先人云: “天下兴亡,匹夫有责 ”这句话表现了一代国人对国家无穷的热爱和敢于担当的责任感,而生在现代文明社会的我们青年人,是否是也需要对国家有责任感?答案是一定的。青年人作为祖国的将来,我们应当英勇创新,热爱祖国,自然最重要的是我们要对自己的祖国有激烈的责任感。只有我们对国家有强盛的责任感,我们才能充满热血地去学习知识,去建
愿我们永久戴着它走自己的人生旅途四个点怎么打>致自己心静的句子 ??
hello everyone:
today i want to talk about the responsibility of the contemporary youth. someone may doubt that the young
常年法律顾问合同people have a little responsibility, but it ’ s been just the opposite, the young people are carrying too much responsibility.
well, i must say that we have a responsibility for ourlves. the contemporary young people are stresd out, and we have to work hard to make a living. as a student of us, so long as we choo study, then we have a responsibility to complete our studies riously and steadfastly, so that we do not give your life left sorry. we have grown up wit
h physical and mental health ,and that is inparable from all kinds of hardship parents endured . so we should not shirk any responsibility of love and care .
as the common saying goes , ”every man alive has a duty to
his country . ” this ntence reflects forefathers 专用基金’
love of
country and strong n of responsibility. we young students are in the modern world now, and do we still have n of responsibility for our country? the answer is yes. young people are the future of the motherland, we young people should innovate bravely, love deeply the motherland, then it ’ s important that we should have a strong n of re
sponsibility for our motherland. so long as we have a strong n of responsibility for the country, we could be full of blood to learn knowledge, to build our country.
we should not adapt to this society simply, not be easy in our circumstances now, we have responsibility to change our society, to make peoples lives less pain, more happiness. thus, the chine nation will be more powerful and prosperous! responsibility is a badge of honor for youth, let us always