1、ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.5.46-1990-名称:液力传动.阀门.压力释放固定接口(Hydraulic Fluid Power - Valves - Pressure Relief Mounting Interface)
2、ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.21.8-1990-名称:气压液动.反应时间的测量.直接控制阀门(Pneumatic Fluid Power - Measurement of Respon Time - Directional Control Valves)
3、ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.5.14 R1-1997-名称:液力传动.直接控制阀门.分界特性的测定方法(Hydraulic Fluid Power - Directional Control Valve - Method for Determining the Metering Characteristics)
4、ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.5.28 R1-1997-名称:液力传动.阀门.压力不同的流量特性.测量和记录方法(Hydraulic Fluid Power - Valves - Pressure Differential-Flow Characteristic - Method of Measuring and Recording)
5、ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.5.45-1996-名称:液力传动.两孔滑动盒式阀门.容量(Hydraulic Fluid Power - Two-Port Slip-In Cartridge Valves - Cavities (Technically equivalent to ISO 7368: 1989))
6、ANSI/ASME B 40.6-1994-名称:限压阀(Pressure Limiter Valves)
7、ANSI/ASME N 278.1-1975-名称:安全相关的自动和机动阀门功能规范标准
(Self-Operated and Power Operated Safety-Related Valves Functional Specification Standard)
8、ANSI/ASAE EP 282.2-1993-名称:牲畜和家禽保健的紧急通风设计的阀门(Design Values for Emergency Ventilation and Care of Livestock and Poultry)
9、ANSI/API RP 11V 7-1990-名称:气体提升阀门的修理试验和安装(RepairTesting and Setting Gas Lift Valves)
10、ValvesANSI/API RP 11V 6-1992-名称:用注入压力操作阀的连续气体提升装置的设计(Design of Continuous Flow Gas Lift Installations Using Injection Pressure Operated Valves)
11、ANSI/API 608-1995-名称:对焊和法兰端金属球阀(Metal Ball Valves - Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends)
12、ANSI/ASME B 16.44-1995-名称:家庭管道系统使用的手工操作的金属气体阀门(Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for U in Hou Piping Systems) 13、ANSI/FCI 91-1-1997-名称:控制阀门密封的质量标准(Standard for Qualification of Control Valve Stem Seals)
14、ANSI/IEEE 1189-1996-名称:固定应用的阀门调节铅酸蓄电池的选择指南(Guide for the Selection of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Batteries for Stationary Application)
15、ANSI/IEEE 1188-1996-名称:固定应用的阀门调节铅酸蓄电池的维修试验和代替的推荐实施规
16、ANSI/IEEE 857-1996-名称:高压直流半导体闸流管阀门试验过程的推荐实施规程(Recommended Practice for Test Procedures for High Voltage Direct Current Thyristor Valves)
17、ANSI/ISA S 75.15-1993-名称:对焊端球状控制阀的面对面尺寸(ANSI等级150、300、600、900、1500、2500)
18、ANSI/AWWA C 500-1993-名称:水和排水系统的滑门阀(Gate Valves for Water and Sewage Systems)
19、ANSI/AWWA C 504-1994-名称:橡胶垫密封蝶阀(Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves)
20、ANSI/AWWA C 540-1993-名称:阀门和水闸门用机动装置(Power-Actuating Devices for Valves and Sluice Gates)
21、ANSI/ISA S 75.08.04-2001-名称:对焊端头球状控制阀的面到面尺寸
(Face-to-Face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves)
22、ANSI/ISA S 75.19.01-2001-名称:控制阀的静水试验(Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves)
23、ANSI/UL 125-2001-名称:无水氨和液化气阀门的安全标准(Standard for Safety for Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas (Other than Safety Relief)) 24、ANSI Z 21.22a-1999-名称:减压阀和真空减压阀(Pressure Relief Valves and Vacuum Relief Valves)
25、ANSI Z 21.22b-2001-名称:热水供应系统的减压阀(Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems (same as CSA 4.4b))
26、ANSI/AWWA C 800-2001-名称:地下管道阀门和配件(Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings)
27、ANSI/AWWA C 509-2001-名称:给水用弹性带座闸阀(Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply Service)
28、ANSI/AWWA C 508-2001-名称:2in(50mm)-24in(600mm)NPS水厂设备用摆动止回阀(Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks Service2 in (50 mm) through 24 in (600 mm) NPS)
