译自2020年8月份发布的《ISPE基准指南:清洁验证生命周期–应用,方法和控制(ISPE Baline Guide: Cleaning Validation Lifecycle: Applications, Methods, and Controls)》
8 Analytical and Biological Assay Methods
Testing cleaning validation samples is critical to provide an accuratereprentation of the level of cleanliness of equipment both after cleaning(API or formulation; cleaning agent and bioburden as necessary) and before u(bioburden). API residue is typically tested, as it may be the high hazardcomponent in the formulation. Any test method ud must be
validated for thesample being taken [21]. The primary consideration for the test method is thatit is nsitive to levels lower than the cleaning limit for the analyte ofinterest. If the test method is not nsitive enough to test residue levels lowerthan the cleaning limit, the method nsitivity must be enhanced, a differenttest method must be employed, or themanufacturing equipment must be dedicated [17].
A specific method (e.g., HPLC) ispreferred by regulatory agencies [17], but a non-specific method (e.g., TOC)can be acceptable. Bioburden testing isoften conducted by compendial methods as a general test, with individualspecies identified asnecessary.
The analytical performancecharacteristics, or validation parameters, should conform to tho defined byICH Q2 [107]: accuracy, precision, specificity, LOD, LOQ, linearity, range,robustness, and recovery (e Section 8.1). Definitions of the parameters areshown in Table 8.1.
8.1 Analytical Methods
8.1.1 Validation Parameters
Validation parameters are describedin Table 8.1.
Table 8.1: ICH Q2Validation Parameter Definitions [107]
表8.1 ICH Q2验证参数定义(107)
Parameter 参数 | Definition 定义 |
Accuracy 准确度 | 猪副伤寒“Express the cloness of agreement between the value which is accepted either as a conventional true value or an accepted reference value and the value found” 表示真实值或认可的参考值与测量值之间的相近程度。 |
Precision 精密度 | “Express the cloness of agreement (degree of scatter) between a ries of measurements obtained from multiple sampling of the same homogeneous sample under the prescribed conditions 是指规定条件下对均质样品多次取样进行一系列检测结果的接近程度(离散程度) · Repeatability – the precision under the same operating conditions over a short interval of time. Repeatability is also termed intra-assay precision. 重复性——指在同样的操作条件下,在较短时间间隔的精密度:也称为间隙测量精密度(Intra-assay precision) · Intermediate Precision – within-laboratories variations: different days, different analysts, different equipment, etc. 中间精密度——是指实验室内部条件改变,如不同日,不同试验分析者,不同仪器等情况下的精密度。。 · Reproducibility – express the precision between laboratories (collaborative studies, usually applied to standardization of methodology)” 重现性是指不同试验室之间的精密度(合作研究,通常用于方法学的标准化)。 |
Specificity/Selectivity 专属性/选择性 | “Specificity is the ability to asss unequivocally the analyte in the prence of components which may be expected to be prent.” 专属性是指可能存在某些组分时,对被分析物准确可靠测定的能力。 |
Detection Limit (LOD) 检测限 | “The lowest amount of analyte in a sample which can be detected but not necessarily quantitated as an exact value” 样品中的被分析物能够被检测到的最低量,但不一定要准确定量。 山药羹 |
战国编钟Quantitation Limit (LOQ) 定量限 | “The lowest amount of analyte in a sample which can be quantitatively determined with suitable precision and accuracy” 是指在合适的准确性和精密度下,能够定量测定样品中被分析物的最低量。 |
Linearity 线性 | “The ability (within a given range) to obtain test results which are directly proportional to the concentration (amount) of analyte in the sample” 江苏省高校排名是指在给定的范围内检测结果与样品中被分析物的浓度(量)成比例关系的能力。 |
Range 范围 | “The interval between the upper and lower concentration (amounts) of analyte in the sample (including the concentrations) for which it has been demonstrated that the analytical procedure has a suitable level of precision, accuracy and linearity” 天官冢宰是指样品中被分析物的较高浓度(量)和较低浓度(量)的一个区间,并已证实在此区间内,该方法具有合适的准确性、精密度和线性。 |
Robustness 耐用性 | “A measure of its capacity to remain unaffected by small, but deliberate variations in method parameters and provides an indication of its reliability during normal usage”体育社团 是指试验参数适当地发生细小改变时,测量保持不受影响的能力,可用于说明正常使用时的可靠性。 |
Ruggedness 重现性 | The degree of reproducibility of test results obtained by the analysis of the same samples under a variety of normal test conditions such as different laboratories, analysts, instruments, reagents lots, or days 是指样品在正常的测试条件下在不同试验室,分析员、分析仪器、试剂批号、日期所获得分析结果的重现程度 |
西安美景 | | Accuracy
Accuracy determines the cloness of test results to the true value acrossthe range [107].
Samples extracted into solutions aremeasured and compared to standard solutions at comparable concentrations to determine accuracy. For cleaning validation samples,accuracy is measured through recovery of samples from equipment surfaces and extraction ofthe recovered samples into a testing solution. Accuracy should be establishedusing a sufficient number of data points. One example is three recovery levelsin triplicate, for a total of nine recoveries (e Chapter 7). Accuracy isreported as % recovery of the amount of analyte in the recovered samples measured against the amount of analyte spiked onto thesample recovery surface.
Accuracy should be determined aroundthe ARL, which is the point around which accurate data is most esntial.However, for a relatively safe product, the ARL could be relatively high. Forexample:
· Typical accuracy at 75%, 100%, and125% of ARL
· If ARL > 100 µg/25 cm2 swab, perform recovery around 100 µg/25 cm2
如果可接受残留限度> 100 µg/25 cm2 ,则在 100 µg/25 cm2左右进行回收测试
· Advisable to extend linearity upto ARL to understand possible method limitations
· Advisable to extend accuracy downto method LOQ and one to three levels in between, which is where most data should be
建议将准确度向下延伸到检测限,采用介于两者之间的一到三个级别,大多数数据都在该区间 Precision
Precision determines the degree of agreement among individual test resultsapplied repeatedly to multiple samples from a homogeneous sample [107]. It is ameasure of the combined variability of the sample recovery, the sample extraction, and the samplemeasurement. Precision may be considered at three levels: repeatability, Interme
diatePrecision (IP), and reproducibility. All the parameters of the recovery process(e Chapter 7) can affect the recovery