. Give brief answers to the following questions, using your own words as much as possible:
1) Why was it considered a joke when the President said "I've never heard 'My Country' Tis of Thee' played better”?
2) Why did Henry think he went from peace to war when he pasd from the Augusta to the Prince of Wales?
3) Why was Pug nt over to the Prince of Wales?
4) What was Hopkins' estimate of the situation on the Eastern front? What did the Soviet Union need most? What was Hopkins' stand on the problem of assistance to the Soviet Union?
5) On the problem of aid to Russia, did Churchill and Roovelt e eye to eye? In what way did their opinions differ?
6) Who was after all Number One Man, according to the author?
7) What problems came up after Henry and other planners got down to work? What came first? Why did the planners give top priority to this plan?
伊萱 8) What was Britain’ s immediate need? Why did the author consider this need pathetic?
9) Why did Burne-Wilke invite Henry into his cabins What was the request from the British? How was the request put to Henry? What do you think of the way the request was put forward?
10) On the last day of the conference, Admiral King called Henry in. He informed him of three important things. Say what they were.
11) What was the atmosphere on board the Prince of Wales when it left Argentia Bay? Why?
12) When Churchill inquired about Henry’ s bomber ride over Berlin, what was the answer? Did Henry accept Churchill's invitation for further flights? Why?
13) Did Henry fully enjoy the film?
14) For the American guest, it was a bad half hour. Why was it a bad half hour for Henry?
15) Why did the part about free trade and independence for all peoples mean the end of the British Empire?
16) What was the reaction to Attlee's broadcast? What were some of the questions put to victor Henry? What was his explanation?
泡奶粉II . Paraphra:
1) King's spick-and-span flagship belonged to a different world than the storm-whipped British vesl
2) droves of blue jackets were doing an animated scrub-down 3) Hopkins had travelled to London and Moscow in a blaze of worldwide attention.
4) He's having the time of his life, sir.
5) The Russians will hold. But it'll be a near thing.
6) Hopkins held out one wasted hand and ticked off the points on skeletal fingers.
7) But it softens the ground for the cond demand
8) Their empire is mighty rickety at this point.
9) They'll also try, subtly but hard, for an understanding that in getting American aid they come ahead of Russia.
10) They prolonged the clasp for the photographers, exchanging smiling words.
11) By a shade of a shade, Roovelt looked like Number One.
12) The erect front-page President became the cripple more familiar to Pug百兽图
13) Through all the talk of grand hypothetical plans" one pathetic item kept recurring
历史人物评价 14) If Russia collapd, Hitler might try to wrap up the war with a Crete-like invasion of
England from the air.
15) Rather sporting of the British Prime Minister, don't you think, to give the Hun a fair shot at him on the open a.
16) But it might be prudent not to overwork tho good angels, what?
17) We're stretched thin for escorts.
18) Admiral Pound would be happier with six.
19) Victor Henry could n the subtle gloom hanging over the ship.
20) The predicament of England emed soaked in their bones.
21) But vague hope, rather than real confidence, was the note in their conversation.
22) There is an awful unfolding picture.
23) We may have some sport for you yet.
24) A gay but inconquent entertainment
25) For the American guest, it was a bad half hour.
26) The high-flown language bespoke not a shred of incread American commitment.
27) Abu of Nazi tyranny, yes; more combat help for the British, flat zero.
28) I'd venture there was more to it than that.
29) Pug saw no virtue in equivocating.
30) Lend-Lea is no sweat, it just means more jobs and money for everybody.
III. Translate the following into Chine:
1) The staffs got right to business and conferred all day. Victor Henry worked with the planners, on the level below the chiefs of staff and their deputies where Burne-Wilke operated, and of cour far below the summit of the President, the Prime Minister, and th
eir advirs. Familiar problems came up at once: excessive and contradictory requests from the British rvices, unreal plans, unfilled contracts, jumbled priorities, fouled communications. One cardinal point the planners hammered out fast. Building new ships to replace U-boat sinkings came first. No war materiel could be ud against Hitler until it had crosd the ocean. This plain truth, so simple once agreed on, ran a red line across every request, every program, every projection. Steel, aluminum, rubber, valves, motors, machine tools, copper wire, all the thousand things of war, would go first to ships. This simple yardstick rapidly disclod the poverty of the "arnal of democracy”, and dictated – as a matter of frightening urgency -- a gigantic job of building new steel mills, and plants to turn the steel into combat machines and tools.