文明家庭事迹Geoffrey Chaucer英国诗歌之⽗!修⼥也疯狂她爹!
Geoffrey Chaucer英国诗歌之⽗!修⼥也疯狂她爹!
英语⽐较特别,单词重⾳固定不变,句⼦重⾳变化灵活。早期英语诗歌主要靠头韵(alliteration, or head rhyme)来突显诗⾏的⾳乐性。乔叟以重⾳作为节奏单位核⼼加强了英语诗歌的节奏感(accentual rhythm), 他⼤量使⽤的五步抑扬格(iambic pentameter)成为之后⼏百年英语诗歌的主要格律,称英国诗歌之⽗已没有异议。
下⽂是乔叟所作Canterbury Tales 对修⼥院长嬷嬷的描写,疯狂不疯狂⼀读便知。鼻腔清洗器
There also was a Nun, a Prioress,
Her way of smiling very simple and coy. (coy可不是shy。⼀个是真羞,⼀个是装羞,羞给你看的羞,修⼥=羞⼥)
Her greatest oath was only 'By St Loy!'
And she was known as Madam Eglantyne (⼈称“玫瑰⼥⼠”,名字就让⼈往歪处想)
And well she sang a rvice, with a fine
Intoning through her no, as was most emly (⿐⾳之重,1066年之后法语是强势语⾔)
And she spoke daintily in French, extremely,
无线网络摄像机After the school of Stratford-atte-Bowe;
冬天里的故事French in the Paris style she did not know. (等于我们的英语是在国内弄的,没留过洋)
At meat her manners were well taught withal; (这⾥的描写,可没有遵循“写作⼿册”的原则:由表及⾥,先静后动。为什么?) No morl from her lips did she let fall, (以下是修⼥的table manners)
Nor dipped her fingers in the sauce too deep;
But she could carry a morl up and keep美白有效
The smallest drop from falling on her breast.
For courtliness she had a special zest,
And she would wipe her upper lip so clean
That not a trace of grea was to be en怎么做贺卡>王者荣耀东皇太一
Upon the cup when she had drunk; to eat,
She reached a hand dately for the meat.
She certainly was very entertaining,
Pleasant and friendly in her ways, and straining
To counterfeit a courtly kind of grace, (看她吃相⼗分⾼雅,却⾮天然,strain和counterfeit两词可以看出很是费⼒,与前
A stately bearing fitting to her place,
And to em dignified in all her dealings. (em⼀词多少⼜有了“装”的意思)宣传稿