Environmental Planning for a World Heritage Site Ca Study of Angkor, Cambodia

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Journal of Environmental Planning and Management念奴娇过洞庭赏析
ISSN: 0964-0568 (Print) 1360-0559 (Online) Journal homepage: /loi/cjep20Environmental Planning for a World Heritage Site:Ca Study of Angkor, Cambodia
Jonathan Wager
To cite this article: Jonathan Wager (1995) Environmental Planning for a World Heritage Site:Ca Study of Angkor, Cambodia, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 38:3,419-434, DOI: 10.1080/09640569512959
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Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,Vol.38,No.3,1995POLICY AND PRACTICE
Environmental Planning for a World Heritage Site:Ca Study of Angkor,Cambodia
JONATH AN W A GER 19Langham Road,Bowdon,Cheshire,WA142HX,UK (Received July 1994;revi
d Decem ber 1994&M ay 1995)A BSTRA CT Angkor contains the spectacular remains of veral capital cities from the Khmer Em pire which ¯ourished in the 9th±15th centuries.A large area has recently been inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List.A condition of inscription is the adoption of a zoning plan and legal framework for protection and management.The plan focus on promoting the sustainable development of the natural and cultural resources of the area and its surroundings to achieve a balance between archaeological protection,tourism,and urban and rural development.A GIS and aerial-photographic interpret-ation were ud in the analysis to generate zones.M anagement guidelines have been adopted to provide strict protection of the archaeological sites within a protected cultural landscape zone which together form the W orld Heritage Site.The Government is establishing national institutions to implement the plan and regulate the impact of development and tourism.Introduction This paper is bad on the work of the Zoning and Environm ental Management Plan for Angkor (ZEMP)(UNESCO,forthcoming).It outlines the importance of Angkor as a W orld Heritage Cultural Site,describes the ZEMP process and
discuss the issues of planning and management in nsitive environments.Cambodia is emerging from 20years of civil war in which many of the institutions and most of the technical experts needed to safeguard and plan the country’s cultural heritage perished.The study,part of the international assi
st-ance for the reconstru ction of Cambodia,provides a framework for the future managem ent of one of the world’s great historic regions.
Angkor Heritage
Today Angkor is the spectacular rem ains of a ries of metropolitan cities situated on the plain between the Phnom Kulen hills and the Great Lake,Tonle 4190964-0568/95/030419-16Ó1995University of Newcastle upon Tyne
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420J.W ager
Figure 1.Location plan.
Sap,in Siem Reap Province in North-west Cambodia (Figure 1).The ancient metropolitan centres were constructed between the 9th and 13th centuries at the centre of an Empire that extended over much of Indo-China and what is now northern Thailand and to the Malay Penin sula.
To the north an escarpment formed by the Kulen Hills is covered with den forest,intersperd with patches of condary jungleÐthe result of shifting agricultural practices.A broad alluvial plain forms a band of cultivated
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Environmental Planning for a World Heritage Site 421
consisting of rice paddy contrasting with areas of lowland evergreen forest and condary scrub woodland extensively harvested for fuel wood and fodder.Large areas are ¯ooded by rivers rising in the hills and by the annual ri in the level of Tonle Sap.Water from the Mekong River rais the lake surface by 6-7metres causing a three-fold increa in area.Of particular interest are the freshwater ¯ooded forests around the lake,one of the most extensive examples of this type of habitat in the world.
Angkor is thus situated on an eco-tone between the Kulen watershed and the lake.Its ancient inhabitants made maxim um u of the wide variety of ecological niches and natural resources available.The forests and sh-rich wetlands provided an attractive location for prehistoric ttlem ent.As the wealth of the Khm er kingd oms grew,a succession of `King of Kings’cho to live in and
around Angkor.Throughout an area of more than 5000km 2are found the
rem ains of religious monuments,forti®cations,water tanks,roads,bridges and other public works built by the ancient Khm ers.
Khmer architecture was inspired by Indian models,both Buddhist and Hindu.However,the Khm er civilization developed its own art,architecture and spatial organization as vividly dem onstrated in religio us monuments and the design of cities and landscapes.The kings built elaborate tem ples to their gods and decorated them with reliefs.They also developed extensive hydrological systems to manage water for irrigation and to supply the temple complexes.Rivers were straightened into canals and vast storage rervo irs,called barays,were created behind embankm ents.The largest,8km    2.2km,has a storage capacity of 70million cubic metres.Dikes were built across the ¯ood plain to de¯ect and retain water to irrigate crops.The ri and fall of the lake was exploited to grow ,rst,¯oating rice on the risin g ¯ood and then receding rice as the waters subsided.Massive blocks of sandstone were quarried in the nearby hills and shipped by land and water to the city sites for constru ction.
