业务场景 在实际⽣产过程中,由于特殊情况或者⽣产执⾏到部分后,需要将⽣产任务进⾏拆分分割,今天,我们就揭开⽣产订单分割的神秘⾯纱,下⾯,和我⼀起进⼊到今天的主题。艰难时刻
Introduction 3
ConfigurationSettings 4
Process Flow Steps 5
Step 1: Create a production order (T-Code CO01) 5
Step 2: Change production Order (T-CodeCO02) 7
Step 3: Confirm production Order (T-CodeCO11N) 11
Step 4: Goods Receipt for Production Order (T-CodeMB31) 12
Restrictions 14
RelatedContent 15
Disclaimer and LiabilityNotice 16
Order split enables us to split an existing production order, for which processing may have alreadybegun, into two parate production orders. The production orders are then executed parately from alogistics perspective. We might want to perform an order split for the followingreasons
·When a partial lot of a production order has to be handled differently than the rest due toquality reasons, you can create a parate order to dothis.
塔式起重机If capacity bottlenecks occur, the portion of the order quantity that is required immediately canbe procesdparately.
·The material availability can only be confirmed for part of the order quantity. You split the orderto create an order with full materialavailability.
·If the required date for a partial quantity of the finished material has changed, this portion can besplit off in a differentorder.
·If a production order cannot be completed on time, you can split the order to reduce theorder quantity. The reduced order quantity then requires less time toproduce.
When we split an order, we split off part of the order quantity (split quantity) of a production order(parent order) from a certain operation of the standard quence (split operation). The quantity that is split offis produced in a parate production order (child order). In the process, the operations from the splitoperation onwards are copied from the parent order to the child order, along with the assigned materialcomponents.
The system automatically recalculates all the quantities affected by the order split, as well as datesat header, operation, and componentlevel.
行政工作内容In this article process steps are explained with an example considering followingassumptions.
·There is only a standard quence in u and no alternativequences.
·There is no in process inspection.
·No Serial Numberassignment.
Define Order Type dependant parameters (T- CodeOPL8)
SPROàProductionàShopFloorControlàMasterDataàOrderàDefineordertype-dependent parameters
For required order type, flag product cost collector check box and define default distribution ruleas “Production
Materials ud to explain the process are FINISH01 (Finish material), RAW1, RAW5, RAW7 &RAW8 (Components) Assume that product cost collector is already created for FINISH01material.
Process FlowSteps
Step 1: Create a production order (T-CodeCO01)
Create production order for FINISH01 material with order type PP01 and with quantity 10PCs.
Out of total five operations, confirm first two operations with actual operationquantity.
Order split is allowed with following systemstatus:
·Header Status: Partially relead, relead, partiallyconfirmed.
·Operation Status of the split operation and all successors: Created, relead, partiallyconfirmed
The order split is not allowed with the followingstatus:沈阳医保查询
·Header status: Created, delivered, finally confirmed, locked, technically complete, clod,deletion indicatort
·Operation status of the split operation and all successors: Finally confirmed, dispatched,partially dispatched, capacity split, capacity requirement assigned, capacity requirement partiallyallocated
·Operation status of the split operation:Deleted.
Step 2: Change production Order (T-CodeCO02)
Split the production order with split quantity 04 PCs from operation0030.
In production order operation overview, lect the operation 0030 and go to functions menu and click onsplit order.
System will display a screen to enter parameters for ordersplit.
Enter required split qty in split quantity field. Here we can lect different order type for child order.And further system will also allow us to schedule the child order with differentdates.
After entering all parameters, execute split (click on split order executebutton).
System will create a child order with specified parameters and it will be displayed along with parent orderin splithierarchy.
The split hierarchy displays the dependencies between the parent and child orders in an overviewtree. During order maintenance, the split hierarchy and the lected order from the split hierarchy aredisplayed. We can navigate to any order in the split hierarchy (treestructure).
Orders (including child orders) can be split veral times. The dependencies can be en in thesplit hierarchy.
After splitting, system will t the status SPLT (Split) at header and operation levels for parent order andsplit qty. as expect
圣诞树Operation qty. will be reduced to 06 PCs. from operation 0030 to the succeedingoperations. System will t the status CSPL (created by splitting) at header level for child order(60004232).
All successive operations from split operation (including split operation) will be copied to the child orderalong with all assignments (for example material components, )
For child order we can check the reference order (60004230) in controlling datatab.
Step 3: Confirm production Order (T-CodeCO11N)
Confirm the both production orders (parent and child)individually.