
更新时间:2023-07-01 23:39:50 阅读: 评论:0

1.1 子曰:“學而時習之,不亦説乎?有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎?人不知,而不愠,不亦君子乎?”
1.1 Confucius remarked, "It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practice what you have acquired. A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to ek you becau of your attainments. But he is truly a wi and good man who feels no discomposure even when he is not noticed of men. "
1.2 有子有子——孔子學生,姓有,名若,比孔子小十三歲曰:“其爲人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鮮矣;不好犯上,而好作亂者,未之有也。君子務本,本立而道生。孝弟也者,其爲仁之本與!”
1.2. A disciple of Confucius remarked, “A man who is a good son and a good citizen will ldom be found to be a man dispod to quarrel with tho in authority over him; and men who are not dispod to quarrel with tho in authority will never be found to disturb the peace and order of the State.
"A wi man devotes his attention to what is esntial in the foundation of life. When the foundation is laid, wisdom will come. Now, to be a good son and a good citizen--各得其所是什么意思do not the form the foundation of a moral life?"
1.3 子曰:“巧言令色,鮮矣仁!”
3. Confucius remarked, “With plausible speech and fine manners will ldom be found m
oral character.”
1.4 曾子曾子——孔子學生,名參(音森),比孔子小四十六歲曰:“吾日三省吾身——爲人謀而不忠乎?與朋友交而不信乎?傳老師的傳授不習练习、复习乎?”
1.4 qq涂鸦A disciple of Confucius remarked, 白糕I daily examine into my personal conduct on three points: --First, whether in carrying out the duties entrusted to me by others, I have not failed in conscientiousness; Secondly, whether in intercour with friends, I have not failed in sincerity and trustworthiness, Thirdly, whether I have not failed to practice what I profess in my teaching.
2.11 子曰:“温故而知新,可以爲師矣。”
2.11 Confucius remarked, "' If a man will constantly go over what he has acquired and keep continually adding to it new acquirements, he may become a teacher of men."
2.15 子曰:“學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆殆——dài有兩個意義。“疑惑”,危險。。”
15.Confucius remarked," Study without thinking is labour lost. Thinking without study is perilous. "
2.17 子曰:“由由——孔子學生,仲由,字子路!誨女知之乎!知之爲知之,不知爲不知,是知讀“知”爲“智”這就是對待知或不知的正確態度。也。”
17. Confucius said to a disciple, ” Shall I teach you what is understanding? To know what it is that you know, and to know what it is that you do not know --that is understanding.
4.17 子曰:“見賢思齊焉,見不賢而内自省也。”
4.17. Confucius remarked, "When we meet with men of worth, we should think how we may equal them. When we meet with worthless men, we should turn into ourlves and find out if we do not remble them.
7.22 子曰:“三人行,必有我師焉:擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。”
2l. Confucius remarked"When three men meet together. one of them who is anxious to learn can always learn something of the other two. He can profit by the good example of the one and avoid the bad example of the other. "
8.7 曾子曰:“士不可以不弘毅弘毅——就是“強毅”。此‘弘’字卽今之‘強’字也。‘毅,有決也。’,任重而道遠。仁以爲己任,不亦重乎?死而後已,不亦遠乎?”
8.7. A disciple of Confucius remarked,“An educated gentleman may not be without strength and resoluteness of character. His responsibility in life is a heavy one, and the way is long. He is responsible to himlf for living a moral life; is that not a heavy 村党支部工作计划responsibility? He must continue in it until he dies; is the way then not a long one?
9.28 子曰:“歲寒,然後知松柏之後彫彫——同凋、凋零,零落。也。”
9.28. Confucius remarked"When the cold of winter comes, it扬葩振藻 is then you know that the pine tree and the cypress are the last to lo their green. "
15.24 子貢問曰:“有一言而可以終身行之者乎?”子曰:“其恕乎!己所不欲,勿施於人。”
15.24 A disciple of Confucius enquired: "Is there one word which may guide one in practice throughout the whole life?" Confucius answered, "The word 'charity' is perhaps the word. What you do not wish others to do unto you do not do unto them."

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