29、ANSI/API 603-2001-名称:150级铸铁耐腐蚀法兰端阀门(Class
150CastCorrosion-ResistantFlanged-End Gate Valves)
30、ANSI/SAE J 1409-1988-名称:空气制动阀测试程序(Air Brake Valves Test Procedure)
31、ANSI/ISA S 75.08.07-2001-名称:独立法兰球状控制阀的面到面尺寸
(Face-to-Face Dimensions for Separable Flanged Globe-Style Control Valves (Class 150300and 600))
32、ANSI/API 621-2001-名称:金属球形检验阀门的重新调整(Reconditioning of Metallic GateGlobeand Check Valves)
33、ANSI/ASME B 16.40-1985-名称:气分配系统中手动热塑气截流阀及阀门(Gas Shut-Offs and Valves in Gas Distribution SystemsManually Operated Thermoplastic)
34、ANSI/ASME A 112.4.1-1993-名称:热水器排泄阀排水管(Water Heater Relief Valve Drain Tubes)
真情流露35、ANSI/ASME B 16.10-1992-名称:阀门的面对面及端对端尺寸(Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves)
36、ANSI/ASME B 16.34-1996-名称:端部有凸缘、有螺纹和焊接的阀(Valves - FlangedThreaded and Welding End)
37、ANSI/ASME B 16.33-1990-名称:125表压以下的气体管道系统中使用的手动金属气阀门(Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for U in Gas Piping Systems up to 125 psig)
38、ANSI/ASME B 16.38-1985-名称:大型手动气分配系统用金属阀(NPS 2 1/2到12压力不超过125表压)
39、ANSI/ASME Y 32.2.3-1949-名称:管配件、阀门和管道用图形符号(Graphical Symbols for Pipe FittingsValves and Piping)
40、ANSI/ASTM D 5500-1994-名称:进液阀门沉积形成的不含铅自动火花点火引擎燃料的车辆评价试验方法
41、ANSI/ASTM D 6201-1997-名称:进油阀用火花点燃式发动机无铅燃料沉积物形成的功率计评定试验方法
42、ANSI/API 527-1991-名称:安全阀的阀座紧密性(Seat Tightness of Safety Relief Valves)
43、ANSI/API 589-1993-名称:阀门包装材料的防火试验(Fire Test for Evaluation of Valve Stem Packing)
44、ANSI/API 607-1993-名称:软座式直角回转阀的防火实验(Fire Test for
桂平西山Soft-Seated Quarter-Turn Valves)
45、ANSI/ARI 720-1988-名称:制冷剂入口阀和软管接头(Refrigerant Access Valves and Ho Connectors)片的组词
46、ANSI/ARI 750-1987-名称:制冷剂恒温膨胀阀(Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion Valves)
47、ANSI/ASHRAE 17-1986-名称:恒温制冷剂膨胀阀额定容量测试方法(Capacity Rating of Thermostatic Refrigerant Expansion ValvesMethod of Testing for)
48、ANSI/ASME A112.14.1-1975-名称:回水阀(Backwater valves)
49、ANSI/(NFPA) T 3.5.26 R2-2000-名称:液压阀.NFPA/T 2.6.1 R2-2000补充件:液动元件压力额定值.检验疲劳和确定含金属外壳的液动液压阀的压力的碎裂压力额定值的方法
50、ANSI/ASSE 1046-1990-名称:热膨胀减压阀(ANSI/ASSE 1046-1990)
51、ANSI/ASSE 1003-1995-名称:家用供水系统用减压阀(Water Pressure Reducing Valves for Domestic Water Supply Systems)
52、ANSI/ASSE 1035-1995-名称:实验室水龙头防回流装置(Laboratory Faucet Backflow Preventer)
53、ANSI/ASSE 1051-1998-名称:污水管道系统用气体导入阀(Air Admittance Valves for Plumbing Drainage Systems)
54、ANSI/ASSE 1024-1998-名称:双重止回阀型防回流装置(Dual Check Valve Type Backflow Preventers)
55、ANSI/ASSE 1018-1978-名称:疏水器密封起动注水阀(Trap Seal Primer Valves)
56、ANSI/ASSE 1002-1979-名称:厕所冲水箱球阀(Water Clot Flush Tank Ball Cocks)
57、ANSI/ASME QME-1-1994-名称:第QV节:核电站现用阀门组件的功能合格的鉴定要求(ANSI/B16.41-83(R89)的修订和更换代号)
58、ANSI/FCI 69-1-1989-名称:疏水阀的压力额定值标准()
59、ANSI/FCI 87-1-1994-名称:疏水阀的分类和操作原理(Classification and Operating Principles of Steam Traps)
60、ANSI/IEEE 382-1996-名称:核电厂电力操作阀组调节器安全相关性能的质量鉴定(Actuators for Power-Operated Valve Asmblies with Safety-Related Functions for Nuclear Power-PlantsQualification of)
61、ANSI/FCI 87-2-1990-名称:弹簧模板驱动控制阀动力信号标准(Power Signal Standard for Spring-Diaphragm Actuated Control Valves)
62、ANSI/FCI 85-1-1989-名称:疏水阀产品测试(Production Testing of Steam Traps)
63、ANSI/FCI 74-1-1990-名称:弹簧加载升降隔膜止回阀(ValvesSpring Loaded Lift
Disc Check)
64、ANSI/IEEE 1290-1996-名称:核发电站电动控制阀门马达应用、防护、控制和试验指南(Guide for MOV (Motor-Operated Valve) Motor ApplicationProtectionControland Testing in Nuclear Power Generating Stations)
