Nanjing Wujiazui Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd.
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1. Scope of application适用范围………………..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. 1
2. Piping name and code管子名称和编码............................... . (1)
3. Pipe class、material and size管子类型、材料和规格.............. ..... (2)
4. Principles and requirement to piping管子原理和要求.............. .. (4)
5. Technical requirement for pipe processing管子处理的技术要求.... ..9
6. Pipe connection type and requirement管接形式和要求……….... ..16
7. Pipe treatment管子处理......................................... ..... . . (24)
8. Material of gasket in pipeline管路垫圈材料 (24)
9. Arrangement and mounting of fittings in pipeline管路附件布置和安装.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... (25)
10. Requirement for installing AC ducts &refrigerating pipe安装空调和冷却管路的要求.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .28
11. Pipe supporter管子支架………………………….... ..... . .... .... .30
12. Installation of pipes管子安装………………. ..... ..... ..... ... .... ..42
13. Requirement for pipe passing through hull Structure管路贯穿船体结构的要求……..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .44
14. Testing of pipe管子的测试………..…..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. .... ..50
15.Insulation绝缘................................................... .... . (52)
16.Paint color & insignia of pipeline管子油漆和铭牌 (55)
1.Scope of application适用范围·
This manual specifies the requirements of processing、arrangement and mounting
for pipes、fittings and supports.
This manual is suitable for pipe-laying design, and pipe processing、arrangement and mounting for ships which will be built at our shipyard. For special required pipes, the processing and mounting should be according to special drawings or special workmanship for the single vesl.
This manual isn't suitable for plastic pipes processing and mounting.
2.Pipe system name and code number系统名称与编码代号
2.1 Pipe system name and code number e Table 1.管路系统编码代号见表1
Table1 Pipe system name and code number
Code No.cooleye
FG Air Conditioning Duct空调风管
AL Acetylene Pipe乙炔管
PO Air Pipe, Oil Tank油舱透气
AQ Compresd Air, Starting 起动空气
PW Air Pipe, Water tank水舱透气
BF Boiler Feed Water锅炉给水
FF Bilge Line全船舱底水
BW Ballast Piping全船压载水
AZ Compresd Air, Control & Service低压(杂用及其他)压缩空气
FC Cooling , Fresh Water淡水冷却
OH Cargo Tank Heating System货油舱加热系统
BC Conden Line蒸汽回汽凝水
SW Cooling , Seawater海水冷却
DW Drainage, Over All全船疏排水
DC Draining, Condend Water凝水排放
Deck Washing System甲板冲洗
EX Exhaust Piping 排气(烟)管
Extinguishing, Machinery Space机舱化学灭火
FS Fuel for Boiler锅炉燃油
个人鉴定CF CO2 System二氧化碳管
Fuel Oil Drainage燃油泄放
FF Fire-Extinguishing System消防水
WD Foam Fire Extinguish Line泡沫灭火
Filling Line , Oil Tank油舱注入
FO Fuel Oil Supply燃油供给
FP Fuel Oil Purifying燃油净化
FT Fuel Oil Transfer燃油输送(驳运)
Heat Oil Coil燃油加热
Heat Oil热油系统
Hydraulic oil pipe液压管
LC Cargo Loading Manifold输油(货油装卸)
LD Lubricating Oil Draining滑油泄放
LM Level monitoring pipe液位遥测管
LO Lubricating Oil Supply滑油供给
LP Lubricating Oil Purifying滑油净化
LT Lubricating Oil Transfer滑油输送
OF Overflow pipe溢流管
OX Oxygen PIPE氧气管
PC Cable Pipe电缆管
RP Refrigerant pipe制冷剂管
RW Refrigerated water pipe冷冻水管
SA Drainage ,over all soil全船粪便污水排放
SC Cargo Stripping System货油舱扫舱
SO Sounding Tube, Oil tank油舱测深
SP Steam Piping蒸汽
SS Sprinkle System洒水
SW Sounding Tube, water tank水舱测深
VP V oice pipe传话管
VS V entilation System通风
WD Drinking water system饮用水
WF Fresh water supplying system淡水供给
WH Hot water system热水
WS Sea water supplying system海水供给
Explanatory notes:说明
XX AO 13 一01
XX ------- Part I of system code number : two numbers , stand for pipe area.
凉拌裙带菜区域代号-----系统编号代码第一部分(二位): 数字码,代表管件区域代号;
AO------- Part II of system code number : two letters, stand for pipe system.
系统代码---系统编号代码第二部分(二位): 字母,代表管件系统代码;
13-------- Part III of system code number : two numbers, stand for pipe item.
管件代号----系统编号代码第三部分(二位): 数字码,代表管件代号;
01-------- Part Ⅳof system code number : two numbers , stand for pipe item.
管件序号----系统编号代码第四部分(二位): 数字码,代表管件序号。
3. Pipe grade 、material and size管子等级,材料,规格
3.1 Pipe grade管子等级
3.1.1 Normally, pipes are divided into I、II、III three grades bad upon the pressure and/or temperature the pipes need to undertake, e table 2
船舶耐压管系按其设计压力和温度,一般分为I 、II 、III 三级见表2。具体管子等级应根据所入级船级社规范而定
Table 2 Pipe grade 管系等级
grade I 一级 grade II 二级 grade III
Pipe system 管系 Design pressure 设计压力 Mpa Design tempera. 设计温度 ℃ Design pressure 设计压力 Mpa Design tempera. 设计温度 ℃ Design pressure 设计压力 Mpa
Steam and thermal oil 蒸汽和热油
>1.6 or>300 ≤1.6 and ≤300 ≤0.7 and ≤170 Fuel oil 燃油 >1.6 or>150 ≤1.6 and ≤150 ≤0.7 and ≤60 Other medium 其他介质
>4.0 or>300 ≤4.0 and ≤300 ≤1.6 and ≤200 Note:注
1. Other medium means air 、 water 、 lubrication oil and hydraulic oil, etc.
2. Open-ended drainage 、overflow and vent pipes of boiler are grade III pipes. 不受压的开式管路,如泄水管、溢流管、透气管和锅炉放汽管等为III 级管系。
3.2 Material and size 材料和规格
3.2.1. Pipe material, for grade I & II pipe, 10# steel to be chon (stander number: GB5312-87); And
for class III pipe, 10# steel to be chon (stander number: GB8163-87).
管子材质:I 、II 级管选用10#、20#(标准号:GB5312—87),III 级管选
Seamless steel pipe will be chon mainly according to Table 3. If conflicting occur, rules of class society to be obeyed.
Table 3 Seamless steel pipe
表3 无缝钢管规格优先选用表
Thickness 厚度
Nominal diameter 管径 Outside Diameter 管子外径
10 17 2.5 2.5 3.2
15 22 2.5 3.5 4.0
20 27 2.5 3.5 4.0
25 34 2.5 3.5 4.5
32 42 3.5 3.5 4.5
40 48 3.5 4.0 7.0
50 60 3.5 4.0 7.0