allomorphs词素(形位)变体
神秘的脚印Discrete(or parate)units are morphs;mono-morphemic(morphemes can stand by themlves and function freely in antence);allomorph refers to amember of at of morphs,which reprent one morpheme.
3.3 Classifying Morphemes 1Free VS Bound Morphemes自由词素和粘着词素
Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free,and they have complete meanings in themlves and can be ud as free grammatical units in ntences.
Morphemes which cannot occur as parate words are bound.
Free morphemes are all roots.
Bound morphemes include two types:bound root and affix.
2 Derivational VS Inflectional Morphemes派生词素和屈折词素
Morphemes ud to derive new words(by prefix,suffix,root)are known as derivational morphemes;inflectional morphemes,indicate the syntactic relationships between words and function as grammatical markers.Inflectional morphemes are confined to suffixes.
Examples:– s(-er),-er,-est,-'s,-ed,-ing 3Content VS Grammatical Morphemes Content morphemes arelexicalmorphemes,also derivational morphemes.
3.4 Identifying Morphemes Mono-morphemic,double-morphemic,triple-morphemic,four-m
orphemic,over-four-morphemic 3.5 Morpheme and Word-formation 1Affix Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function.All affixes are bound morphemes,becau none of them can stand as words in their own rights.We divide affixes into inflectional affixes and derivational affixes,both of which are identical with derivational and inflectional morphemes.刚愎自用是什么意思