UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Rerves
猪骨头怎么炖好吃Xingkai Lake
Added to UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Rerves in 2007
Xingkai Lake
天冷了he Xingkai Biosphere Rerve is located in M ishan of n o rth east China’s Heilongjiang Province, 130 km away from the city of Jixi. On its
w est side is Mount Laoye of the Changbai Mountain Ranges and on its east side is the Sikhote-Alin Range in Russia. Its topography is high in northw est and low in east with latitudes ranging from 574 m eters to 68 meters. Its main terrain units include the Muling-Xingkai alluvial plain, low lacustrine plains and small areas of low hilly land as results of structural erosion of the Fengmi Hill.
As the main ecosystems of Xingkai Lake Biosphere Rerve, w etland and forest ecosystems are like a huge rervoir providing 16 billion cubic m eters of w ater. The rerve holds a dom inant position in the variety of species, including rare,endangered and relict species. There are 414 species of vertebrate under 6 class, 34 orders and 77 families, including 40 species of animal, 289 species of bird, 7 species of amphibian, 2 species of cyclostomata and 68 species of fish in the rerve. The rerve is also known for its agricultural and industrial output, and ecotour- ism has been supported and promoted in recent years.
Mao’er Mountain
Mao’er Mountain
Added to UNESCO’s World
Network of Biosphere Rerves in
he Mao’er Mountain Natural Rerve is located in the northeast of Guilin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region with a total coverage of 17,008.5 hectares. It targets the conrvation of a primary subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem, nationally protected flora and fauna spe- cies, as well as water conrvation forest at the source of the Li River. Mao’er Mountain, the highest peak in Nanling and, indeed, in south China, is 2,141.5 meters above a level.
The rerve is abundant with den forest vegetation, with a developed surface water system and high water conrvation capacity. It is the birthplace of the Li River, the Zi River and the Xun River, and connects with the Yangtze River and Pearl
River. Besides, the forest marsh wetland within the subtropical evergreen deciduous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Bajiaotian of Mao’er Mountain is unique.The rerve is located in the transitio
n zone between maritime and continental climate, which can be identified as humid mid-subtropical mountainous monsoon climate. Due to the impact of topography, the rerve boasts diver vegetation types, a completely developed vertical belt and profu forest landscapes. Various rare species such as Fagus longipetiolata and Abies ziyuanensis are well prerved here.SOUTH AFRICA
Added to UNESCO’s World如何鉴定翡翠的真假
Network of Biosphere Rerves in 2007
he Cape Winelands Biosphere Rerve Is located in the Western Cape Province of South Africa approximately 40 km east of Cape Town. The rerve extends northwards from the Kogelberg Biosphere Rerve in the south, along the Cape Fold Belt Mountain Chain and adjoining valleys that constitute the Cape Winelands. The rerve incorporates key portions of the registered Cape Floral Region Protected Areas World Heritage Site.顶天立地真英雄
The area is characterized by a mosaic of diver ecosystems and physiographic environments and a range of land us and human ttlement patterns associated with the renowned Cape Winelands
viticulture landscape. The Cape Roristic Region sustains 20 percent of the total number of plant species found on the African continent, with five endemic and two near-endemic plant families and a total of 988 plant genera containing nearly 9,000 species of vascular plants. Main vegetation types in the region include
Fynbos, succulent Karoo and Renosterveld.
A high species richness of birds, mammals, frogs, reptiles and incts is found in the Fynbos biome. Bird species typical of the Cape Mountains include the hamerkop and the cape eagle owl. Medium-sized species occurring in the area include the leopard, the caracal and the klipspringer. Smaller ani
mals include the baboon, the badger and the striped polecat.
Landscape of Cape Winelands wine growing region