The outstanding monument of Angkor W at (mid-12th century)has a wall and moat 5.5km long.The central tem ple ris to over 55metres in height.Angkor Thom,the largest and last of the cities,is formed in a square and surrounded by a wall 8m high with a moat 12km long.At its height,Angkor Th灿烂的反义词
om may have held over one million inhabitants who would have depended on a large suburban hinterland.However,no archaeological rem ains of the domestic buildin gs have yet been recovered as the were constructed of tim ber and have rotted in the humid tropical conditions.The asonal ¯ow of water provided the life blood of the Angkor civilization.Rem nants of the ancient system s of dams,dikes,canals,moats and rervo irs still regulate the supply of water for agricul-ture and irrigation to the prent-day population.
During the past 100years archaeological rearch has concentrated on the architecture and the historic,sym bolic and religio us aspects of the period.Archaeologists anticipate that a wealth of information lies buried underground.New evidence is being discovered of the extent and density of the Angkor rem ains.Using modern remote-nsing technology and recent aerial photo-graphs,ZEMP identi®ed more than 1000archaeological sites within the Angkor Plain,more than half of which were previously unrecorded.Much detail of pre-Angkorian and Angkorian periods survive and is waiting to be discovered.Stimulated by the 19th century `re-discovery’of Angkor by Europeans alarm ed at the deteriorated condition of the monuments,the Ecole Francai d’Extre me-Orient (EFEO)began work in the area in the early 1900s.For the next D o w n l o a d e d  b y  [C a r n e g i e  M e l l o n  U n i v e r s i t y ] a t  03:36 23 D e c e m b e r  2015
422J.W ager
70years,the EFEO condu cted comprehensive documentation and restoration projects on most of the principal monuments and vastly expanded international knowledge of Cambodia’s rich heritage.An Angkor Archaeological Park was established in 1925as the rst national park in South East Asia.The Angkor Conrv ation Of®ce,established in 1907,undertook the conrv ation of the major temple complexes.Angkor became an im portant tourist attraction until the early 1970s,when civil war caud the abandonment of all maintenance activities.
战略决策The town of Siem Reap (population 45000)is the traditional `gateway’centre for visiting Angkor.It lies only 5km south of Angkor W at and is subject to renew ed pressure for investm ent in tourism,urban expansion and im proved infrastructure.Growth of the town could have a major im pact on the World Heritage Site.
UNESCO ’s Involvement In recent years the inadequacy of the law to protect cultural property and lack of a plan to control activities around Angkor,led to international concern for im proved protection of the site.In 1989,the Suprem e National Council in Cambodian requested UNESCO to co-ordinate assistance to protect the monu-ments.An early task was to assist in drafting new cultural heritage pr
otection legislation.Another task was to prent the site for inclusion on the World Heritage list of sites of outstanding world signi®cance.In December 1992,Angkor was submitted for inscription as a World Cultural Heritage Site on the basis of the following criteria:(1)it reprents a unique artistic achievement,a masterpiece of creative genius;(2)it has exerted great in¯uence over a span of tim e,within a cultural area of the world,on developments in architecture,monumental arts and landscaping;(3)it bears a unique exceptional testimony to a civilization which has disap-peared;(4)it is an outstanding example of an architectural enm ble which illustrates a sign i®cant stage in history.In the Convention on the Protection of the W orld Cultural and Natural Heritage (UNESCO,1985),Article 3impos obligations on State Parties to have adequate instruments of protection and development for a listed site.The operational guidelin es for World Heritage Sites require the pursuit of an overall integrated
笔记本触摸板使用技巧land u planning strategy (UNESCO,1992a).Listing of Angkor was,therefore,made conditional upon:(1)the promulgation of adequate protective legislation;
(2)the establishm ent of a national protection agency to co-ordinate site adminis-tration;(3)the dem arcation of perm anent boundaries;and (4)buffer zones;and
(5)international monitoring and co-ordin ation.
The tools suggested for comprehensive zoning and managem ent of World Heritage Sites include:site plans;a marketing strategy;a legal framework;regulations;a system of effective adm inistration;nancing structures;a pro-gramme for staff training;and arrangem ents for public participation.A plan should ek long-term commitments to im plem entation mechanisms from na-tional and local authorities.Acceptable types of tourism should be speci®ed and lim ited according to the capacity of the site and arrangem ents made to monitor D o w n l o a d e d  b y  [C a r n e g i e  M e l l o n  U n i v e r s i t y ] a t  03:36 23 D e c e m b e r  2015

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