
更新时间:2023-07-01 23:49:50 阅读: 评论:0

1、 武装到牙齿
Armed to the teeth
2、 以眼还眼,以牙还牙
An eye for an eye, a tooth to a tooth东风螺图片
3、 披着羊皮的狼,笑面虎
A wolf in sheep’s clothing
Kill two birds with one stone
5、 条条大路通罗马
All roads lead to Rome.
6、 嘴里衔着钥匙出生的
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
7、 茶杯里的风暴; 小事惹起的轩然大波
A storm in a teacup
There is far more night life in the city than in the country.
9、 您的账目有赤字
Your account is in the red.
10、 玛丽和约翰大声吼叫,足以把死人吵醒
Mary and John were bellowing and shouting enough to wake the dead.
11、 玛丽有过一段不幸的经历,现在她一谈起医生,就好像把他们都绞死也太便宜他们了
Mary had an unfortunate experience, and now she talks about all doctors as if hanging was too good for them.
12、 只要对他有利,他便能把黑的说成白的
He’d swear black was white if he thought it was to his advantage.
13、 从最底层做起对你是有益的
风险分析及对策亚洲射射射It will be good for you to come in on the ground floor.
14、 笑里藏刀青春回忆
Hid a dagger in a smile
东北大学是几本15、 天下乌鸦一般黑
All crows are equally black.
七律长征原文16、 路遥知马力,日久见人心
A long road tests a hor’s strength, a long task proves a man’s heart.
New-born calves make little of tigers.
18、 巧妇难为无米之炊
Even a clever houwife cannot cook a meal without rice.
If you have no hand, you can’t make a fist.
19、 趁热打铁
Strike while the iron is hot.
20、 赴汤蹈火
Go through fire and water
21、 火上浇油
Pour oil on the flame.
22、 息事宁人
Pour oil on troubled waters.
23、 英雄所见略同
Great minds think alike.
24、 破釜沉舟
Burn one’s boats / cut off all means of retreat
25、 我给比利咬一口糖,他要了又要,真是得寸进尺
I gave Billy a bite of candy and he wanted more and more, just like if you give him an inch, he’ll take a yard.
Mark made signs with his hands and moved his mouth soundlessly to show that walls have ears.
27、 昨天他一整天都拉长了脸,我不知道他怎么了
He drew a long face all day yesterday, and I have no idea what had happened to him.
28、 他坚持那样做的话将会是自食其果
He will eat the bitter fruit of his own making if he doesn’t stopping doing that.
29、 别信他,他是个坏蛋
Trust him nothing, he is a bad egg.
30、 问题是你人太好了,被人欺负,所谓“人善被人欺,马善被人骑”,对于那些要求过分的人要学会说不
The trouble is you are good-natured and people take advantage of it. All lay load on the willing hor. You will have to learn to refu people who ask too much.
31、 狐假虎威
As ass in a lion’s skin
32、 班门弄虎
Teach fish to swim / teach one’s granny to suck eggs
33、 约翰的叔叔留给他200英镑,他眼下正做着黄粱美梦
John’s uncle left him 200 pounds and he is living for the time in a fool’s paradi.
34、 玛莎把母亲的责备当耳边风
Mother scolded Martha, but it went in one ear and out the other.
35、 他就在那犹如从天而降
There he wasdropped from the clouds.
36、 有些人似乎总有办法化险为夷
Some people always em to have knack of falling on their feet.
37、 我担心我当画家的成功只是昙花一现
I’m afraid that my success as a painter was just a flash in the pan.
38、 理查德不能去图书馆,那么要写这份报告无异于要他做无米之炊
Richard could go to the library and writing the report was a job making a fist without hand.
39、 老人安慰道:“得了,生死有命呀。”
“Well, ” the old man remarked consolingly, “every bullet has its billet.”
40、 她非常想得到那份工作,因她会不择手段的去得到它
She wants that job very much, and she’ll swear black is white to get it.
41、 他一走下飞机,就像连珠炮似的说个不停,告诉我们他度假的全部经过
As soon as he stepped off the plane he began to talk a mile a minute, telling us all about his holiday.
42、 头头还没批准他的计划,所以他决定去拍拍马屁
The chief hadn’t accepted his plan yet, so he decided to go in and polish the apple a bit.
43、 既然他干的那么好,他干嘛要整天自吹自擂呢?
If he is so successful, why does he have to keep blowing his own trumpet
44、 望着一片人山人海的听众,他发表了一篇动人的演说
Looking out upon the a of faces, he delivered a touching speech.
45、 他说老师很赞赏他的作文,但我要听老师亲口说。我看他是王婆卖瓜, 自卖自夸
He said that his teacher considered his essay brilliant, but I would rather hear it from his teacher’s own mouth. Every potter prais his own pot.
46、 眼下你在欧洲,入乡随俗,你就喝咖啡吃卷饼吧
You are in Europe, you will do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls.
47、 午睡之后,神清气爽,作家精力又恢复了
After a refreshing nap the writer was again his own man.
48、 好久没见了,你到哪儿去了?
I haven’t en you in a blue moon, where have you been?
Tom isn’t a pleasant guy, he’s always coming the heavy hand with me.
50、 他太狂妄了,我们得刹一刹他的威风
He is too arrogant, and we must cut his comb.
51、 乔治厌倦了汤姆的劝告,所以叫他走远点不要烦人
George was tired of Tom’s advice and told him to go jump in the lake.
52、 查尔斯1月份就开始找暑假工作了,他知道早点下手有好处
整本书阅读Charles began looking for a summer job in January, he knows that the early birds catches the worm.
53、 先下手为强
Catch the ball before the bound
54、 发言人称,这则新闻纯属凭空捏造
春游The spokesman announced that the news was cut out of whole cloth.
55、 他们必须采取具体措施来实行他们的计划,否则计划就会落空
They must take practical measures to carry out their plan, otherwi the plan will end in smoke.

本文发布于:2023-07-01 23:49:50,感谢您对本站的认可!



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