1/他身体很壮,足能搬起那个箱子 .His body is very strong, enough to lift the box
2/这个大厅可容纳多达3000人.The hall can accommodate up to 3000 people
3/受到邀请的不只是布朗一家.Ii is Invited not only that the Brown family.
4/我们无法估量噪音会给我们造成多大的伤害.We cannot measure noi will give us how much damage.
5/他的罪行已被公诸于众.His crime has been open to the public
2/it is reported that the flood caud rious damage to the crops.据悉,洪水严重毁坏了庄稼
3/the only solution to the problem is tell them to what danger they are expod.陈焯唯一解决问题的办法就是告诉他们什么,他们都暴露在大姑娘上轿危险
4/the ticket price kept rising,up to 200 dollars yesterday.门票价格不断上涨,到200元.
5/one person out of three will be dismisd from the company by the end of the year.三个人中就有一个会被公司解雇年底。
1/无论你将从事哪一门自然科学研究,对基本化学知识的了解都是十分必要的。No matter which door you will be engaged in natural science rearch, the basic knowledge of chemistry is very necessary.
僵尸男孩2/物理学是关于物质运动及其规律的科学.Physics is concerned龟背竹可以水培吗 with the motion of matter 银板鱼and the laws of Science.
3/自然科学的各大门类构成一个系统化的知识体系。The various categories of natural science constitutes a systematizeipad没声音 of knowledges.
4/中国不仅是一个人口大国而且已经发展成为一个经济大国.China is not only a country with a large population and grown into王昌龄的诗句 an economic power.
5/只有人人都努力工作,国家才会兴旺发达。 Only everyone work hard, the country thrived.
1/man`s knowledge about himlf and nature has grown into a variety of sciences.
2/the concepts ,techniques and applications of the various sciences are interdependent and not exclusively a part of one science or another.概念,技术和应用的各种科学是相互依存和不完全是一个部分的一个或另一个。
3/an intellectual discipline must provide for freedom of exchange of ideas,discoveries,and applications.知识学科必须提供自由交流思想,发现,及应用。
4/a student of any area of natural science needs at least an introduction to the principles and simpler applications of chemistry as a foundation for his specialty.一个自然科学的任何领域的学生至少需要介绍的原则和简单的应用化学作为他的特长的基础。
5/analytical chemistry emphasizes the development of preci methods of analyzing the chemical composition of substances.分析化学重点发展精密分析方法的化学成分的物质。
1/事故的发生纯属巧合.The accident is purely coincidental
2/他专门从事进出口贸易。He specializes in import and export trade.
3/语言学家们认为,人类现代的语言一点儿也不比早期的语言复杂。Linguists hold that, modern human language is not a bit better than the early language complex.
4/尽管经济学家们一再保证国际贸易会促进经济的发展,每个国家还是更关注就业和收入问题。Despite repeated assurances economists international trade will promote the development of the economy, each country or pay more attention to employment and income problem.
写事的开头和结尾5/一些国家的利益不可避免的和另外一些国家的利益发生冲突。The interests of some countries inevitably and some other national interests conflict.
1/in many respects international trade is no different from domestic trade.在许多方面,国际贸易与国内贸易一样。
2/if the american offered dollars in payment for the car,the auto manufacturer would be stuck with money that no small japane shop would accept.如果美国美金付款买车,汽
3/the complications of international trade ari becau the two parties u different monies.国际贸易的复杂性的产生是因为双方使用不同的货币。
4/their ability to import goods in the future may be as important as economic efficiency and full employment in the prent.进口货物的能力在未来可作为重要的经济效益和充分就业的本。
5/over the past two centuries,a number of international monetary systems have been t up to deal with the qutions.在过去的20世纪,一批国际货币体系已经建立了处理这些问题。
1/保护环境是每个公民的责任.Protect environment is every citizen's responsibility
2/生态平衡一旦被破坏,就会引起不可想象的后果。Once the ecological balance is destroyed, can cau unimaginable conquences.
3、作为生态环境的一部分,人类对自然环境的破坏无异于是在毁灭自己。As part of the ecological environment, human damage to the natural environment would result in the destruction of their own。
4、由于森林的破坏,大片的良田正在变成沙漠。Due to the destruction of forests, big fertile land is being turned into dert.
5、不断增长的人口已成为地球的一个沉重负担。The growing population has become a heavy burden on the earth。
1、ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants exist together and depend on each other and on the local environment。生态学是科学如何生活的动物和植物共同存在和相互依赖和对当地环境。
2、he has done this by his ignorance,his greed ,and his wastefulness. 这都是由他的无知,贪婪,和他的浪费。
3、at the same time we are using up our natural resources-fuels and mineral ores-at an e
ver-incerasing rate nith no hope of replacing them。同时我们正在利用我们的自然resources-fuels矿产的ever-incerasing率ores-at尼斯没有希望替换它们。
4、the trouble with derts is that they tend to creep outwards on to the fertile soils。与沙漠的麻烦是,他们往往向外爬,肥沃的土壤
5、but with your help,we may be able to rever the trends which threaten our very existence。但在您的帮助下,我们或许能够扭转的趋势,威胁我们生存的
1、他在英语方面比班里的其他同学有优势。In English than other students in the class have an advantage.