65、ANSI/UL 352-1992-名称:恒定液位油阀(Constant-Level Oil Valves)
66、ANSI/UL 193-1996-名称:消防装置的警告阀(Alarm Valves for Fire-Protection Service)
67、ANSI/UL 312-1996-名称:消防装置的止回阀(Check Valves for Fire-Protection Service)
68、ANSI/UL 668-1996-名称:消防设备用水带阀(Ho Valves for Fire Protection Service)
69、ANSI/UL 753-1996-名称:消防装置用自动供水控制阀的警报附件(Alarm Accessories for Automatic Water-Supply Control Valves for Fire-Protection Service)
70、ANSI/UL 1002-1996-名称:危险保密场所用电动阀(Electrically Operated Valves for U in Hazardous (Classified) Locations)
71、ANSI/UL 1486-1995-名称:防火装置干管阀快速打开装置的安全标准(Standard for Safety for Quick Opening Devices for Dry Pipe Valves for Fire Protection Service)
72、ANSI/UL 1739-1997-名称:液压控制动作阀的安全标准()
73、ANSI/UL 1478-1996-名称:消防水泵卸压阀(Fire Pump Relief Valves)
74、ANSI/UL 1468-1996-名称:消防设施用直接作用的降压和控压阀(Direct-Acting Pressure-Reducing and Pressure-Control Valves for Fire Protection Service) 75、ANSI/UL 144-2001-名称:液化石油气压力调节阀的安全标准(Standard for Safety for Pressure-Regulating Valves for LP Gas)
76、ANSI/ARI/ASHRAE/ISO 13256-1-1998-名称:水源热泵.性能试验和功率测量.第1部分:水-气体和盐水-气体热泵(Water-Source Heat Pumps - Testing and Rating for Performance: Part 1 - Water-to-Air and Brine-to-Air Heat Pumps)
77、ANSI/ASTM A 230-1996-名称:阀门用油回火优质碳素弹簧钢丝规范(Specification for Steel WireOil-Tempered Carbon Valve Spring Quality)
78、ANSI/ASTM B 834-1996-名称:压力强化粉末冶金铁镍铬钼和镍铬钼钶(Nb)合金管法兰、管配件、阀门和零件规范(Specification for Pressure Consolidated Powder Metallurgy Iron-Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum (UNS N08367) and
Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium (Nb) (UNS N06625) Alloy Pipe FlangesFittingsValves and Parts)
79、ANSI/ASTM F 2138-2001-名称:天然气设备用超流量阀规范(Specification for Excess Flow Valves for Natural Gas Service)
80、ANSI/ASTM F 885-1997-名称:美国标准直管螺纹1/4至2英寸青铜球型阀的阀壳尺寸规范(Specification for Envelope Dimensions for Bronze Globe Valves NPS 1/4 to 2)
81、ANSI/ASTM F 992-1997-名称:阀门标识牌规范(Specification for Valve Label Plates)
82、ANSI/ASTM F 1020-1997-名称:船用暗线阀实施规程(Practice for Line Blind Valves for Marine Applications)
83、ANSI/ASTM F 993-1997-名称:阀门锁紧装置规范(Specification for Valve Locking Devices)
84、ANSI/ASTM F 1508-1997-名称:用于蒸汽、气体和液体设备的角型减压阀规范(Specification for Angle StylePressure Relief Valves for SteamGasand Liquid Services)
85、ANSI/ASTM F 1245-1997-名称:船舶用压缩和自闭型、单式与双式水龙头规范(Specification for FaucetsSingle and DoubleCompression and Self-Closing TypeShipboard)
86、ANSI/ASTM F 1271-1997-名称:船上储罐液体过压保护装置用溢流阀规范(Specification for Spill Valves for U in Marine Tank Liquid Overpressure Protections Applications)
87、ANSI S2.48-1993-名称:描述产生振动用伺服液压试验设备特性的方法
(Servo-hydraulic test equipment for generating vibration - Methods of describing characteristics)
88、ANSI A112.14.1-1975-名称:回水阀(Backwater valves)
89、ANSI Z21.41a Addenda-1990-名称:燃气快速成切断装置.补充件
(Quick-disconnect devices for u with gas fuelAddenda)
90、ANSI Z21.41b Addenda-1992-名称:燃气快速成切断装置.补充件
(Quick-disconnect devices for u with gas fuelAddenda)
91、ANSI Z21.22a Addenda-1990-名称:热水供给系统用安全阀和煤气自动关闭系统.补充件(Relief valves and automatic gas shutoff devices for hot water supply systemsAddenda)
92、ANSI Z21.22-1986-名称:热水供给系统用安全阀和煤气自动关闭系统(Relief valves and automatic gas shutoff devices for hot water supply systems)
93、ANSI Z21.15-1992-名称:手动操纵煤器具的煤气阀设备连接阀和软管终端阀(Manually operated gas valves for appliancesappliance connector valves and ho end valves)
摩诃般若94、ANSI Z21.21-1995-名称:煤气器具用自动阀(Automatic valves for gas appliances)