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《人力资本投资》---- 简要介绍妙字组词
职训练、保健、人口流动等方面的投资也可以增加 一国资本存量和加速经济发展的观念对于当时的经济学界来说的确是很新鲜的。这次会议之后,人力资本成为经济学中一个非常热门的新兴领域,“人力资本”也成 了西方教育经济学的基本概念,人力资本理论成为现代西方资产阶级发展经济学的一个主要学派。
《人力资本投资》---- 内容提要
(一) 人力资本存在于人的身上,表现为知识、技能、体力(健康状况)价值的总和。一个国家的人力资本可以通过劳动者的数量、质量以及劳动时间来度量。
(二) 人力资本是投资形成的。投资渠道有五种,包括营养及医疗保健费用、学校教育费用、在职人员培训费用,择业过程中所发生的人事成本和迁徙费用。
(三) 人力资本投资是经济增长的主要源泉。舒尔茨说,人力投资的增长无疑已经明显地提高了投入经济奋飞过程中的工作质量,这些质量上的改进也已成为经济增长的一个重要的源泉。有能力的人民是现代经济丰裕的关键。
(四) 人力资本投资是效益最佳的投资。人力投资的目的是为了获得收益。舒尔茨对1929--1957年美国教育投资对经济增长的关系作了定量研究,得出如下结论:各级教育投资的平均收益率为17%;教育投资增长的收益占劳动收入增长的比重为70%;教育投资增
(五) 人力资本投资的消费部分的实质是耐用性的,甚至比物质的耐用性消费品更加经久耐用。
《Human capital investment》excerpt
Author: Theodore W. Schultz
《Human capital investment》Brief introduction
测量线路"Human capital investment" in a speech entitled Schultz 1960 annual meeting of the American Economic Association, the human capital point of view made for a very systematic exposition. This speech shocked the whole of Western academia, not only becau Schultz has always given the impression that an agricultural economist, but also becau most people think the capital is tangible, material, as for education, job training,
health care investment, migration and other aspects can also increa a country's capital stock and accelerate economic development concept for the prevailing economic circles is indeed very fresh. Following this meeting, the human capital to become a very popular economics emerging field of "human capital" Western education has become the basic concepts of economics, human capital theory as a major school of modern Western bourgeois development economics.
《Human capital investment》Summary
Schultz this "human capital investment" was called: a new field of rearch in human capital "Declaration of Independence", which makes nine claims in the article: "On tax policy should give preferential treatment to human capital; prevent people from human inactivity and aging capital; avoid investments in human capital man-made interference; perfect human capital market, banks should take the initiative to provide the necessary human capital costs, encourage private and public investment; government should bear most of the cost of investment in human capital , especially subsidized labor to cities; em
phasis on low-income investment in human capital; clear education and health care also makes economic n, they are an investment, the investment to rever the imbalance in this regard; incread government investment, expand human capital investments to reduce income inequality;
The basic meaning of human capital theory was propod by Schultz: The capital is divided into physical and human capital in two forms. Human capital is reflected in the body of capital to labor quantity and quality of labor reprentation. Knowledge workers, technical level, high and low labor skills, human capital determines the different productive role in the economy, resulting in different degrees of national income growth.
Schultz 's human capital theory has five main points :
( A ) human capital exists in the human body , expresd as the sum of knowledge skills , physical ( health status ) values. A country's human capital can be measured by the number of workers, quality, and labor time .
(B ) investment in human capital formation . There are five investment channels , including nutrition and health care costs , the cost of school education , in-rvice training of personnel costs, personnel costs that occur in the process of choosing and migration costs.
(C ) investment in human capital is a major source of economic growth. Schultz said that growth in investment in human resources has undoubtedly improved significantly the quality of work put into the process of economic firefly improve on the quality has become an important source of economic growth. The ability of the people is the key to modern economic abundance .
(D ) investment in human capital is the best investment returns . The purpo of investment in human resources is to gain . Schultz on the 1929 - 1957 U.S. economic growth in the relationship between investment in education made quantitative rearch , the following conclusions : the average income levels of investment in education was 17% ; revenue growth of investment in education accounted for the proportion of labor inc
ome growth 70% ; earnings growth in investment in education accounted for the proportion of national income growth of 33 %. In other words, investment in human capital investment is the highest rate of return on investment.