◎我们不清楚您到底是怎么想的. It is not <quite> clear to us what you had in mind.
= It is not clear to us what you meant.
= It is not clear to us what you intended.
◎使我们担心的一点是…… The one point that concerned us <a little>
*concern "担心,在意〞.
= The one point that troubled
◎我们对……感到担心和挂念. We have become concerned with
= We have become concerned with regards to the shipment schedule. <我们对装船的日程感到担心和挂念.>
◎我们正在……过程中. We are <now> in the 计算工资
*in the process "正在……,……正在进行中〞.
We are in the process of reviewing your suggestion. <我们正在重新研究贵社所提出的方案.>
◎我们非常重视…… We value ... highly.
We value your suggestion highly. <我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议.>
◎我们非常感谢您提出的这件事. We thank you for raising the issue.
◎您的建议将由……进行讨论. Your suggestions are being followed
Your suggestions are being followed up by our committee. <您的建议将在我们委员会进
= Your suggestions are being
◎我们希望您能理解我们这次行动的理由. We hope you will understand our reason for this action.
◎我们很难接受…… It would be difficult for us
= It would be difficult for us to accept the revision to our shipping schedule. <就我们的装船日程来说,再作修改会是很困难的.>
◎非常遗憾,我们不能…… We regret that we are
= We regret that we are unable to alter our pricing schedule. <很遗憾,我们不能更改价目表.>
◎除……之外,没有选择的余地. We have no alternative
*用于最后阶段的信函中.alternative 是指"替代的手段、方法〞.
◎因此,我们采取的立场是…… Conquently we are in the
*后接否定性的内容.conquently 表示"最终结果地〞.
◎我非常高兴地向您推荐…… We are plead you.
◎我们与……有非常亲密的关系. We work cloly
◎我们已经得知…… We are also
◎修改后规定…… The amendment
*amendment "改正〞.
= The amendment provides that you can no longer ship after the tenth of each month. <更改后的规定是每月10号以后不能装船.>
英国属于欧洲吗 ◎以下的条件表明…… The following conditions
The following conditions show that each shipment must arrive before noon. <以下的条件表明各种货物必须在正午以前送到.>
◎这种变更意味着将会推迟…… The effect of this change will be
◎我们非常感谢本次交易和…… We appreciate your
= We appreciate your
◎……还有对贵方的友好表示感谢. ..., and wish to thank you for your kindness.
◎我们非常感谢你们提供的意见. We would appreciate receiving your comments.
= We would appreciate it if you could nd us your comments.
◎我们非常欢迎你们提出宝贵意见. We shall be interested in receiving your comments.
= We shall be interested in hearing your comments.
◎我们确信…… We are
*confident "确信的〞.
◎我们就……的可能性表示极大的热忱. We are enthusiastic over the
*enthusiastic "热心的,狂热的〞.
◎我们非常欢迎此事有所发展. We welcome this development very much.
*development "<形势等>进展,发展〞.
◎我们将继续做我们所能做的一切. We will continue to do all we
We will continue to do all we can to develop a stronger working relationship between our companies. <为了使我们两家公司的商务关系更加紧密,我们将做出我们所能做的一切.>
◎我们将竭尽全力地…… We will do our utmost "最大限度〞.
We will do our utmost to develop new markets. <为开发新市场我们将竭尽全力.>
◎为了扩大……,我们将付出最大的努力. We shall do whatever we can
We shall do whatever we can to extend our rvice. <为了扩大服务,我们将付出最大的努力.>
◎我们将一直地努力提供给您我们最优惠价格. We will always endeavor to offer you our most favorable rates.
*endeavor "认真地努力〞.
◎就……一事,请您尽管放心. You may rest
*rest assured 为短语,"放心〞.
You may rest assured that your shipment will arrive on time. <贵公司的货物将按时到达,请放心.>
= You may be
◎我们希望就此事今后经常保持联系. We wish to keep you fully informed on this matter.
= We wish to keep you fully posted on this matter.
◎在本项目实行之际,烦请通知我们一声. Kindly inform us when this is put into effect.
*put into effect "实施,实行〞.
= Kindly notify us when this is put into effect.
= Plea let us know when this is put into effect.
◎我们相信您能够理解我们的立场. We feel certain you will understand our position in this matter.
◎尽管如此,我们将做我们所能做的一切…… Nevertheless, we will do everything we
*nevertheless "然而,尽管如此〞.
◎对于……,就我们来说,没有异议. There is no objection, as far as we are concerned, in...
There is no objection, as far as we are concerned, in raising the prices. <就提高价格一事,我们完全没有异议.>